
pfi.ROCKS Exposing!

Differentiating Willful Blindness from Domestic Terrorism

Exposing the Career Criminals and Pathological Liars in Ottawa’s Superior Court of Justice – Family Branch

(insert source)

(20210225 Andeé Sea Cae Jak ||| ©SAQOTU Inc.)

The Greek statue for justice is wearing a blindfold so she cannot see the bribes being offered to her, hence blind justice. Willful blindness, on the other hand, is a term used in law to describe a situation in which a person seeks to avoid civil or criminal liability for a wrongful act by intentionally keeping himself or herself unaware of facts that would render him or her liable or implicated.

This morning I must attend court because Justice Pamela MacEachern schedule a Case [mis]-Management Conference instead of a Motion that I had requested. (Her rationale? I am not permitted to bring any Motions without leave from crooked judge, Julie Audet. (Insert link to work-in-progress  page of evidence against Audet)

My ex-husband does not want me to continue to “Raise Awareness on the Fragility of Mental Health when in an Abusive Relationship”; however, it is one of the key objectives of my company, SAQOTU Inc., which I incorporated in 2016 once I left him for the third and final time.
• insert details
• insert details

Defamatory libel is not well defined in sections 298 and 299 of the Criminal Code: there is no reference to truth. So, I will be left to my own devices to argue whether or not my not-for-profit aspirations, following his decimation of my professional reputation in the financial services industry, constitutes “lawful justification or excuse”.

My response to Pamela MacEachern’s Scandalous 20210203 Endorsement was served and filed on February 22, 2021 via the following seven documents: 

  1. This was my 9-page Conference Brief
    1. My Schedule A is the Office of the Children’s Lawyer 2018 Report and Recommendation that documented how I was the superior parent, how Cate pulled away when Kiska tried to hug her and recommended that sole custody be awarded to me on page 19.
    2. My Schedule B included the Scandalous 20190408 court orderwhen Justice Calum MacLeod refused me an adjournment even though I had not received any materials, granted a FINAL protection order against me and lied by stating that I was in default.
    3. My Schedule C is a handful of evidence demonstrating how Kiska participated in the 2019 eviction scam and the theft of everything that I owned (valued at approximately $500,000).
    4. My Schedule D is a copy of his 20190726 interview with OPS Detective Gervais which evidences that Kiska is a pathological liar, he is guilty of conspiracy to prosecute, he was colluding with a Quebec-based psychiatrist which forced a lengthy detention so that I would miss the 20190408 CAS hearing and that he is a wicked beast.
    5. My Schedule E is my  2018 Amended Answer (divorce file) which permits me to seek significant damages from Kiska for all of his many torts and crimes against me.
    6. My Schedule F is another handful of evidence that Kiska is a pathological liar . (I have a ton of it now: he produces it every time there is a court appearance.)
    7. My Schedule G is the  20210129 Release Order which I included so that a judge would know that I am permitted to communicate/see my children with a family court order. This is the only way that I will ever see them (until this whole mess is dealt with at trial or in the Supreme Court of Canada): this cannot be at “the father’s discretion” as he will simply deny it as he did for five months in 2019. (It is what malignant narcissists (that is, high-functioning sociopaths) do. Mental torture is Kiska’s sport of choice: evidence of this is undeniable. 
    8. My Schedule H is the 2018 DivorceMate calculation upon which Justice Julie Audet should have based her Interim Financial Support award. (She was only off by about $6,000/month. See Mandi, there are a TON of wicked women in Ottawa too.)
    9. My Schedule I was a copy of the Draft Order for Third-Party Record that was previously endorsed in this file. I included it because:
      1. My copies were stolen in 2019 as already mentioned.
      2. Those records are nearly four years old and I required aup-to-date files.

      We should be able to get this order done today, on consent.

    10. My Schedule J is a copy of the 2017 letter of support from Dr. Iris Jackson which states on page 5 that my symptoms (that is, brief psychosis disorder) would “occur [in] almost anyone in similar circumstances”.
    11. My Schedule K is a  2018 letter of support from Khayman Wood of Ottawa Victim Services (He was visibly nauseous when he saw my binder of evidence three years ago. He referred to Kiska’s behaviour as “incideous”. I wonder what he would say today.)
    12. My Schedule L is a letter of support from VAW Counsellor, Jessica Poloz (When I described Kiska’s behaviour to her she merely stated: “Yes, that is textbook narcissism.”)
    13. My Schedule M is a handful of evidence that my company SAQOTU Inc. was accepted as an Exhibitor at the American Psychiatric Association’s 2019 Annual Meeting (I included this to further evidence how utterly ridiculous all of Kiska’s/CAS’s/Crown’s allegations about my mental health are pure nonsense.)
    14. My Schedule N is an excerpt from the CAS file where it was recorded that Kiska was telling my young daughter Cate that “your mum has moved to Texas and does not want to be your mummy any more”. (Actually, I could not locate this evidence in time. I read it in the CAS file and need to retrieve it. What a wicked thing to say to a little girl who has already been traumatized for YEARS! So, if it is actually true that my children do not want to see me, then it is only because they have had their feelings terribly hurt. They have been fed a diet of Kiska’s twisted, torturous lies for over TWO years; absent of any truth from me.)
    15. My Schedule O is just another copy of my 20210129 Release Order  (included in error as it was already included as Schedule G).
    16. My Schedule P is a copy of Audet’s Scandalous 2018 Interim Support Order awarding merely $1,230 in spousal support .(The child amount was later reduced to $345/month. Also, Audet awarded $2,000 in costs to Kiska thereby rendering my financial support for my two children and me about $16,000 for the year while he paid for almost nothing ($0 for life insurance, $0 for the dentist, $0 for decent winter (or other) footwear/clothing, $0 for entertainment/holiday) and their emotional needs were escalating as we were forced to move for the third time in under two years.)
    17. My Schedule Q is the transcript from the 2018 Interim Support Motion when Julie Audet was in collusion with Wade Smith for Kiska’s benefit. (i.e. evidence of slander (Smith), fraud (Kiska, Smith, Audet), accessory after the fact (Smith, Audet))
    18. My Schedule R is a small piece of evidence that the CAS was working for Kiska and not my children
    19. My Schedule S is another small piece of evidence that the CAS was working for Kiska and not my children
    20. My Schedule T a handful of evidence that the marriage finally hit the skids in 2013 (and not due to any “mental illness” of me).
    21. My Schedule U is an article by Sharon Zaronzy, “Abuse in Marriage & Divorce” which I included to educate the court that “legal bullying”, character assassination and retaliatory manoeuvres are quite common when one is attempting to end an abusive marriage. To pretend that these wicked strategies are not fully employed by the abusive spouse is, at a absolute minimum, so incredibly naïve that one should not be permitted to serve on the bench if one cannot recognize, acknowledge, understand and/or stop these tactics.
    22. My Schedule V is a copy of the mediated 2016 Shared Parenting Agreement that set me up for financial failure . (My lawyers advice? Effectively, do not ask for interim support or the sharing of expenses, deplete your own savings via dividends. And Victor Vallance Blais LLP thinks that they should not be sued?)
    23. My Schedule W is my updated Form 13.1 Financial Statement (Everything now is $0.)
    24. My Schedule X is evidence that the Ontario taxpayer is now supporting me, not the Complainant as is dictated by Canada’s Divorce Act.
    25. My Schedule Y is a 1-page summary of the Complainant’s “Motive” (He probably took my summary, put his logo on it and uses it as part of his marketing materials as alleged in Schedule Z below; laughing at me as he did it.)
    26. My Schedule Z is an article by Frank Gallagher this is not titled … Meet (“Enjoy the Ride” was changed when I alerted Kiska in July 2019 that his homepage and website were incredibly obvious and stupid.

My Confirmation of Conference is viewable here. It included three schedules:

  • Schedule A is evidence that Pamela MacEachern broke the law when she scheduled a civil matter to be heard in Family court .
  • Schedule B is a copy Kiska’s Trial Scheduling Endorsement Form (“TSEF”) that he stood by on 20190724, two days before his scandalous interview with OPS Detective Gervais (see Schedule D above) Notice how he had zero issues with respect to shared parenting arrangements, zero issues with respect to any mental health allegations and zero witnesses? Somehow, that magically changed once I was in custody.
  • Schedule C is a copy of My TSEF (“TSEF”) that, even though it already lists multiple issues and multiple witness, requires a massive update.

My Affidavit of Service is viewable here.

Insert link to evidence that there is almost no staff at the Ottawa Courthouse available to commission Affidavits of Service that are required for filing at the Superior Court of Justice – Family Branch.

This Case [mis]-management Conference has been set up to force me to register Kiska’s illegally-obtained, below-poverty-level, interim support order of merely $1,230/month with Ontario’s Financial Responsibility Office so that he can steal from me in a new way.

Describe scam and insert link to my previous letter to the FRO which was also sent to SCJ.

Kiska’s Conference Brief simply provided more evidence of his wickedness and financial abuse. They were:

I cannot wait until he gets put on the stand in whatever court we end up in. Kiska is an INCREDIBLE actor. I know that at some point he will burst into tears about how he lost his best friend to mental illness and then start sobbing. I have witnessed this twice. One time, in front of crooked psychologist Christopher Cordoso, I called him on it mid-sobbing and he stopped on a dime. What a strange beast he is.

Insert links to MacEachern’s other endorsements.

Justice Pamela MacEachern 2019xxxx

How many lives has this woman knowingly ruined?

I will do my best to try to find out.

Here are my notes of this hearing

Here are my follow-up e-mails to the SCJ Family Branch

(Link to The Sociopath Next Door:

(Discuss sociopaths and link to philosophy page:

This issue is dedicated to Kurt Cobain, one of our artists lost.

Rough notes, mental scribbles, article ideas, outlines, and research-in-progress is available here. Feel free to take the ball and run with it!
Meet Andee Sea Cae Jak.