McCarthy Tetrault
Civil Litigator Céleste Perrault Lévesque
My Delay Application Revision Suggestions || Errors, Omissions & Malicious Obfuscation Analysis || 30-minute Introduction to Judicial corruption || 2020 Royal Ottawa MHC NCR || NL 20230221 NL Police Complaint #1 || 20230413 draft NL Police Complaint #2 || 202304xx draft NL Police Complaint #3 || Malicious Prosecution of 2022 NL Crown (until exposed) || Céleste Perrault-Lévesque (Kemgni’s new lawyer) || Intro to “Hockey Pool” Contest
In a nutshell:
- In March 2019, en route to a CAS hearing in Ottawa, I was falsely accused by a Quebec-based RCMP officer for “Flight from Peace Officer”, maliciously tossed into a psych ward for a “fitness to stand trial” assessment and effectively held hostage by crooked psychiatrist Dr. Paule Kemgni long enough for:
- sociopathic ex, John Kiska, to illegally obtain an unlawful CYFSA order against me,
- the theft of everything I owned (approx. $500,000) via an unlawful eviction of my home and
- Kiska’s lies to be translated into a Not Criminally Responsible (“NCR”) opinion that could be used against me in several criminal courts, family court and civil court.
- By the end of April 2019, Kemgni’s NCR opinion was ignored by the court as I was fully acquitted; however, the damage had already been done.
- By the end of July 2019, Kiska managed to orchestrate my arrest and detention as well. Evidence of his collusion with the CAS, Ottawa Police, Crown Attorney’s Office and Ontario Court of Justice is unfolding in many places on this site; but, a decent starting point is at my VIS page for crooked prosecutor Mike Boyce.
- In April 2021, I brought a Civil Action against Kemgni and Kiska seeking damages for the ~$500,000 that resulted from their collusion; however, Syndicate member Anne Tardif ignored the criminal element of the torts and brought a Motion to have my action stayed or at least moved to Quebec.
- In April 2022, crooked Judge Heather Williams forced me to split my civil action into two: a Quebec-based one against Kemgni and an Ontario-based one against Kiska— effectively, eliminating the collusion that should have been considered by the trial judge, ramping up costs for a #TDVCA target, delaying the process and further obstructing justice.
Photograph of Celeste Perrault-Levesque who operates as a lawyer through McCarthy Tertault LLP
“Can a woman be a misogynist? Absolutely. Sociopaths don’t differentiate between sexes when hunting their prey.”
~ Deirdre Moore, business owner, (former) CFA, BBA & childless mother of two.
*April 8 is one of their special dates that they like to mock me with; date of birth, anniversaries and other goofy “symbolic” numbers/words/phrases are employed by this entire Satanic Syndicate.
**I was delaying the re-issuance of the amended Statement of Claim against Kiska, until receiving what should have been a slam-dunk claim against Kemgni. Meanwhile, domestic terrorists operating under the guise of law enforcement are attempting to have me declared a vexatious litigant so that my claim against Kiska (and his other accomplices of which there are many) will be discontinued.
***See draft “Descending into Sociopathy” (also known as demonic possession)
Feel free to request a copies of any and all court documents by sending to me an e-mail at
- In April 2022, I managed to find a Quebec-based lawyer within the few days that I had to file a new Originating Application against Kemgni; but, he quit shortly thereafter.
- Kemgni’s new lawyer, Perrault-Lévesque, delayed the matter until April 8*, 2023 when she sought leave to have the Application Delayed.
- When she chose to ignore my corrections of her Delay Application—which was laden with Errors, Omissions & Malicious Obfuscation—I filed a police complaint for court-enabled fraud.
- Perrault-Lévesque is aware of this: she is indifferent to being Kiska’s**/Kemgni’s accomplice as she has no fear of consequences due to her knowledge that Canada’s entire judicial system is a front for organized crime and/or her ability to experience intellectual fear (i.e. that other than the fight, flight, freeze that all wild animals possess) has been somehow disabled***.
- Accordingly, I reported the event as a crime in progress from somewhere not-in-the-cesspool-that-is-Ontario else: 20230221 Police Complaint.
For details of the three crimes simultaneously committed against me on April 8, 2019 (4+8,2+10 > 12,12 > 3,3 > 6)
so Syndicate could chuckle at the “666” see:
Bogus “Not Criminally Responsible” Opinion
Child Abduction Order via Calum MacLeod
Eviction Scam & Theft of $500,000
So many criminals, so little time.
It will be difficult to itemize the irreparable harm that Paule Kemgni and her multiple legal &/or judicial accomplices caused me and my two children: we are still paying the price today.
SUMMARY: In reverse chronological order:
- 20231108 I e-mailed Perrault-Levesque a copy of my Civil Action against the CAS (suggested she and Kemgni turn themselves in: the next day, the sent to me this mumbo-jumbo:
- “Additional Documents” (French)
- “Jurisprudence” (French)
These things have zero conscious &/or do a TON of cocaine.
- 20231102 I managed to have the matter adjourned until 20231117 when I will request ALL of the records as detailed here: Meanwhile, I’ll try to find out why the entire CAS file was not provided as requested (see 20231103 e-mail to both McTet & CAS e-mail). As I am simultaneously working on my $10M Civil Action against the CAS and my $50M Civil Action against the Ministry of the Attorney General, these files hold key evidence and are important.
- 20231030 After recognizing an error, I served and filed a revised Application (just a small edit on the last page).
- 20231025 I served and filed my own Application for TPRs and requested a delay in proceedings.
- 20231023 Thank goodness I asked! Their TPR Motion was booked for 20231102-03 without canvassing my availability! For some reason they don’t want us to both be heard on the same day”: that’s ridiculous. Anyhow, I’ll fire off my own request and ask for them to be heard on the same day and see what happens next. Meanwhile, that CAS Statute of Limitations clock is ticking and I can hear the hyenas salivating from here.
- 20231011 Perrault-Levesque’s accomplice, Jocelyn Yelle, knowingly filed the following in order to deceive the court, harbour Kemgni, defraud me and obstruct justice: (insert upon arrival)
- 20231005 Perrault-Levesque alerted me to the fact that she wants to pad Kemgni’s defense (and her firm’s expected cost award) with additional “material” and requested documents from another Quebec Hospital and Quebec Provincial Police (“QPP”) (viewable here: ). My
2023100520231006 response (see insert at right and pdf file with links here: ) was a little late (as I was out last night exposing the fact that the convid injections were a multi-pronged, bio weapon to locals who were not yet aware). - 20230913 Dassylva’s Syndicate-protecting “Expert Report” was produced: here is a work-in-progress Errors, Omissions & Malicious Obfuscation Analysis. (These things operate outside of law and have zero morality, zero ability to experience remorse. They have fully descended into sociopathy and should be removed from positions of power or influence; if not society entirely.
- 20230905 I provided Perrault-Levesque with my exhibits (aka evidence) of Kemgni’s, at a minimum, negligence which her Kemgni’s legal counsel has had for over two years:
- 20230703 Kemgni’s hilarious Statement of Defense arrived. Surprise, Surprise! She’s innocent! And want’s a dismissal with costs.
- 20230421 I responded to Lévesque’s goofy 2nd protocol (which ensured Kiska’s birthday September 29 was used for one of the deadlines). Among other things, my 20230421 e-mail stated quite matter-of-factly:
This is ridiculous. In 2019, Kemgni ignored me for three weeks so:
- my house could be unlawfully emptied without my knowledge (~$500,000 in personal possessions stolen while Syndicate members knew I was detained),
- Kiska could illegally obtain an unlawful CYFSA order and
- a false “history of mental illness” could be supplemented by a bogus NCR opinion.
As already clearly stated below, this exercise is nothing more than the harbouring of organized crime by your firm and court-enabled fraud against me, as well as Quebec taxpayers.
Accordingly, no “expert opinion” is required by anyone. There is enough evidence in the Suroit Hospital file (attachment #3) and Kemgni’s NCR report (attachments #4 and #5): both evidence that Kemgni did nothing but aid Kiska and his affiliates. Kemgni has had all of these files for over two years: this entire process is simply part of ongoing Obstruction of Justice, Defamatory Libel, Fraud, Torture and Domestic Terrorism—as well as fraud against Ontario and Quebec taxpayers by all lawyers and judges involved.
The following six attachments were referenced:
- copy of her 20230420 e-mail … that started a new thread (a favourite trick of lawyers employed to obfuscate communications/”erase” evidence of their crime for future affidavit use.
- 20220408 Originated Application—marked up for errors
- 2-page, nearly blank 2019 Suroit Hospital file
- Kemgni’s 20190408 NCR Opinion (original—French—as the woman can barely speak English)
- Kemgni’s 20190408 NCR Opinion (translated into English)
- SECOND 2nd Protocol—marked up for corrections
- Previous April nonsense is partially stored in 20230411 Application to Delay
For details on post John Hale fun in criminal court, see:Joe AddelmanMeaghan McMahonFName LName andAlyssa Jervis
- For details on this portion of Kemgni’s court-enabled fraud, etc. see Gowling lawyer Anne Tardif and junior co-accomplice François Guay-Racine.
Guidance for Law Enforcement
- S. 21(1) > Parties to Offence (link to page that lists each criminal he has assisted to commit a crime)
- S. 23(1) > Accessory after the fact (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
- S. 380(1)(b) Fraud (X counts)
- S. 300/301 Defamatory Libel (X counts)
- S. 366 Forgery (0 counts)
- S. 137 Fabricated Evidence (X counts)
- S. XXX False Affidavit (X counts)
- S. 131 Perjury (X counts)
- S. 126 Disobeying a Statute (X counts)
- S. 264 Criminal Harassment (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
- S. 139(1) > Obstruction of Justice (X counts)
- S. 465(1)(b) Conspiracy to Prosecute
- S. 83.18 > Terrorist Activities || See also S. 83.01 (1) for definition/clarity
Guidance for Other Victims of Taxpayer-funded Domestic Violence & Child Abuse (#TDVCA)
- Negligence: _.
- Defamation: _.
- Breach in fiduciary duty: _.
- Knowing assistance in breach in fiduciary duty: _.
- Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
- Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
- Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.
- Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.
- Malice
- Unjust Enrichment
EVIDENCE OF CRIME/VIOLATIONS: ACTIONS AND/OR INACTIONS OF RYAN BELL, Judge who represents Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice