
pfi.ROCKS Exposure!

Not Criminally Responsible Opinions

Can these be purchased from cash-strapped Residents & new Psychiatrists ?

OHIP-funded hospital located at 1145 Carling Ave, Ottawa ON K1Z 7K4

(ETA December 31, 2020 by Andeé Sea Cae Jak, SAQOTU Inc.)

(Introduction: Describe how Malcolm Savage is not seeking additional jail time (circumventing my ability to present mitigating factors prior to “sentencing”) but seeking NCR in order to assist my ex-husband Jonathan Kiska (the Complainant) with his wicked divorce strategy. Savage has aggressively argued that I “have no defence tenable at law” as he ignores the fact that my actions do not even meet the tests for any of the crimes of which I have been accused! Describe how former defence attorney, Joseph Addelman of Addelman Gilbert Baum, pressured me into volunteering for a psych assessment prior to any finding of guilt and how Judge Catherine Aitken endorsed a court order which ignored the fact that I volunteered and even stated that the court had REASONS to order the assessment!!) UPDATE: All but one of the 14 charges were dropped after Crown Prosecutors terrorized me & kept me from Sean and Cate for over three four years … more on that later. (Discuss long-term covert fraud+++  >>> #Mummygate)

(Describe the job of many psychiatrists vs. psychologists and link to 2017 Motion materials re seeking damages for intentional infliction of emotional suffering and mental harm that were “rife with evidence”.)

Selaman’s Cinco de Mayo 2020 NCR Opinion

(Describe B)

(Present Errors, Omissions and Obfuscation Analysis of Dr. Zeynep Selaman’s and Dr. Joel Watts’ scandalous 20200505 “Forensic Psychiatric Assessment” of domestic violence victim Deirdre Moore)

  1. Introduction  (paragraphs 1 – 4)
  2. Sources of Information (paragraph 5)
  3. Relevant Background Information (paragraphs 6-10)
  4. Educational, Employment & Relationship History (paragraphs 11 – 19)
  5. Legal History (paragraphs 18-19)
  6. Substance Use, Past Family Psychiatric History, Medical History and Medications (paragraphs 20-23)
  7. Past Psychiatric History  (paragraphs 24-34: two pages)
  8. Summary of Medical Records (paragraphs 35-46)
  9. Mental Status Examination on February 12, 2020  (ONE paragraph: #47
  10. Diagnostic Impression  (paragraphs 48-53)
  11. Official Version of the Alleged Offences (paragraphs 54-60)
  12. Police Interview with Mr. Kiska dated July 26, 2019 regarding the Alleged Offences (paragraphs 61-66)
  13. Summary of Interview with Ms. Moore by Detective Kirady on July 27, 2020 (paragraphs 67-71)
  14. Summary of Ms. Moore’s Bail Hearing, Ontario Court of Justice July 27, 2019   (paragraphs 72-76)
  15. Summary of Other Documentation included in the Crown Brief, authored by Ms. Moore (paragraphs 77-83)
  16. Summary of Written Documentation provided by Ms. Moore  (paragraph 84)
  17. Ms. Moore’s Account of the Alleged Offences on February 12, 2020  (paragraphs 85-91)
  18. Opinion Regarding Ms. Moore’s Criminal Responsibility  (paragraphs 92-104) including a statement at paragraph 96 that “[Moore was] not to communicate with Mr. Kiska or her children…” which is 100% false as evidenced by the 20190408 court order (insert link). Funny, Crown prosecutor Malcolm Savage told the same lie to Judge Laliberté. Why-oh-why are these people lying about me so much, I wonder.
  19. Recommendations  (paragraphs 105-106) Interestingly, Zeynep did not address the most likely outcome from my trial. Clearly, the woman is not familiar with the Criminal Code of Canada.
  20. Sincerely, …   (Yes, she and Joel Watts actually signed this false document.)

(Insert link to complete On-line Analysis of the scanned report)

(Insert theory regarding The Ottawa Ticket and The Ottawa Pipeline.)

“Until … can be developed … .”

(Discuss sociopaths and link to philosophy page:

Article ideas, outlines and research-in-progress drafts are available here.
Meet Andeé Sea Cae Jak.