List of Tabs for Multiple Applications
(A work-in-progress last updated 20250125 16:41 e.s.t.)
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I – Current Third-party Records Application
II – Undeniable evidence against Ottawa’s court-enabled Terrorist Network (& accomplices)
III – The 20240216 pre-RE-eviction / pre-RE-arrest OCJ “events”
IV – Phillips & Brunet: two SCJ/OCJ judges who were previously “serving the Crown” … and still are.
V – Home Ownership documents
Pssst, Kiska? You and Savage should really consider turning yourselves in.
Table of Contents
- I 1 – I 4
- I 5
- I 6 – II 12
- II 13
- II 14 to III 18
- IV 19 to 21
- IV 22 to 23 These documents have literally been available at for years. VIS Phillips, Kevin B. – SAQOTU Inc.
- V 24 – 28
Sorry for the lousy formatting. I have been harassed by tax-funded gang-stalkers all day. What is gang-stalking? Here’s a primer ; but, it’s barely finished as the cop division of gangstalkers ‘R Us keep re-arresting me. A partial outline of my manuscript “Unbridled Power & Insatiable Greed” is being updated when possible at (and, a contest is being developed – see*
Taxpayer-funded Ontario Works’ staff have been lying, gaslighting, threatening me for the past two hours; attempting to tell me that I was not permitted to be here due to a trespassing notice … (one of many as I collect them like Pokeyman cards to evidence taxpayer fraud); but, one that has zero jurisdiction in Ottawa. Ontario Works in three different cities have been sitting on my approved ODSP application (which would permit me to rent a room instead of surfing overflow shelters/drop-in systems) since shortly after my release from my charge-less 20241116 re-arrest. This is a standard modus operandi used by these operators who pose as social services employees but violate multiple crimes in Canada’s Criminal Code due to the very clear wording of s. 21(1) … and the volumes of undeniable evidence that they have been provided while choosing to remain Wilfully Blind (insert link).
#ForensicAudit #Immediately #PeterBethlenfalvy (
#OrchestratedPoverty #FalsePositiveConviction #SymbioticEconomy
#GovernmentCorruption #OrganizedCrime #TaxpayerFraud
& it gets much, much worse. See work-in-progress exposure of Johnson & Johnson and mental health-related drugs being published at (with PhD thesis being outlined at and as research continues and undeniability of industry scandal mounts.