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Matt Peggs

RCMP (Commanding Officer)

Page begun on 20250125 || page not yet started as of 20250125 16:34 e.s.t.

Link to his scandalous application to get out of testifying at my criminal trial that was scheduled for August 24, 2024? Here:


In a nutshell, ..

I sued the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa (  ) for ~$10,000,000 and they retained Blaney McMurtry LLP to defend them.

Blaney McMurtry’s first offence as an organization was the improper service of their 20240826 Statement of Defence as evidenced here:

I responded with a 20240827 e-mail which, among other things, alerted them of their “mistakes”:

Their Statement of Defence? It’s a 48-paragraph piece of self-incriminating evidence (just like that which was produced by Nelligan O’Brien Payne LLP and Gardiner Roberts LLP for a different group of shysters); or, at least it will be.

The draft Errors, Omissions & Malicious Obfuscation (“EOMO”) Analysis has been published at


Undated photo of RCMP’s Matt Peggs, another smiley police officer with zero conscience who should be removed from any position of power or influence. The problem? This one is in charge of all the other ones.

See article outline “Make them Pay: a suggestion worth considering for prison reform” here:


20231107 Statement of Claim

Their hope?

That some judge will strike my claim because I wasn’t able to serve it within the prescribed six-month window. As every judge who has ruled in any of my matters, however, has no problem dispensing with CJA‘s Rules of Civil Procedure when it favours the perpetrators, they shouldn’t have a problem permitting my late service of such an important claim; especially, under the circumstances as detailed below.

Given Rules 2.01-2.03 of the CJA’s Rules of Procedure, there is no valid reason why my action should be prevented from proceeding:

  • Rule 2.01 (1) “A failure to comply with these rules is an irregularity and does not render a proceeding or a step, document or order in a proceeding a nullity, and the court,
    • (a) may grant all necessary amendments or other relief, on such terms as are just, to secure the just determination of the real matters in dispute; or
    • (b) only where and as necessary in the interest of justice, may set aside the proceeding or a step, document or order in the proceeding in whole or in part.”
  • Rule 2.01 (2) “The court shall not set aside an originating process on the ground that the proceeding should have been commenced by an originating process other than the one employed.”
  • Rule 2.02 “A motion to attack a proceeding or a step, document or order in a proceeding for irregularity shall not be made, except with leave of the court:
    • (a) after the expiry of a reasonable time after the moving party knows or ought reasonably to have known of the irregularity; or
    • (b) if the moving party has taken any further step in the proceeding after obtaining knowledge of the irregularity.”
  • Rule 2.03 “The court may, only where and as necessary in the interest of justice, dispense with compliance with any rule at any time.”


It will be difficult to itemize the irreparable harm that this individual, through commission and/or omission (as defined in section 21(1) of Canada’s Criminal Code (“CCC”) viewable here:, has caused me and my two children: we are still paying the price today.

SUMMARY: In reverse chronological order:


  • x
  • x


  • x
  • 20240826 Statement of Defence was served:EOMO Analysis is here:
  • 2024082x I alerted Blaney McMurtry that I would be noting them in default if no Statement of Defence was served.
  • 20240806-07 Harassment continued until I took refuge at [insert details] until 20240821.
  • 20240731 I was forced to flee Ottawa … again.
  • 2024mmdd I received CAS’s Notice of Intent to Defend from Blaney McMurty and e-mailed to their firm a message (insert link)
  • 20240702 I served on the CAS my Statement of Claim as soon as I was able 
  • 20240617-0627 Severely injured due to overuse injuries (and following assault, theft and an attempted robbery at the Shepherds of Good Hope where I was forced to reside by the Ottawa’s Crown Attorney’s Office), I was again falsely accused, arrested and denied bail until the charge was withdrawn and I was released. 
  • 20240216-20240605 Non-stop terrorization by other divisions of Ottawa’s network, I was not in a position to serve the 20231107 Statement of Claim until after the six-month window to serve my pleading (pursuant to Rule 14.08(1)) had expired; or, 20240507. Details of the terrorization can be gleaned from:

In summary, I was falsely accused, arrested, denied bail and forced to serve a 100+ day pre-trial sentence for an alleged breach …. again. I was released after my evidence-laden, corporate domain had expired and the deadline to serve my CAS Statement of Claim had passed.

  • 20240216 I was evicted without cause or notice from Montfort Renaissance (testimony/evidence viewable here: so confident in my eventual demise, to my knowledge that haven’t bothered to draft a Statement of Defence yet.
  • 20240129-20240215 was spent at Montfort Renaissance when I was not permitted to leave for more than one hour (unless it was to attend court).
  • 20240119-28 was spent at The Ottawa Hospital
  • 20240119 Released from OCDC after serving the pre-trial, 30-day sentence the Crown was seeking (for a false allegation of disobeying my illegally-obtained, unlawful 20220524 Probation Order).


LIST OF COMMON CRIMES: numerical listing at

  1. s. 21(1) Parties to offence (link to page that lists each criminal who has been assisted via commission and/or omission) (x counts)
  2. s. 22.1 Organizational negligence (x counts)
  3. s. 22.2 Other offences organizations (x counts)
  4. s. 23(1) Accessory after the fact (x counts: link to page that lists each criminal who has been assisted as an accessory) (x counts)
  5. s. 83.18 Participation in activity of terrorist group || See also S. 83.01 for definition/clarity (x counts)
  6. s. 126 Disobeying a statute (x counts)
  7. s. 127 Disobeying am order (x counts)
  8. s. 131 Perjury (x counts)
  9. s. 134 Giving a false sworn statement (x counts)
  10. s. 137 Fabricating evidence (x counts)
  11. s. 139(1) Obstructing justice (x counts)
  12. s. 264 Criminal harassment (x counts)
  13. s. 264.1 Uttering threats (x counts)
  14. s. 322(1) Theft (x counts)
  15. s. 380(1)(b) Fraud (x counts)
  16. s. 300/301 Defamatory libel (x counts)
  17. s. 346(1) Extortion (x counts)
  18. s. 366 Forgery (x counts)
  19. s. 429 Wilfully causing event to occur (x counts)
  20. s. 430 Mischief (x counts)
  21. s. 465(1)(b) Conspiracy to prosecute (x counts) 


(insert link to our evidence-laden, online (draft) Statement of Claim against (insert organization harbouring this individual))

  1. Malicious Prosecution
  2. Negligence: _.
  3. Defamation: _.
  4. Breach in fiduciary duty: _.
  5. Knowing assistance in breach in fiduciary duty: _.
  6. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
  7. Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
  8. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.
  9. Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.


    1. ________:
    2. ________: