
pfi.ROCKS Exposure!

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(20231114 Re-produced draft article by Andrew Thomas Cicchetti, Ph.D.  based on original Twitter thread with additional content as credited.

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by @AndrewCicchett1

A work-in-progress last updated by @CaeJak 20231114 10:50 e.s.t.

pdf version available here

Source documents

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Other draft, living & complete articles

  1. Meet The Crown Corporation #GreyPope #BlackPope #WhitePope #Bloodlines #Sociopaths #Gangstalkers
  2. Meet Maximus Inc. #HumanTrafficking #DomesticTerrorism #OrganizedCrime #Torture”
  3. Meet Policy Horizons Canada #BiodigitalConvergence #Biosurveillance #15-minuteCities and more
  4. Meet the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (“AIIB”), a multilateral development bank based in Beijing, China that’s driving policy in Canada.
  5. x
  6. x
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  8. x
  9. x
  10. x

Link to draft outline: “Descending into Sociopathy”.

Link to draft article “The Myth labelled Psychiatry” here.

This issue is dedicated to Kurt Cobain, one of our artists lost.

Meet  Andeé Sea Cae Jak