Form 22 Request to Admit #4
page started 20240825, last updated 20240826 09:22 e.s.t. || online edits required: change links to (for now)
Request to Admit #1 (2017) || Request to Admit #2 (2018) || Request to Admit #3 (2024) || Request to Admit #4 (2024) || Request to Admit #5 (2024) || John Kiska || Cheryl Hess || FC-15-2446 Continuing Record || FC-19-CP08 Continuing Record || Three Stooges 1 || Three Stooges 2
Family Law Rules
(to do) Describe how to use this Ontario Courts of Justice Act (“CJA“) section of legislation ( and the corresponding forms:
- and
to obtain undeniable evidence against pathological liars and their accomplices. Note that pathological lying is a top characteristic of sociopathy (work-in-progress list is viewable at and they literally cannot help themselves. In my opinion, this is due to the fact that sociopaths use most of their resources pretending to have:
- compassion,
- empathy,
- sympathy and
- other emotions
(ie. human characteristics); so, there is little left for storage capacity (ie. memory). Ergo, they simply cannot remember much and must lie as they have no other choice.
July 10, 2024 (Note that pursuant to Rule 22(4) of above-discussed legislation, each of the statements 1-24 have been admitted as truth by Mr. Kiska.)
Dear Jonathan Kiska,
You are requested to admit, only for the purposes of this case[1] , that the following facts are true.
- On 20240612, Moore served on Ottawa’s Crown Attorney’s Office a document entitled “R. v. Deirdre Moore: “Reply to a Vexatious Denial …” (see Tab 1).
- On 20231107, CV-23-00061855—Deirdre Moore v CAS Statement of Claim—was issued (see Tab 2).
- An evidence-linked version of Moore’s CV-23-00061855 Statement of Claim was posted to her corporate website, www.pfi.ROCKS (see Tab 3).
- On 20240605, Moore was released from her 100+ day detention from the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre (“OCDC”) (see Tab 4).
- Between 20231216 and 20240627, Moore developed and tested the paper-based prototype of QOACH™® Executive #WhiteBoard (for self-presenting litigants; prototype still under wraps (“SUW”))
- On 20220524, Moore signed an illegally-obtained, unlawful, 3-year Ontario Court of Justice Probation Order despite no finding of guilt on any charge[2] (see Tab 6).
- On 20231130, Moore served her Statement of Claim for CV-23-00061902—Deirdre Moore v NRPS—see pdf copy of claim and (paper copy of) evidence-linked html copy of claim at Tab 7, with an online version available at
- On 20211220, Ontario’s Divisional court released D.M. v. [CAS], 2021 ONSC 8360 (ie. its scandalous denial of Moore’s appeal) (see Tab 8).
- On 20190206, federal Cabinet Ministers discussed Bill C-78 (see David Lametti/Arif Virani comments at Tab 9 comprised of 46 pages served in five parts).
- In 2003, Moore incorporated her sole proprietorship (see Articles of Incorporation for AdvisorOnTrack Inc. at Tab 10.)
- On 20161205, Moore incorporated SAQOTU Inc. (see Tab 11).
- On 20240702, Moore sent an e-mail to Montfort Renaissance re: compensation and damages (see Tab 12).
- Shortly after her interview with James (Scott) MacKillop of Barely Bruised Books [3] during the summer of 2023, Moore began distributing her business cards and PSA cards—re: Policy Horizons Canada—personally throughout Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario (see Tab 13)
- “Unlawfully in dwelling” is a crime pursuant to Canada’s Criminal Code (“CCC”) (see Tab 14): it is one of the crimes with which Moore was charged in July 2019 when she attempted to rescue her children from Kiska’s relentless and wicked psychological abuse.
- Court Services Division Service Standards (ie. Ministry of the Attorney General dark comedy) is advertised as truth (see Tab 15).
- On 20181012, Moore served on Kiska a Form 22 (ie. a Request to Admit) for FC-15-2446—Kiska v. Moore (see Tab 16)
- Moore’s defence mechanisms have developed to the point where she is able to utilize
humour such as that expressed via #pfiROCKS #KaraokeCover such as “50 Ways to *** You Over” and “The OCDC Count” (see Tab 17) [4] - On 20240625, Moore readied her OCDC Mail Campaign: AJ.324 “Dear Managers” & AJ.325 “Dear Managers” (see Tab 18).
- By 20191108, Moore had drafted and published #pfiROCKS #Article “How to Differentiate…” (see original (redacted) version Tab 19).
- Early in 2020, Moore began seeking interest in SAQOTU Inc.’s Investigative Journalism Contest (see letter at Tab 20).
- On 20211031, Moore attempted to file with the Ottawa Police Service (“OPS”) a complaint which included a document entitled “pfi.ROCKS Visitor Analysis!” (see Tab 21).
- During May 2019—following his 20190503 convocation at Wayne State University—Moore e-mailed Dr. Jack White re: humanitarian-focused endeavours (see Tab 22)
- During Moore’s 2024 OCDC detentions, she collected evidence of Ministerial collusion, organizational negligence and more (full exposure of this evidence is SUW).
- On 20240217, Moore was re-arrested for attending her $2,000,000 property (ie. 1244 Lampman Crescent, Ottawa, Ontario K2C 1P8—see OPS Charge Sheet re: 24-11401201 … printed in colour… at Tab 24).
Evidence Tabs
- 20240612 — R. v. Deirdre Moore: “Reply to a Vexatious Denial …” (62 pages)
- 20231107 — CV23-61855 Deirdre Moore v CAS Statement of Claim (issued)
- 20231107 — CV23-61855 Deirdre Moore v CAS Statement of Claim (html)
- 20240605 — OCJ Release Order
- 20231216+ — QOACH™® Executive #WhiteBoard (for self-presenting litigants) insert image of prototype
- 20220524 — OCJ Probation Order
- 20231130 — CV-23-00061902 Deirdre Moore v NRPS—Statement of Claim (issued) (5 pages)
- 20211220 — D.M. v. [CAS], 2021 ONSC 8360 (ie. a scandalous appeal)
- 20190206 — Bill C-78 Time Allocation Motion: David Lametti/Arif Virani (46 pages) pages 1-23, pages 24-46
- 2003 — Articles of Incorporation—AdvisorOnTrack Inc.
- 20161205 — Certificate of Incorporation, Articles of Incorporation—SAQOTU Inc. (2 pages)
- 20240702 — E-mail to Montfort Renaissance re: compensation and damages (and related image
- 20230901 — Deirdre Moore business card and PSA6 cards re: Policy Horizons Canada (also available at
- n/a — Canada’s Criminal Code re: s. 349(1) Unlawfully in dwelling (1 page)
- n/a — Court Services Division Service Standards (ie. MAG dark comedy) (1 page)
- 20181012 FC-15-2446 Form 22 Request to Admit by Moore (served on Kiska) insert link to file
- Multiple #pfiROCKS #KaraokeCover “50 Ways to *** You Over” and “The OCDC Count” (2 pages)
- 20240625 OCDC Mail Campaign: AJ.324 “Dear Managers” & AJ.325 “Dear Managers” (24 pages)
- 20191108 #pfiROCKS #Article “How to Differentiate…” (original, redacted) (2 pages)
- 2020 Letter re: SAQOTU Inc’s Investigative Journalism Contest (draft) (1 pages)
- 20211031 OPS Complaint with 20200812 pfi.ROCKS Visitor Analysis!
- 2019 Copy of e-mail to Dr. Jack White re: humanitarian-focused endeavours (1 page)
- Senator Kim Pate / OCDC Head of Security Munro / “Monopoly” (multiple) see (for now)
- 20240217 24-11401201 OPS Charge Sheet … received in colour … from OCDC’s ? (1 page)
[1] notwithstanding section 37(6.1) of Canada’s Evidence Act (ie. effectively, a delete key on the entire piece of legislation (see article outline at
[2] This was done under duress so she could flee Ottawa and seek legitimate law enforcement elsewhere in Canada (see
[3] see (for now,
[4] More #pfiROCKS #KaraokeCover is available at www.pfi.ROCKS/Mummygate/rolling-credits (for now, https://twb.ROCKS/Mummygate/rolling-credits)