How to Double Your Money by Screwing your Wife
by Deirdre Moore
202303xx partial Audio Book on YouTube
In a nutshell,
There isn’t a “non-violent” crime that this psychological version of Paul Bernardo won’t commit in his ongoing attempt to drive me to suicide.
I actually witnessed physical changes as he descended further and further into deeper levels of sociopathy. The more he succeeded in system-enabled torture, the more sick and twisted he became.
His decade-long enjoyment of torturing me and my children will take a while to evidence: this is merely a skeleton page which will eventually contain both oral and written testimony … and as well as links to the evidence that I am “permitted” to publish.
Ottawa has been totally infiltrated by sociopaths and there is no legitimate law enforcement, child protection or legal/judicial services. My advice to any non-sociopaths currently living there?
John Kiska is, among other things, a pathological liar who enjoys torturing women and children for pleasure and profit. This him, sticking out his tongue and giving me the finger as he phones his friends at Ottawa Police Services in June 2019. One month later, he lied in order to have me arrested, charged, denied bail and the long-awaited divorce trial cancelled. As of March 22, 2023, I am still married to this demonic individual as his many accomplices continue to help him “ghost me” so that Sean and Cate will have no memory of me.
Want to see my mountain of evidence against all of the perpetrators listed at Send to me an e-mail at and I’ll send to you the link to my DropBox account!
He remains,
at large (as of March 22, 2023) living in our $1M+ matrimonial home (of which I still own half) with my two beautiful teens (Sean Kiska and Cate Kiska) who have been brain-washed for the past four years and told that I am:
- severely mentally ill,
- very dangerous,
- guilty of multiple crimes and
- someone who abandoned them as “I no longer wanted to their mum”.
As I enter my TENTH YEAR attempting to divorce this covert, malignant narcissist (aka high-functioning sociopath), I have learned how infiltrated with organized crime, the capital of Canada truly is.
See over-simplified illustration here:
It will be difficult to itemize the irreparable harm that John Kiska has caused me and my two children: we are still paying the price today and the fool likely consented to have them injected. The Continuing Record for this scandalous divorce file #FC-15-2446 is being uploaded as time permits and police complaints require.
Outline for book/documentary
Summary: Renovations were complete, the house was mostly paid for and Kiska had successfully launched his consulting career … leveraging the company that I began without any support from him in 2002. (I was built a practice management methodology for financial advisors, incorporated it in 2003 and when he was fired from his job during the tech melt down, he began consulting for $400/day through my company, AdvisorOnTrack Inc.) Marital tensions heightened when Kiska refused to purchase adequate life insurance, disability insurance or home insurance. He also refused to have a Will drafted. Given we were “older” parents (me 48 and he 53) with young children (Sean 6 and Cate 5), I found this to be incredible irresponsible given our incomes. So, we began to argue; mostly by via e-mail. This escalated into his verbal abuse, emotional abuse and threats of divorce. Then, the systemic gaslighting began: Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (“OCDSB”) Vice-Principal Greg Wyzynski (“Wyzynski”) saw his opportunity to involve the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa (“CAS”) and Yvonne Munro (“Munro”) badgered me into a psychotic break so she could give temporary sole custody to Kiska. That was all that was need for Kiska to begin his “Long-term Kick to the Curb” portion of the Ottawa Swimlanes Pump & Dump scheme.
- 2013mmdd-2013mmdd e-mail exchange
- How did I “know” events were about to take a turn for the worst? Wyzynski gave me “that look” when he’d identified me as a new target. (All sociopaths have “that look” when they’re about to go in for the kill. Kiska had it and Lorie Fuentes had it too. It’s a wolfish grin: a sick&twisted smile where the eyes don’t quite match.)
- So, when CAS operative Munro arrived I was ready to record: sadly, this is all that remains of my 201302xx recording and notes.
- After she left, Kiska let into me again. And, he didn’t stop until he succeeded in causing my first nervous breakdown.
- Introduce TOH-related accomplice Dr. Daniel Saul
- Describe severe gaslighting prior to CAS visit leading to second nervous breakdown
- Introduce next CAS-employed accomplice Jessica Henry who buried Sean’s teacher’s testimony that “Daddy hit Mommy” and laughed at me while I was stuck in TOH, singing to my weeping daughter on the phone every evening. This was the song that comforted her: Green Leaves.
- Introduce family accomplice, sister Moira Moore
- Describe forced hospitalization #1 (6 weeks) due to incompetence and/or complicity of Dr. Keith Alexander (“Alexander”) and Dr. Yoland Charbonneau (“Charbonneau”)
- Kiska’s first set of wicked lies to arrange for both mis-diagnosis and mal-treatment
- Evidence “marital stress” leading to first nervous breakdown
Summary: (insert 100 words)
- Evidence “marital stress” leading to third nervous breakdown
- Describe forced hospitalization #2 (8 weeks)
- Introduce accomplice Eileen Moore
- Describe 1st attempt to divorce Kiska
Summary: (insert 100 words)
- Describe discovery of psychiatric abuse in medical files that lead to forced hospitalizations of 2013 & 2014
- Describe events of October 2015, police complaint and inability to receive any assistance from anyone in either Ontario or Quebec.
- Prior to being driven to another nervous breakdown, I felt I had no choice but to return my son, Sean, and my daughter, Cate, to Kiska and drive myself back to the TOH.
- This time, I ended up with Dr. Gary Kay (“Kay”) who also based all of his so-called care on testimony provided by Kiska. (Further evidence (including audio) of Kiska’s psychiatric abuse re: forced medication, limitation on passes and ultimate discharge available on Kay’s VIS page.)
- (Insert evidence of Kiska’s forgery to withdraw AOT funds to hire Bell Baker LLP, my police complaint and OPSBs refusal to investigate.)
- 201511xx Unable to retain any lawyer, Kiska served me first; not only with a Form 8 Application, but a malicious Urgent Notice of Motion for Sole Custody and Access. My attempt to serve Kiska with a Form 8A Application (Divorce with grounds) had been thwarted by the Syndicate.
- Introduce accomplices Dr. Deanna Mercer (“Mercer”), David Pattee (“Pattee”), Nelligan O’Brien Payne LLP (“NOP”), Victor Vallance Blais LLP (“VVB”), Bell Baker LLP (“Bell Baker”), SCJ FName LName
Summary: (insert 100 words)
- Describe financial drainage due to collusion by VVB and Bell Baker.
- 20160224 Collusion between VVB and BellBaker was further evidenced by the fact that they both filed their Case Conference Briefs on the same day (a violation of Family Law Rule contained within Courts of Justice Act (“CJA“), a violation of S. 126 of the CCC … and merely 48 hours before the matter was to be heard, another violation and another count. Furthermore, Kiska knowingly lied and Tania Pompilio served/filed a document that served Kiska’s interests more than mine:
- 20160224 Case Conference Brief of Kiska
- 20160224 Case Conference Brief of Moore
- 20160226 Endorsement of MacKinnon (transcript never ordered; requires judicial leave)
- Describe forced move back to the matrimonial home in order to better prepare financially.
- Insert letters of support from CAS.
- Describe third and final departure; link to Kiska accomplices Wade Smith and Michéle Blais
- Describe eviction of Pattee
- x
Summary: (insert 100 words)
- x
- Describe legal bullying and Motion to seek Damages
- Describing abuse of Sean, Cate and me
- Link to evidence of Gangstalking
Summary: (insert 100 words)
- Link to 20181231 Submission to Engelking (excluding evidence in the CAS file of Kiska’s abuse so illegally-obtained, unlawful, child-abusing 20220524 ON Probation Order isn’t violated).
- x
- Describe court-enabled Fraud #1 > link to Wade Smith and Julie Audet
- Introduce ex-CAS employee and crooked judge Tracy Engelking
Summary: (insert 100 words)
- Note that 20190408 > 12, 12 > 3,3 > 6 Ergo, three cruel and illegal events happened on the same day in order to achieve their
🔥 666🔥
- Insert details of 20190408 Eviction Scam
- Insert details of unlawful “final” 20190408 protection/restraining order issued by career-criminal ON SCJ judge Calum MacLeod.
- Insert details of false statements leading to false 20190408 NCR report prepared by incompetent or career-criminal psychiatrist Dr. Paule Kemgi
- Insert details of 20190428 acquittal to 20190726 re-arrest and detention.
- 20190726 (hh:mm) Kiska pretended that he feared for his safety and lied to OPSB Daniel Gervais. During his violation of S. XXX Conspiracy to Prosecute, Kiska committed a number of counts of S. XXX Defamatory Libel including, but not limited to:
- x
- x
- x
- 20190726 (13:21) Kiska’s lawyer, Wade Smith confirmed by e-mail to the court that he will not be filing a new Trial Management Conference form: he will simply update the previous one. There was no indication of fear or his intention to seek sole custody.
- 20190726 (hh:mm) Moore left the Westin Hotel to attend court where she was being charged with violation of S. XXX of the CYFSA for attempting to tell her children the truth following over five months of enduring Kiska’s and the CAS’s torture. She delivered an extensive document to Prosecutor Yvonne Gloebel who knew enough to drop the charge.
- 20190726 (hh:mm)
- 20190726 (hh:mm)
- 20190726 (hh:mm) OPS-employed Alex Kirady (“Kirady”) ignored the evidence that I had brought, ignored the evidence that had been scanned into OPS’s CopLogic System: see 20181231 “Submission to Engelking” viewable at Victim Impact Statement re: Tracy Engelking
- 20190727 (hh:mm) Introduce OPS Jean Benoit (“Benoit”), Crown Mike Boyce (“Boyce”) and OCJ JP Paul Harris (“Harris”).
- 201911xx The lien on my $1M+ home was complete and the scandalous (if not illegal) contract was signed under duress.
- 201911xx Meanwhile, Snir changed the lien amount in the retainer agreement to $250k+
- 201911xx …. he stated “Get the paperwork with FName LName done as if your life depends on it.”
- 20191112 Snir confirmed our scandalous agreement in writing: given the lawlessness of Malcolm Savage, Tara MacDougall, Wade Smith and John Kiska, I felt I had no choice but to agree.
- 201911xx An employee of Elizabeth Fry’s Lotus House (soon to be managed by pimp Lorie Fuentes) recommended that I contact Joseph Addelman for legal representation for my 7 bogus criminal charges being aggressively prosecuted by Ottawa’s Crown Attorney’s Office. He insisted on a “flat fee” of $25,000 whether there was a trial or not and walked me down the hall to Snir’s office who was “the best in the business”.
- x
- x
- x
Summary: (insert 100 words)
2020mmdd No surprise, I lost the illegally-scheduled CYFSA Summary Judgment Motion against me. (See crooked SCJ judge Mary Fraser.) Note: nothing legal about ANY OF THIS given the legal definition of a “Respondent” (which does NOT include two individuals involved in a wicked, drawn-out divorce) and the federal paramountcy of Canada’s Divorce Act.Then, enter stage left: Cedric Nahum and Meaghan McMahon.202008xx After … Snir committed multiple torts and crimes to have himself removed from both the Family Court and the CYFSA files. This was enabled by SCJ law-breaking judges Mark Smith and Pamela MacEachern as well as multiple career-criminal lawyers operating under multiple entities; namely, Deborah Souder, Debra Scholey and Wade Smith. Although he tried to be complicit too, OPGT sociopath Walter Kim was excluded from the proceedings.2020mmdd I managed to shake Addelman as my defense attorney but remained duped by Snir regarding his intentions to represent the best interests of me, Sean and Cate instead of sociopaths John Kiska and Tara MacDougall.
Summary: (insert 100 words)
x2021mmdd No surprise, I lost the illegally-scheduled Summary Judgment Motion against me. (See crooked SCJ Divisional court judges Larry, Curly and Moe in due course.)x
Summary: (insert 100 words)
- 20221228 In response, I provided to both Snir and Addelman an “Offer to Settle”. Why was OPS François D’Aoust excluded from my offer? Oh, gosh, I don’t know. He’s just another crooked cop maybe? (Too bad we can’t ask murdered Manyok Akol, huh D’Aoust?)
- 20221228 Then, the shyster even had the nerve to send to me a bill for over $88k.
- 20220729 Before leaving, I made sure I originated my Statement of Claim against both Snir and Addelman seeking damages for $3,000,000. (This will be amended and served early in 2023.) Who knows: depending upon the settlement amount, I may use it to fund those falsely accused of crime instead of build our Newfoundland Healing Centre for #TDVCA victims … because of the ongoing fraud against Ontario taxpayers via Legal Aid Ontario’s LIOS/DIDA (aka “Lay-it-on-Savage/Dial-it-down-Addelman”) scam.
- 20220524 Under duress, I agreed to the illegally-obtained, anti-Charter, child-abusing Probation Order prepared by Mike Boyce just so I could flee Ontario and try to fight for my children, Sean and Cate Kiska, in another jurisdiction. Time will tell how well that works out. (See for ongoing saga.)
- 20220803 Not surprisingly, leaving my children behind in Ontario (even if only temporarily) was excruciatingly painful for me. As usual, I soon realized that not many could digest the reality that is the capital city of Canada. A hub for organized crime that is linked to international human trafficking (see pinned Tweet @CaeJak). Mocked/taunted and then assaulted on the ferry to Newfoundland, I was re-arrested.
- Six months later, those bogus criminal charges were dropped to: see Criminal Justice, NL-Style.
Does Newfoundland’s law enforcement/judicial system have what it takes to disassemble the #TDVCA division of Ottawa’s Crime Syndicate?
Summary: (insert 100 words)
- 20230101 Following his failure to commit another level of Fraud via the Financial Responsibility Office in 2020 (see Pamela MacEachern), Kiska reluctantly paid the $1,230/month until January 1, 2023. (see letters from accomplice Cheryl Hess).
- 20230221 Following his success in having another illegally-obtained cost award issued, Kiska decided to stop paying the $1,230/month again; so, I filed an evidence-laden police complaint against him and his syndicate for FRAUD (just one count to start with).
- 20230301 I realized I had better apply for welfare in Newfoundland now: see Welfare Application & Commentary re: perpetual Fraud against not just me but all taxpayers.
- 20230308 Meanwhile, Kiska’s accomplices at the Ottawa Police Services Board (“OPSB”) had their scandalous civil court application to have me declared a vexatious litigant was issued. Details on this ongoing branch of organized crime is can be picked up by reviewing links contained in OPSB Extortion via BLG LLP (a work in progress as I prepare for the hearing scheduled for October 2023).
- Note that as of
- As of March 10, 2023, not a single family member has sent to me a picture of Sean and Cate: that’s over four years of intentionally ghosting their loving mother … just as they needed her most. (Is my ENTIRE family and extended family involved in Satanism, Freemasonry &/or Human Trafficking? Or, are they just conscience-free sociopaths)
- 20230317 I applied for welfare in Newfoundland.
- I began to receive financial support from NL Social Services (while Kiska remains in my $1M+ home with my son, Sean, my daughter, Cate, and our pets Finn and Shadow). He drives a Volvo, wears Hugo Boss and apparently my children “love their new mom now”. 100% emotionally and psychologically abused by their dad for over a decade, Sean & Cate know nothing about what he’s done to us.
- x
- x
- 20230508 Kiska’s and his lawyer’s wickedness was further evidenced when zero response was received when I sought consent to send to my son, Sean, a birthday cake for his 17th birthday (and his fourth in a row that’s he’s been denied my love and protection).x
- x
- Parties to Offence (link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
- Accessory after the fact (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
- Fraud (X counts)
- Defamatory Libel (X counts)
- Forgery (0 counts)
- Fabricated Evidence (X counts)
- False Affidavit (X counts)
- Perjury (X counts)
- Disobeying a Statute (X counts)
- Criminal Harassment (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
(link to Statement of Claim: in the interim two samples are viewable here and here)
- Negligence: _.
- Defamation: _.
- Breach in fiduciary duty: _.
- Knowing assistance in breach in fiduciary duty: _.
- Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
- Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
- Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.
- Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.
(link to Private Information form: in the interim, here are links to two samples. The first one (.pdf) is against crooked psychiatrist, Dr. Paule Kemgni and the second one (an editable MS Word document) is against pathological lying “child protection” worker (of which there are an abundance), Mohammed Said whom has committed MANY more crimes since I prepared this form last year.)