Amanda Zappitelli

of the Thunder Bay Police Service (Lead: Human Trafficking

page started 20250129: last updated 20250129 12:41

This woman made the wrong choice.

Evidence to be posted against Zappitelli (and several other officers), Thunder Bay’s MAG-funded Victim Services, Pauline’s Place, the Thunder Bay Social Services Advisory Board* (& friends) and others.

*Tax-dollar siphoning much? The TBDSSAB Board of Directors consists of fourteen Members who are elected officials.  Board members are chosen by their own municipal councils to serve on the Board to represent areas defined in the District Social Services Administration Board Act, Reg 278/98 as amended by O. Reg 109.17.   DSSAB members representing areas within Territories Without Municipal Organization (TWOMO) are selected by qualified electors of that territory through an election for a four-year term, and are directly elected by TWOMO residents/property owners.

Board members are required to abide by a Code of Conduct to ensure transparency, integrity and fairness in all decision-making.

Our current Board Members are:

Albert Aiello – City of Thunder Bay
Ken Boshcoff – City of Thunder Bay
Anne-Marie Bourgeault – Township of Schreiber
Meghan Chomut – Township of Shuniah
Kasey Etreni – City of Thunder Bay
Brian Hamilton – City of Thunder Bay – On leave
Greg Johnsen – City of Thunder Bay
Kathleen Lynch – Territory Without Municipal Organization
Elaine Mannisto – Municipality of Greenstone
Jim Moffat – Township of Manitouwadge
Dominic Pasqualino – City of Thunder Bay
Mark Thibert – Municipality of Neebing
Jim Vezina – Township of O’Connor – Vice-Chair

There is no bar too low that Ottawa-based judges and lawyers won’t slither under.

After being kidnapped for six weeks last year, arrested seven times by OPS for no valid charge between 20231216-20241205,, serving six months in jail with zero convictions and chased out of multiple towns for exposing Ottawa’s crime syndicate, this judge declares me a “vexatious litigant” during a procedure of which:

  • I was totally unaware
  • while I was forced to remain in a hospital by Kiska’s Ontario Works-positioned accomplices.

Ontario. Yours to discover!

Of course, the OPS lawyer Michelle Doody is a pathological liar; so, the judge wouldn’t have any real details. Here’s the demon-managed carcass’s 20250127 decision with an $18,000 (see para [41]) cost award for the OPSB:

(Note that at para. 8, McVey stated that I “did not respond”, as if that was some sort of justification for her crime: for the record, I was in the hospital … dealing with another taxpayer-funded career criminal, Dr. Victor Uwaifo (see wwork-in-progress evidence page at


Anyhow, I’ll try to bang out an appeal tomorrow. It shouldn’t be difficult as her “errors in fact” are …. nearly infinite.

(That means nothing though: Divisional Court is just as criminal.)

20250129 12:51