20210211: This section is still under development

Office of the Crown Attorney


202001-03 public service post card mailed to previous LinkedIn followers and distributed in shopping malls throughout Ottawa

Even though each of the Crown’s presentations to the court were nothing more than criminal defamation, perjury, conspiracy to prosecute, accessory after the fact (Fraud), etcetera, Nancy Tara MacDougall of the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa intends to use court transcripts from these proceedings as “evidence” for her malicious Application to give sole custody and access of my children to their wickedly abusive, sociopathic, biological father John Kiska as evidenced by her scandalous Assignment Court Brief (viewable here). More information about Tara MacDougall is viewable here.

No criminal record, no violence, no weapons, no drugs ||| Just a loving mother trying to protect her children.
124 days served, so far: still innocent until proven guilty. (insert link to Charter of Rights and Freedoms)
How many innocent people have their lives ruined because they have been denied bail?
List of 30+ court appearances
Crown’s scandalous Application to appoint Amicus Curiae due to my non-existent mental illnesses
Certiori Application
20210129 Application for a Bail Review*
List of pending lawsuits against the Ministry

*I was hoping that Justice Boxall might be so thoroughly disgusted by the Crown’s behaviour that he would use his “broad judicial powers” to grant the order beyond his jurisdiction the way that Kevin B. Phillips did on 20191108. No such luck.

Evidence of fervour with which denial of my bail was argued by multiple Crown Prosecutors who committed multiple crimes against me:

  • Michael Boyce

    This Crown Prosecutor chose to press three charges despite:
    (1) an abundance of evidence on my person regarding years of domestic violence,
    (2) the existence of my 20181231 Submission to Engelking in Ottawa Police Service’s database and
    (3) my interview with “Detective” Alex Kirady
    Then he added a fourth charge, criminal harassment after another “Detective” (Benoit self-assigned himself to my file for some reason).

    Copy of the 20190727 transcript is available at item #1 here. Michael Boyce should be relieved of his duties and arrested: further analysis is available here. How many innocent people have been denied bail by this individual? How much has his behaviour cost the Ontario taxpayer? Should he not be forced to pay Ontario back?

  • Malcolm Savage

    This Crown Prosecutor chose to move forward with the four charges despite:
    (1) all evidence that was available to Michael Boyce,
    (2) x and
    (3) y
    Then he added another charge of criminal harassment and x and y.

    Insert fervour with which he is seeking an NCR determination, his collusion with Joseph Addelman to convince me to volunteer to undergo a psych assessment prior to any finding of guilt which did nothing but further delay trial and permit the CAS to fabricate more allegations for its affidavits. (Link to scandalous display by Judge Catherine Aitken on February 26, 2020.)

    Copies of the 2019xxxx transcripts are coming soon. Malcolm Savage should be relieved of his duties and arrested: further analysis is available here. How many innocent people have been denied bail by this individual? How much has his behaviour cost the Ontario taxpayer? Should he not be forced to pay Ontario back?

  • Moiz Karimjee

    This Crown Prosecutor chose to move forward with the seven charges despite:
    (1) all evidence that was available to Michael Boyce,
    (2) all evidence that was available to Michael Boyce and
    (3) the documents which I handed to him on October 28, 2020 which included x, y and z

    He argued for hours that I should be denied bail because “the community deserved protection from [me]” as evidenced here.

    Moiz Karimjee should be relieved of his duties and arrested: further analysis is available here. How many innocent people have been denied bail by this individual? How much has his behaviour cost the Ontario taxpayer? Should he not be forced to pay Ontario back?

  • Vivan-Lee Stewart

    This Crown Prosecutor, previously a colleague of CAS’s Tara MacDougall is involved with P.A.S.T. (Link to evidence of collusion regarding taxpayer-funded domestic violence and child abuse.)

    insert e-mail thread

    Vivian-Lee Stewart should be relieved of her duties and arrested: further analysis is available here. How many innocent children have been illegally abducted and removed from their loving parent because of P.A.S.T? How much has her behaviour cost the Ontario taxpayer? Should she not be forced to pay Ontario back?

Evidence that the Law Society of Ontario is harboring criminal activity is here.

Evidence that criminal lawyers are colluding with Crown Prosecutors is currently being collected and will be posted here.

Evidence of collusion between Prosecutor Malcolm Savage and the man whom I have been attempting to divorce (pathological liar, Jonathan Kiska, as described here) since 2013 is:

  • here, a short video from November 6, 2019 when I was attempting to communicate with him (link to ?Crown Attorney’s Act?, other legislation) and
  • here, an e-mail thread with him (up to May 1, 2020) which proves that he did receive my e-mail, read my e-mail and chose to ignore my e-mail.

Reason for concern: Why would a law firm block my e-mail address?

Perhaps, it was merely a technology glitch; however, it seems to me that law firm Blake, Cassells & Graydon LLP may be blocking my e-mail account. If so, then it is possible that its partners are attempting to actively avoid the acquisition of knowledge of the crimes that are being committed against me … perhaps, so that they cannot be accused of violating Section 21(1) of the Criminal Code</> of Canada. Documentation that supports this allegation is here: further investigation would be required in order to assess why it has proven impossible for me to communicate with any of the partners of this firm.

Evidence of collusion between …