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Joe Addelman (LSO#: 50671V)

Addelman Baum Gilbert Roberston LLP

Page begun on 2020 || last updated 20240828 09:38 e.s.t.

2024mmdd Oral Testimony on YouTube

In a nutshell,

This Taxpayer-funded Domestic Violence & Child Abuse (#TDVCA) participant poses as a criminal defense attorney in the cesspool of Ottawa. Along with his crooked ally, who operates as family law lawyer Gonen Snir, the two of them milk victims of domestic violence directly and, likely, indirectly via Ontario’s “Legal Aid” sham.


(insert commentary).

Joe Addelman is in cahoots with every game in town: the Ottawa Police Services Board, Ottawa’s Crown Attorney’s Office, the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre and multiple crooked SCJ judges. (Or, see swimlanes columns E and F)

He remains a privately-funded taxpayer-funded crook who operates via Addelman Baum Gilbert Robertson LLP likely  …. (insert evidence of collution/conspiracy to prosecute and link to Malcolm Savage)



(insert commentary).

I haven’t even been sent of photograph of my beautiful children in nearly four years during this torture: their dad enjoys all forms of emotional/psychological abuse of me, Sean & Cate. His current lawyer, Cheryl Hess, enjoys it too.


Want to see my mountain of evidence against all of the perpetrators listed at E-mail me at and I’ll send to you the link to my DropBox account!


It will be difficult to itemize the irreparable harm that Joe Addelman has caused me and my two children: we are still paying the price today. (Syndicate co-accomplices at the Elizabeth Fry Society Lotus House (bail house) employed the Mexican accomplice who set me up with this demon.)

SUMMARY: In reverse chronological order:


  • 20230207  I filed and served my 100-paragraph “Fresh Amended Amended Claim”.
  • x
  • 20230124  Following the advice of my process server, who anticipated severe weather that could impede personal service, I completed a preliminary Amended Claim that could be served and filed prior the required deadline. Interestingly, OPSB then immediately chose to produce more self-incriminating evidence by arranging for their scandalous Application to have me declared a vexatious litigant issued.


  • 20221228  In response, I provided to both Snir and Addelman an “Offer to Settle”. Why was OPS François D’Aoust excluded from my offer? Oh, gosh, I don’t know. He’s just another crooked cop maybe? (Too bad we can’t ask murdered Manyok Akol, huh D’Aoust?) 
  • 20221228  Then, Addelman’s shyster accomplice Snir had the nerve to send to me a bill for over $88k.
  • 20220729  Before leaving, I made sure I originated my Statement of Claim against both Snir and Addelman seeking damages for $3,000,000. (This will be amended and served early in 2023.) Who knows: depending upon the settlement amount, I may use it to fund those falsely accused of crime instead of build our Newfoundland Healing Centre for #TDVCA victims … because of the ongoing fraud against Ontario taxpayers via Legal Aid Ontario’s LIOS/DIDA (aka “Lay-it-on-Savage/Dial-it-down-Addelman”) scam.
  • 20220803  Not surprisingly, leaving my children behind in Ontario (even if only temporarily) was excruciatingly painful for me. As usual, I soon realized that not many could digest the reality that is the capital city of Canada. A hub for organized crime that is linked to international human trafficking. (See pinned Tweet @CaeJak)
  • 20220524  Under duress, I agreed to the illegally-obtained, anti-Charter, child-abusing Probation Order prepared by Mike Boyce just so I could flee Ontario and try to fight for my children, Sean and Cate Kiska, in another jurisdiction. Time will tell how well that works out. (See for ongoing saga.)

Does Newfoundland’s law enforcement/judicial system have what it takes to disassemble the #TDVCA division of Ottawa’s Crime Syndicate?

  • x
  • x
  • x


  • x
  • 2021mmdd  No surprise, I lost the illegally-scheduled Summary Judgment Motion against me. (See crooked SCJ Divisional court judges Larry, Curly and Moe in due course.)
  • x


  • 2020mmdd  No surprise, I lost the illegally-scheduled CYFSA Summary Judgment Motion against me. (See crooked SCJ judge Mary Fraser.)     Note: nothing legal about ANY OF THIS given the legal definition of a “Respondent” (which does NOT include two individuals involved in a wicked, drawn-out divorce) and the federal paramountcy of Canada’s Divorce Act.
  • Then, enter stage left: Cedric Nahum and Meaghan McMahon.
  • 202008xx  After … Snir committed multiple torts and crimes to have himself removed from both the Family Court and the CYFSA files. This was enabled by SCJ law-breaking judges Mark Smith and Pamela MacEachern as well as multiple career-criminal lawyers operating under multiple entities; namely, Deborah Souder, Debra Scholey and Wade Smith. Although he tried to be complicit too, OPGT sociopath Walter Kim was excluded from the proceedings.
  • 2020mmdd  Following my orchestrated eviction by pimp Lorie Fuentes, I managed to shake Addelman as my defense attorney but remained duped by Snir regarding his intentions to represent the best interests of me, Sean and Cate instead of sociopaths John Kiska and Tara MacDougall.


  • 201911xx  The lien on my $1M+ home was complete and the scandalous (if not illegal) contract was signed under duress.
  • 201911xx  Meanwhile, Snir changed the lien amount in the retainer agreement to $250k+
  • 201911xx  …. he stated “Get the paperwork with FName LName done as if your life depends on it.”
  • 20191112  Snir confirmed our scandalous agreement in writing: given the lawlessness of Malcolm Savage, Tara MacDougall, Wade Smith and John Kiska, I felt I had no choice but to agree.
  • 201911xx  An employee (insert FName LName) of Elizabeth Fry’s Lotus House (soon to be managed by pimp Lorie Fuentes) recommended that I contact Addelman for legal representation for my 7 bogus criminal charges being aggressively prosecuted by Ottawa’s Crown Attorney’s Office. He insisted on a “flat fee” of $25,000 whether there was a trial or not and walked me down the hall to Snir’s, office who was “the best in the business”. (Best at what … I was soon to find out.)

LIST OF COMMON CRIMES: numerical listing at

  1. s. 21(1) Parties to offence (link to page that lists each criminal who has been assisted via commission and/or omission) (x counts)
  2. s. 22.1 Organizational negligence (x counts)
  3. s. 22.2 Other offences organizations (x counts)
  4. s. 23(1) Accessory after the fact (x counts: link to page that lists each criminal who has been assisted as an accessory) (x counts)
  5. s. 83.18 Participation in activity of terrorist group || See also S. 83.01 for definition/clarity (x counts)
  6. s. 126 Disobeying a statute (x counts)
  7. s. 127 Disobeying am order (x counts)
  8. s. 131 Perjury (x counts)
  9. s. 134 Giving a false sworn statement (x counts)
  10. s. 137 Fabricating evidence (x counts)
  11. s. 139(1) Obstructing justice (x counts)
  12. s. 264 Criminal harassment (x counts)
  13. s. 264.1 Uttering threats (x counts)
  14. s. 322(1) Theft (x counts)
  15. s. 380(1)(b) Fraud (x counts)
  16. s. 300/301 Defamatory libel (x counts)
  17. s. 346(1) Extortion (x counts)
  18. s. 366 Forgery (x counts)
  19. s. 429 Wilfully causing event to occur (x counts)
  20. s. 430 Mischief (x counts)
  21. s. 465(1)(b) Conspiracy to prosecute (x counts) 


(insert link to our evidence-laden, online (draft) Statement of Claim against (insert organization harbouring this individual))

  1. Malicious Prosecution
  2. Negligence: _.
  3. Defamation: _.
  4. Breach in fiduciary duty: _.
  5. Knowing assistance in breach in fiduciary duty: _.
  6. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
  7. Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
  8. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.
  9. Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.


    1. ________:
    2. ________: