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pfi.ROCKS Canadian Sociopaths!
What is a Crime Syndicate Swimlane?
It’s the track that you’re set upon at a very young age: think “The Truman Show” … but much, much darker.
draft started on 20221230 by Andeé Sea Cae Jak, SAQOTU Inc.
In Ottawa, where organized crime is so covert that some journalists actually believe that there isn’t any, various “swimlanes” into which you may have been set include, but are not limited to:
One of the Divisions: Kiska.com
Their previous home page is viewable here: they revamped their site and moved their site host from Germany to China after they realized I was on to them.
The Swimlanes (link to process & profitability)
- The Addict
- The Prostitute
- The Pimp
- The Convict
- The Patient
- The Welfare Recipient
- The Disabled
- The Extorted Politician
- The Mindless Bureaucrat
- The Distracted Academic
- The Employment-related Litigant
- The “Pumped & Dumped” Spouse
- The tortured, sex slave
Me? I was selected for #12: The “Pumped & Dumped” Spouse. The one selected* for my take-down? The one & only: John Kiska. (I must be special 🙄)
It gets worse: Maximus Inc.
Of course, if you were born a sociopath (or, quickly descended into one), then you’d simply be groomed to quietly grow into whatever role you’d be able to pull off without anyone realizing that you are devoid of basic human emotions such as compassion, empathy or even basic sympathy—that you merely mimic the empaths with which you’d surround yourself. In that case, you would be funneled into performing one of the actors and/or enablers in columns E and F below. Here’s a 30-minute voiceover introduction.
Syndicate’s Goals
1. Steal everything an Empath+ has obtained/accomplished
2. Torture/ruin the offspring of an Empath+
3. Drive an Empath+ to suicide
(20230125) Current Civil Actions in progress while OPS continues to extort me into dropping my action against them.
20220729 Shysters at Snir Law Office & Addelman Baum Gilbert Robertson
OPS et al. (organized crime)
Khaldoon Habib Allah et al (eviction scam/theft)
Paule Kemgni (accessory/defamation)
John Kiska (accessory/defamation)
Victor Valllance Blais (accessory/fraud)
1. Parental alienation
2. Child alienation
3. Poverty & homelessness
4. Perpetual fear & hopelessness
5. Documented & damning smear campaign**
6. “Legalized” poisoning (via toxic pschotropics)
1. Parental Alienation
1a Emotional abuse
1b Verbal Abuse
1c Psychological abuse
1d Psychiatric abuse
1e Legal Abuse
1f Financial Abuse
1g Emotional abuse of children
1h Psychological abuse of children
1i Physical abuse of pets
1j Child Abduction
1k Crime via Family Court
1l Crime via CYFSA Court
1m Crime via Criminal Court
1n Crime via Appellant Court
1o Thug-collar gangstalkers
2. Child Alienation
2a Anti-parenting behaviour to “be-friend” the child
2b Gaslighting of children
2c Torture of pets
2d Destruction of property (to incite blame)
2e CRA Audet
2f Legal Bullying
3. Poverty & Homelessness*
3a Fraud
3b Theft
3c Defamation
3d Gangstalking
3e Unwarranted arrest/detension
3f Unwarranted Warrants for re-arrest
3f Eviction Scams
4. Perpetual Fear & Hopelessness
5. Damning Smear Campaign
6. “Legalized” poisoning
6a (insert strategy)
6b (insert strategy)
6c (insert strategy)
1a Court-enabled Fraud Ia (interim financial support-Julie Audet & Bell Baker’s Wade Smith, Christine Hammond, FName LName LLP)
1b Court-enabled Fraud Ib (interim financial support-Pamela MacEachern & Bell Baker’s Cheryl Hess, Katherine Gh…..)
1c Court-enabled Fraud Ic (interim financial support-SCJ judges x, y,z & Bell Baker’s Cheryl Hess)
1d Court-enabled Fraud II (The Court-ordered Support Scam)
1e Court-enabled Fraud IIIa (The “planted” Family Law Lawyer Scam: Michéle Blais, FName LName, Susanne Sviergula)
1f Court-enabled Fraud IIIb (The “planted” Family Law Lawyer Scam: Tanya Davies)
1g Court-enabled Fraud IIIc (The “planted” Family Law Lawyer Scam: Moore v. Addelman et al.)
1h Court-enabled Fraud IIId
1i Court-enabled Fraud IV (The Eviction Scam)
2a Court-enabled Child Abuse/Parental Alienation/Child Alienation Ia (The abduction: Mohammed Said)
2b Court-enabled Child Abuse/Parental Alienation/Child Alienation Ib (The interim/final order: Calum MacLeod)
2c Court-enabled Child Abuse/Parental Alienation/Child Alienation Ic (The Summary Judgment: Mary Fraser)
2d Court-enabled Child Abuse/Parental Alienation/Child Alienation Id (The CYFSA Appeal: Larry,Curly&Mo)
3a Domestic Terrorism via false mental health allegations I (The Mis-diagnosis & forced treatment plan for bi-polar disorder)
3b Domestic Terrorism via false mental health allegations IIa (The False NCR-Quebec Paule Kemgni)
3c Domestic Terrorism via false mental health allegations IIa (The False NCR-Ontario (Moore v. Addelman et al. see 1g above for additional context)
4a Domestic Terrorism Ia via S. xxx of the CCC Conspiracy to Prosecute (False allegations by ex, John Kiska)
4b Domestic Terrorism Ib via S. xxx of the CCC Conspiracy to Prosecute (False allegations by Bail House pimp, Lorie Fuentes)
4c Domestic Terrorism Ic via S. xxx of the CCC Conspiracy to Prosecute (False allegations by Ottawa Police)
4d Domestic Terrorism Id via S. xxx of the CCC Conspiracy to Prosecute (Crown ignorance of exculpatory evidence)
4e Domestic Terrorism Ie via S. xxx of the CCC Conspiracy to Prosecute (Unlawful detentions to pervert legal process)
5a Domestic Terrorism via S. xxx of the CCC: Extortion I (Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa)
5b Domestic Terrorism via S. xxx of the CCC: Extortion II (The Ottawa Police)
6a Anti-Charter Violation: Freedom of Expression (SCJ Kevin B. Phillips, OPS Daniel Gervais, Crown Malcolm Savage)
6b Anti-Charter Violation: Freedom of Expression (OPS Cheryl Cross, Crown Malcolm Savage)
6c Anti-Charter Violation: Freedom of Expression (OCJ Jonathan Brunet, Crown Mike Boyce & Bill Coyne)
7 Anti-Charter Violation: Unwarranted “Detention” (OCJ JP Paul Harris, OPS FName LName, Crown Mike Boyce)
8a (current work-in-progress) Ongoing Obstruction of Justice (Mike Boyce, Bill Coyne & unknown affiliated with the Ottawa Crown Attorney’s Office.
8b (current work-in-progress) Ongoing Obstruction of Justice (unknown parties operating via St. John’s Crown Attorney’s Office.
Actors & Enablers I
1. Elected Councillors/Mayor
Insert new names as identified
Brockington, Riley
Chiarelli, Rick
Deans, Diane
Darouze, George
Egli, Keith
El-Chantiry, Eli
Fleury, Matthieu
Kavanaugh, Theresa
King, Rawlson
Leiper, Jeff
McKenney, Catherine
Menard, Sean
Moffat, Scott
Tierney, Tim
Watson, Jim
2. Judges & JPs ; (transcripts)
Aitken, Catherine
Bourgeois, Julie
Bourgeois, Julie
Boxall, Norman
Brunet, Jonathan
Fraser, Mary
Gomery, Sally
Harris, Paul (J.P.)
Kershman, Stanley
Kristjanson, J.
MacEachern, Pamela
MacLeod, Calum
Matheson, J.
Parfett, Julianne A.
Perell, J.
Phillips, Kevin B.
Shelston, Mark
Smith, Marc E.
Williams, Heather
3. Crown Prosecutors et al.
Coyne, William
Cardinal, Patrick (PQ)
Holowka, Brian
Karimjee, Moiz
4. Child Protection Services
Campbell, Jenn
Fisher, Brian
Guidon, Isabel
Ibrahim, Viana
MacDougall, Nancy (Tara)
McClemens, Shawna
(vip 2013) Munro, Yvonne
Raymond, Kelly
Souder, Deborah
Tremblay, Stephen
White, Kelly
5. Government Bureaucrats
Kim, Walter (OPGT)
Bobula, Katherine (OCL)
Galarneau, Susan (OCL)
Kassavalis, Katheryn (OCL)
Ruskies, Shoah (OCL)
Senson, Partric (OCL)
Scholey, Debra (OCL)
Souder, Deborah (OCL)
6. Physicians
Chow, Dr. Judy
Perkins, Katelyn
7. Media, Family & Other
List editors at the Ottawa Citizen
List all other journalists contacted with links to emails &/or pages
see wip list
Actors & Enablers II
1. School Board Employees
2. Lawyers, Paralegals & Assistants
Fernandez-Stolls, Diego
Galaraneau, Suzanne
Ghadaksaz, Katherine
Martin, Catherine
Moore, Christopher
Nahum, Cedric
Scholey, Debra
3. Police Board Employees
Beaucage, Lisa
Bender, Alex
Benoit, Jean
Burton, Traci (sp?)
Cameron, Lana
Cross, Cheryl
Gervais, Daniel
Hilton, Shannon (+ other 3)
Le, Phong
Logan, Hannah (OPSB admin)
Veshkini, David
20190201 CAS accomplices #1, #2, #3
4. Psychiatrists & Psychologists
Anderson, Keith
Cardoza, Christopher
Charbonneau, Yoland
Crawley, Nadine
Kay, Gary
(wip) Matheson, Adrienne
Mercer, Deanna
Watts, Joel
5. Gangstalkers
Alterna employees
BMO employees
Bell Canada employees
Chateau Laurier Employees
Collection agency employee
Locksmith Employee
Prime Burger Employees
Re/Max Employee
RBC employees
Scotiabank employees
Uber drivers
VIA Rail employees
(insert names/locations)
6. Not-for-Profit Players
Additional Notes
* The first one failed as I never even wanted to date him.
** Note that as of December 30, 2022, I remain the half owner of the $1M+ matrimonial home in which John Kiska remains as each continues to gaslight Sean and Cate every .. single .. day. Salivating over his “success” in the possible ruin of me, he was likely too busy to ever question the COVID-related injections. As a government consultant, he would have been forced to consent. As a malignant narcissist, he likely forced Sean and Cate to get injected as well.
*** Excerpt from Divisional Court’s Curly, Larry & Moe who denied my appeal of Mary Fraser’s scandalous 2020 decisions: “
Select articles
(draft) What is The Ottawa Ticket?
(draft) What is The Ottawa Pipeline?
(draft) This Shhh is Bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S
What is society’s Food Chain? Are Level 1 narcissists so oblivious to reality to realize that they’re no where near the top?
Are the COVID-related injections a multi-pronged bio-weapon designed for dystopia, depopulation and … devolution?
An Over-simplified Illustration of the “Pump & Dump”
Article outline: “Descending into Sociopathy”.
Draft article from 2019: “The Myth labelled Psychiatry” is here.
This issue is dedicated to Kurt Cobain, one of our artists lost.
Meet Andeé Sea Cae Jak