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pfi.ROCKS Safety!
Mental Health Industry ECHKO Audit
Try denying this.
Creepy picture found on University of Ottawa website
(Article re-publishing began 20240712 12:45 e.s.t. || last updated 20250103 14:06)
by Andee Sea Cae Jak et al.
(Insert introduction)
The convocation guide distributed at Jack White’s 20190503 Wayne State University (“WSU”) award ceremony was shocking: the psychiatric research that was buried/misrepresented as “Doctorate in Philosophy” dissertations hinted at what was really going on in the mental health industry (“MHI”) (see excerpt from the 2019 WSU convocation guide in our 2020 College & University Scoring System. (fix page numbers & Andeé)
(Insert description of our attendance at the American Psychiatric Industry’s 2019 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California and the observations, realizations and conclusions experienced there.) Scroll down to the “New Research” section stored here: https://pfi.rocks/resources.
Clearly, the entire industry needs to go undergo a psychiatric assessment. Profit-driven, conscious-free and without any legitimate accountability or oversight, the individuals who participate in the ongoing mental torture of (insert content). Here are our developing theories on that which the MHI has intentionally hidden from us.
Table of Contents
- Defensive Dysregulation
- Negative Emotion Conversion Process
- The Etymology of Psychosis
- The Spectrum of Pathology
- “Anti-social Personality Disorder”? Try socio-path.
- Organized Stalking & Harassment
- Meet the Mental Health Commission of Canada
- Meet the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre
- Meet Niagara Health, etcetera, etcetera
- Meet Ontario’s Consent & Capacity Board
- Meet Winnipeg, Manitoba’s HSC Psychealth https://twb.rocks/hsc-win
- Meet Manitoba’s Ombudsman https://twb.rocks/Manitoba-ombudsman
- Meet Thunder Bay, Ontario’s HSC Adult Mental Health (coming soon)
- Uh-oh, Niagara Region’s Psychiatric Services appear to be fully infested with conscience-free doctors too: https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/entity/st-catharines-hospital
- “Piston” Interference?
- The Truth behind Suicide?
- The Israel Deception, Racism & More
- Introspection-based [Recovery]
- Understanding Predators? See pfi.ROCKS Resources! at https://pfi.rocks/resources
- Other #pfiROCKS #Articles
To do – insert:
- discussion regarding the Book of Saint Matthew Chapter 17 Verses 15-18:
15 Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is lunatick, and sore vexed: for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water.
16 And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him.
17 Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him hither to me.
18 And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour. (KJV version)
- MHCC Spark Applications,
- 2014 C&CB transcript
- link to evidence against various psychiatrists and recent experiences at TOH, Niagara Health
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E-mail this page to friends and family (insert button)
Defensive Dysregulation
(Article re-publishing began 20231203 22:10 e.s.t. || last updated 20240714)
by Andee Sea Cae Jak et al.
What the Mental Health Industry (“MHI”) used to call a nervous breakdown is now referred to as a psychotic break: it sounds scarier and enables the demon-managed carcasses (“DMC’s”) that call themselves doctors to prescribe psychotropic medication known as “anti-psychotics”.
The reality? A “psychotic break” is more accurately described as defensive dysregulation–an extreme reaction to severe shock; or, torture (see DSM** IV excerpt on defence mechanisms stored here: https://pfi.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/000062KJ_DSM_Table-of-Defenses_Defensive-Dysregulation_SAQOTU_Andee-Sea-Cae-Jak.pdf ).
One’s logic remains fully intact when reacting via defensive dysregulation. One’s belief system, however, becomes more malleable and, in my experience, one becomes a “more extreme” version of their “usual” self. The degree of malleability is a function of:
- one’s mental fortitude,
- one’s mental resilience,
- type of shock,
- severity of shock,
- duration of x and
- [insert variable of choice].
Defence Mechanism Graph
from pfi.ROCKS Bored of Directors! Meeting 20YYMMDD
*where MFR = level of Mental Fortitude and Resilience
** the Diagnostic Statistical Manual–aka Damn Stupid Material (see Bonhoeffer’s Theory of Stupidity)
Defence mechanisms are:
✔ are subconscious reactions unlike conscious coping skills,
✔ can be developed with knowledge (which increases mental fortitude) and/or experience (which increases mental resilience),
✔ are triggered by external forces,
✘ are not mental illness and
✔ are an indication of …
… a functioning-as-engineered/designed/created psyche.
To better comprehend your defence system, consider:
- Defensive dysregulation might be comprehended if you consider a soldier facing a group of armed children. To survive, he/she might “snap” and view them as aliens taking over the world: this would “permit” him/her to pull the trigger [with a clear conscience].
- A delusion is a false belief. As most of us have been gaslit since birth, most of us have, or had, false beliefs; however, they haven’t been defence-driven. Reacting to the shock of a loved one dying might initiate delusional thinking (eg. (insert example))..
- An example of denial would be anyone still consenting to the COVID-related injections given all that we now know about 2020-2021 economic shutdown that masqueraded as a worldwide pandemic (see some material still linked to https://pfi.rocks/ww3; though, much has been scrubbed from the internet) and consider the reality captured by two gentlemen during a 4-minute exchange stored here: https://youtu.be/XWH1O61_kkE).
- an example of comedy, albeit dark, would be one of our #pfiROCKS #Karaoke covers (see/hear “Apple’s Got Safari” at https://pfi.rocks/mummygate/rolling-credits/apples-got-safari). Another example that pokes fun at a group of crooked lawyers (including, but not limited to Nelligan O’Brien Payne LLP’s Craig Obrien implicated here: https://pfi.rocks/organized-crime/vis/craig-obrien) is our 11-paragraph Affidavit laden with sarcasm stored here: https://pfi.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/02-CV-22-89804_Moore-v.-Addelman-Snir_20230721-Aff-2-WITH-ex_01-AUG-23.pdf.
As people begin to realize the wickedness of our local, provincial/state-level and federal governments, their reactions to this shock could dictate which path [they end up on]. Worse, the MHI offers little-to-no assistance in identifying and [unwinding] these [mental states]. Remaining in a mid-spectrum frame of mind perpetuates a normalcy bias; making it impossible to take any meaningful action as [we are led to the slaughterhouse]. Remaining in a state of full defensive dysregulation would render one completely obedient [to whomever they’ve chosen to worship].
(Insert conclusion)
Negative Emotion Conversion
(Article re-publishing began 202407dd hh:mm e.s.t. || last updated 202407dd)
by Andee Sea Cae Jak et al.
(introduce topic)
Thoughts on how to save our military from possible reactions to the rich and the ruthless’ slow-drip release of horrible truths (aka #TheGreatAwakening) as they steer humanity towards their #FalseLight were extremely difficult imagine. I’ve never served. I never even when to Girl Guides; however, [insert attempt at empathizing with a military family] could come up with was:
- rage
- guilt/shame
- hate
- (insert others)
(draft) Negative Emotion Conversion Process
from pfi.ROCKS Bored of Directors! Meeting 20200303 (while training through Michigan and trying to imagine how U.S. 5-star Generals (or anyone in Ann Arbor, Michigan) will feel when they learn the truth behind “serving their country”.
For example:
- x
- x
- x
- x
- x
Insert Conclusion
Other scribbly notes from that journey through Michigan are included (without edit) in case they help someone help friends and/or family:
(Insert views on Level 5 Sociopathy regarding “choices” to be presented to military upon return from active duty: “Would you like to be general?” (link to html page re: “The Sociopath Food Chain”)
(20200305) Photograph of General Motors, Detroit, Michigan taken by Andee Sea Cae Jak, SAQOTU Inc.
(Article re-publishing began 202407dd hh:mm e.s.t. || last updated 202407dd)
by Andee Sea Cae Jak et al.
(introduce topic)
The mask of sanity that all sociopaths wear
from pfi.ROCKS Bored of Directors! Meeting 20YYMMDD
(Article re-publishing began 202407dd hh:mm e.s.t. || last updated 202407dd)
by Andee Sea Cae Jak et al.
(introduce topic)
The mask of sanity that all sociopaths wear
from pfi.ROCKS Bored of Directors! Meeting 20YYMMDD
(Article re-publishing began 202407dd hh:mm e.s.t. || last updated 202407dd)
by Andee Sea Cae Jak et al.
(introduce topic)
The mask of sanity that all sociopaths wear
from pfi.ROCKS Bored of Directors! Meeting 20YYMMDD
(Article re-publishing began 202407dd hh:mm e.s.t. || last updated 202407dd)
by Andee Sea Cae Jak et al.
(introduce topic)
The mask of sanity that all sociopaths wear
from pfi.ROCKS Bored of Directors! Meeting 20YYMMDD
(Article re-publishing began 202407dd hh:mm e.s.t. || last updated 202407dd)
by Andee Sea Cae Jak et al.
(introduce topic)
The mask of sanity that all sociopaths wear
from pfi.ROCKS Bored of Directors! Meeting 20YYMMDD
(Article re-publishing began 202407dd hh:mm e.s.t. || last updated 202407dd)
by Andee Sea Cae Jak et al.
(introduce topic)
The mask of sanity that all sociopaths wear
from pfi.ROCKS Bored of Directors! Meeting 20YYMMDD
(Article re-publishing began 202407dd hh:mm e.s.t. || last updated 202407dd)
by Andee Sea Cae Jak et al.
(introduce topic)
The mask of sanity that all sociopaths wear
from pfi.ROCKS Bored of Directors! Meeting 20YYMMDD
(Article re-publishing began 202407dd hh:mm e.s.t. || last updated 202407dd)
by Andee Sea Cae Jak et al.
(introduce topic)
The mask of sanity that all sociopaths wear
from pfi.ROCKS Bored of Directors! Meeting 20YYMMDD
The Truth behind Suicide?
(Article re-publishing began 202407dd hh:mm e.s.t. || last updated 202407dd)
by Andee Sea Cae Jak et al.
(introduce topic)
Greek or Hebrew name for swine/pig is “su” (or similar). (Consider the tradition of saying “suey, suey, suey” when calling a pig.
New Testament: Book of St. Matthew Chapter 8 Verse 32
{insert scripture re: Man is demonic and Jesus assists by ordering demons to leave man. They enter pigs nearby. Pigs immediately run off cliff and die. Therefore, suicide is death by demon which is murder … not self harm.]
The mask of sanity that all sociopaths wear
from pfi.ROCKS Bored of Directors! Meeting 20YYMMDD
For example:
- x
- x
- x
- x
- x
Insert Commentary
“The homeless and impoverished have not “fallen through the cracks”: they’ve been stomped through the floorboards.”
Andee Sea Cae Jak et al.
So, please help prevent our empaths+ from committing suicide: we’re going to need as many as we can get.
The Israel Deception, Racism & More
(Article re-publishing began 20240714d 10:20 e.s.t. || last updated 20240714
by Andee Sea Cae Jak et al.
(introduce topic)
Included in this article is a book summary (vs. a book review) of Steve Wohlberg’s “Exploding the Israel Deception”. I first learned of this book when listening to one of David Carrico’s sessions on YouTube. His channel, Underground Church FOJC can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/@undergroundchurch8233; however, I cannot find the link to the video. Perhaps Mr. Carrico has a copy stored elsewhere.
(Insert Title)
from pfi.ROCKS Bored of Directors! Meeting 20230226
20160410 Photograph “Tijuana, Mexico/U.S. border wall” by Jorge Duenes
Our 20190503-20190508? journey from Detroit, Michigan to El Paso, Mexico resulted in a nauseated trip adjacent to the border wall and inspired our 20190519 article “Take Down That Wall” stored here: https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/20190519-Take-Down-That-Wall_Enough-Is-Enough_pfi.ROCKS-Living-Magazine-Opinion_SAQOTU_Andee-Sea-Cae-Jak-002.pdf
(Speaking of Mexico, why are Canadian houses not built to last?) (insert article re: comparison in home design)
For example:
- x
- x
- x
- x
- x
Our 4-page summary stored:
- as a pdf file: https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Exploding-the-Israel-Deception-by-Steve-Wohlberg-A-Summary.pdf and
- as an MS Word document: https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Exploding-the-Israel-Deception-by-Steve-Wohlberg-A-Summary.docx.
Insert Commentary
“insert quote”
Andee Sea Cae Jak et al.
So,(insert conclusion)
**Note** We are not able to distribute a link to our audio recording of “The Israel Deception” as we can’t find it; plus, it would be a huge copyright infringement. Also, sadly, we purchased this book via Amazon as no other book store in St. John’s Newfoundland carried it. (That’s been our only purchase from Amazon:
- for reasons highlighted here: https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/05an-Draft-201907-Amazon-article-that-I-posted-on-LinkedIn-before-being-arrested.pdf and
- due to evidence of it cannibalizing its retailer clients:
- stored here: insert link to Amazon’s 2019 letter to shareholders and
- here: insert link to voiceover evidence of Amazon + Google collusion re: vaping Bait & Switch (even though we detest vaping for reasons outlined here: https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/article_00000022_Preparing-for-a-Future-Class-Action-against-Vaping-Magnates_SAQOTU_002.pdf).
- due to its quality-retailer-crushing return policy (insert link to voiceover of “liquidation store” business model with my new (~$1,000?) (80% wool?) (from India?) blanket (that retails for ~$140) purchased for only $20.)
(Insert discussion re cost of shipping a 4 lb blanket from India to Canada: has slave labour been shipped to North America??)
(Insert discussion re: my removal from Quora.com for discussing whether or not white people were simply descendants of African albinos and link to Scripture re: Our Father scattering [Isrealites]/Jacob’s descendants.)
13. Introspection-based [Recovery]
(Article re-publishing began 20240714 12:09 e.s.t. || last updated 20240714
by Andee Sea Cae Jak et al.
The Introspection-based [Recovery] (“IBR”) Kit (formerly the Introspection-based Therapy Kit until we realized how much we didn’t like the word “therapy”) was conceptualized during May 2019 as outlined here: https://pfi.rocks/introspection-based-therapy.
from pfi.ROCKS Bored of Directors! Meeting 201906dd
For reasons:
- evidenced here: https://pfi.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Why-Apple-would-be-on-my-sell-list_SAQOTU_Andee-Jak.pdf and
- here: https://pfi.rocks/blank-00/living/exposure/000001_apples-photo-shop_saqotu_andee-jak-002
we don’t buy music from Apple Inc. anymore.
Given the wickedness of YouTube (as hinted at here: https://pfi.rocks/blank-00/living/exposure/article_000002_youtube_its-wicked-long-term-nevada-based-plan-for-musical-artists_saqotu_andee-jak-002) we’re not fans of the Alphabet Inc. enterprise either.
For example:
- x
- x
- x
- x
- x
Insert Commentary
“insert quote”
Andee Sea Cae Jak et al.
So, (insert conclusion)
Other #pfiROCKS #Articles
Work-in-progress articles:
- **New** “How does The Holy Spirit communicate?” (to be added here: https://pfi.rocks/blank-00/living/spirit/000000_blank-spear-it-article-template_saqotu_andee-jak > include “Crime of the Century [flash]”, “directed observation”, “selected [overheard] conversion”, tingles and “acupuncture”, heightened “intuitive sense”, “warmth” (describe “invisible blanket” while freezing in cells)
- “What is a GSI-mal Syndicate?” https://twb.rocks/living/safety/00000015_confessions-of-a-gang-stalker_saqotu-002/
- x
- x
- x
- An Introduction to Introspection-based [Therapy] ?Recovery? started here: https://pfi.rocks/introspection-based-therapy
Completed articles &/or Interviews:
Who is the World Health Organization? What are they up to … & why? https://pfi.rocks/blank-00/living/exposure/000667_what-is-the-world-health-organization
What is the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank? How involved is China in Canadian Policy? https://pfi.rocks/blank-00/living/exposure/000033_aiib-the-un-and-sdgs_by-greg-scott
What is The Crown Corporation? https://pfi.rocks/blank-00/living/exposure/000666_the-crown-corporation_002
- Policy Horizons Canada: an 2023 interview with researcher with James (Scott) MacKillop
Articles that may never be finished due to perpetual developing content:
- Maximus Inc.: Infiltration of government services by private, for-profit enterprise https://pfi.rocks/maximus-inc
- Which God do I believe in & Why? https://pfi.rocks/blank-00/living/worldview