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Introducing the
Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre
and its involvement in the
Weaponization of Psychiatry
And, ROMHC’s “Research”? Given everything else we now know? (You be the judge: https://twb.rocks/domestic-terrorism/perpetrators/entities/romhc/romhc-research)
We first experienced the criminality of Ottawa’s prestigious Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre (“ROMHC”) in 2020 when, after career-criminal defence attorney Joe Addelman (https://twb.rocks/domestic-terrorism/perpetrators/individuals/joe-addelman) forwarded my husband’s agenda via his Crown-positioned accomplice, Malcolm Savage (https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/vis/malcolm-savage), to have me declared … prior to any finding of guilt … Not Criminally Responsible (“NCR”) for a crime that:
- I never committed (a s. 127 Disobey an Order without lawful excuse and
- was dropped by Savage as soon as he realized I was trying to get case law to assist other victims of the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa (“CAS”) (insert link)
The conscience-free hired guns at that time were Zeynep Selaman and Joel Watts (see https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/vis/zeynep-selaman). They ignored my testimony and evidence of severe domestic violence and used as “collateral information” the report of another conscience-free, hired gun, Dr. Paule Kemgni (https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/vis/paule-kemgni) who also signed an NCR for:
- a crime I never committed s. X “Flight from Peace Officer” and
- one for which I was acquitted (after my husband and his accomplices had emptied my 3-bedroom townhouse (see https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/vis/ryan-bell).
Fast-forward to 2021: after two years of being terrorized by the Ottawa Police Service (“OPSB”), I decide to sue them; and, I choose to be quite public about it. Who is the Chair for the OPSB at this time? None other than high-profile, ROMHC child psychiatrist Gail Yenta Beck (https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/vis/gail-yenta-beck). Instead of making a reasonable offer to settle and firing the rogue OPSB officers, I get threatened! “Drop the law suit or we’ll have you declared vexatious and shut out if court”, also known as … extortion. ROMHC used hired gun Michelle Doody (https://twb.rocks/domestic-terrorism/perpetrators/individuals/michelle-doody-02) to commit the extortion.
I, of course, refused to back down and brought seven Motions to prove just how much of a criminal enterprise both OPSB and Ottawa’s courthouse truly were (see https://twb.rocks/the-darkumentary).
OPSB’s and the Crown’s terrorization of me intensified in 2023-2024 (see https://twb.rocks/upig/police/still-alive) during which time team Crown-Bench-ROMHC began to set up their next bogus NCR opinion; this time using hired guns Jiyoung Hwang and Floyd Wood (see https://twb.rocks/domestic-terrorism/perpetrators/individuals/jiyoung-hwang) who on 202401dd labeled me as both paranoid and delusional despite me showing zero symptoms of paranoia (eg. I hide from no one) and not meeting the DSM-V definition of being delusional.
Without question, not only do these psychiatry-positioned hired guns not follow any diagnostic process whatsoever, they don’t even acknowledge their own industry’s definitions/diagnostic criteria. Pathological liars, they simply make it all up.
20240914-20241101: I ran into my worst example yet of the weaponization of psychiatry yet: 771 Bannatyne Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba is running a human-experimentation operation and the Manitoba Ombudsman is covering it up (see https://twb.rocks/HSC-win and https://twb.rocks/manitoba-ombudsman).
Since my 20241101 escape, I’ve tried to report this Human Trafficking operation to municipal, provincial and federal law enforcement as there remain up to 200 individuals trapped there. It’s operated by “researchers” positioned by the University of Manitoba’s Max Rady College and is, likely, funded by the Bill Gates, of population control/eugenicist fame. For this, I’ve been arrested, mocked and threatened.
As of 20250211:
- I’ve been declared vexatious behind my back (after producing 10s of 1,000s of pages of evidence for the court) (see https://twb.rocks/domestic-terrorism/perpetrators/individuals/kerry-lee-mcvey)
- I’ve been forced to live in drop-in shelters on welfare while remaining forcibly married to John Kiska who lives in my $2,000,000 home paying $0 in spousal support (see https://twb.rocks/domestic-terrorism/perpetrators/individuals/jean-doyle) and
- I’ve been denied access to Third-party Records/witnesses to use in my defence of three bogus breach allegations (see https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/vis/maria-sirivar and (insert Sonia Annik Wills)) as the Crown simultaneously declares its intentions to have me found NCR by one of its many ROMHC-positioned hired guns (see https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/entity/oca/20250205-reply).
Psychiatry has been fully weaponized: brace yourselves as there is no bar too low under which Ottawa’s terrorist network won’t slither.
More on this industry? See draft material and links to evidence at https://twb.rocks/UPIG