PLACEHOLDER for pfi.ROCKS Living … Spear It!

last updated 20240828 09:43 e.s.t.

Draft list of articles

  1. (work in progress 20230405) “How Important are Views on Eschatology?”
  2. (template: The Mandela Effect) “Is His Scripture being altered Supernaturally?”
  3. “What happened in the garden of Eden? Was it just a bite of a piece of fruit [that cursed Lucifer]?”
  4. (on to do list: Jesus or Yahusha?) “Hallowed be Thy Name; but, which one?!” 
  5. (on to do list: futurism vs historianism) “Has the 70th week of Daniel already been fulfilled?”
  6. (on to do list: Jesuits vs. Christianity) “Is the Roman Catholic Church a Satan-worshipping Entity?”
  7. (on to do list) “Is Christmas a Pagan Holiday?”
  8. (on to do list) “Are we actually in The End Times?”
  9. (draft, with worldview notes) “Why do I believe in God?”
  10. (re: spherical earth vs. stationary, level plane) “Why would they lie?”
  11. (draft re: Divine Intervention) Grateful for His Gifts (1)
  12. (template) The Sin Series (1)
  13. (work in progress 20230405) “How does one Celebrate Passover?” 
  14. (on to do list) “Should we be Abiding the Ten Commandments?”
  15. (work in progress 20230422) “What’s up with the Unicorns?” 
  16. (on to do list 20230422) “The Biblical Timeline vs. The Arc-he-o-logical Timeline: Do They Match?”
  17. (started 20230423) “Are there any risks to being Transgendered?” (link to Days of Noah)
  18. (started 20230425) “Is The BORING Company boring?” (link to Book of Revelation Chapter 20:7-10)
  19. (started 20230521) “What are the Noahide Laws?
  20. (started 20230514) “Does reading Scripture to Friends & Family at “End of Life” help?
  21. x
  22. Blank Spear It! article template   


  1. (started 20240826) Is Alcoholics Anonymous an anti-Christian organization?
  2. x

source unknown: image provided by Twitter user @Casper101Susie

Purpose of articles

(describe motivation/intention)




The Spiritual Significance of Numbers

Supernatural Changes to Biblical Text

(insert introduction)

For example, Matthew 6:12

“… And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors …” ?!? Even I know that isn’t how the “Lord’s Prayer” was recited back in the 1960’s. What happened to trespassers and trespassing?

Also, what happened to Isaiah 11:6 which used to read “Then the lion shall lay down with the lamb, and the bear shall eat grass like the ox, and the child shall play on the hole of the asp, and nothing shall hurt nor destroy in all My Holy Mountain!”

There have been a LOT more changes too:

Link to work-in-progress list

Is this the “famine” of Amos 8:11 ?

Archeology & the Biblical Timeline

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut diam consectetur, semper orci quis, euismod elit. Integer tristique, nulla ac mattis pharetra, felis leo sollicitudin nisl, a suscipit elit metus nec justo. Nulla egestas ornare condimentum.

Link 3

A Chronological Listing of the Prophets

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut diam consectetur, semper orci quis, euismod elit. Integer tristique, nulla ac mattis pharetra, felis leo sollicitudin nisl, a suscipit elit metus nec justo. Nulla egestas ornare condimentum.

Link 4