This shhh is bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

Without “doing time” at OCDC and CECC, how else could I have possibly learned just how much human trafficking goes on in Ottawa by women. It’s disgusting. 24 year-old women are pimping out 18 year-old women, 18-year olds pimp out 15 year-olds and the 15-year olds? They pimp out the 13-year olds who are the same age as my perfect, innocent, naïve, overly-trusting, mummy-less-for-nearly-two-years daughter who has had her self-esteem destroyed by the actions of her wickedly narcissistic, biological father.

Without “doing time” at OCDC and CECC, I would not have learned that the girls who try to “rat” on the pimps get framed, arrested, charged by OPS and remanded (i.e. imprisoned) until trial (which may be months away) and that they plead guilty (even if innocent) just to get out of the horrific jail conditions for “time served” and they never, ever “rat” again.

I also may not have learned that there are over 50 fentanyl overdoses in Ottawa EVERY WEEK!

(20200216 I apologize for design of this page: it was coded quickly 201911xx shortly after my 20191108 gag order to provide information.)

THIS IS A PARTIAL LIST of the employees of taxpayer-funded organizations Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa (“CAS”) and Office of the Children’s Lawyer (“OCL”) who have knowledge of, or ought to have knowledge of years of abuse that have been endured by my children and me.

Child Protection Worker, Yvonne Munro |

Child Protection Worker, Shawna McClellan |

Child Protection Worker, Steven Tremblay |

Child Protection Worker, Viana Ibrahim |

Child Protection Worker, Mohammed Said |

Child Protection Worker, Sarah O’Brien |

Child Protection Worker, Kristen Moir |

CAS Supervisor, Isabelle Guindon |

CAS Supervisor, Kelly White |

CAS Lawyer Tara MacDougall |

CAS Lawyer Deborah Souder |

Executive Director Kelly Raymond |

Link to table of e-mails to CAS re pleas for help

OCL Shuah Roskies |

OCL Patric Senson |

OCL Pauline Clarke |

OCL Lawyer for my children, Debra Scholey |

OCL Lawyer for my children, Susanne Galaraneau | _____

Link to table of e-mails to OCL re pleas for help



Doug Ford’s Ontario & his Highway to Hell


Lawyers who have knowledge of, or ought to have knowledge of years of abuse that have been endured by my children and me. (see list)

Police Officers who have knowledge of, or ought to have knowledge of years of abuse that have been endured by my children and me. <link to list>

Sir Winston Churchill Public School Principals and Teachers who have knowledge of, or ought to have knowledge of years of abuse that have been endured by my children and me. <link to list>


Criminal Code of Canada section 21(1) Party to Offense