Court-enabled Fraud by Ontario on Newfoundland & Labrador

Applying for Welfare as a #TDVCA Target

202303xx partial Oral Testimony on YouTube: the Overview

In a nutshell,

As I receive taxpayer and donor-funded assistance from Newfoundland, Kiska and his accomplices’ fraud has now grown legs and will be evidenced in my 20230317 welfare application which requires:

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. MCP card (20230330 Application)
  3. Explanation re: BMO joint account
  4. Verification of $234 refund from criminal defense attorney (following extortion by Ottawa’s Office of the Crown Attorney’s Malcolm Savage and Mike Boyce).
  5. Comments regarding police complaint about ex husband
  6. Verification of monthly spousal support
  7. SIN card
  8. Note regarding requirement to live alone
  9. Detailed lease with 6-months of receipts
  10. Bank statements for Jan 1-Feb 28, 2023
  11. Letter re: termination of spousal support
  12. Direct deposit information

#5 and #8 are going to require quite a bit of ink and paper. Imagine if OPSB had been successfully in ensuring that I lost my computers, printer and scanner too during yet another malicious arrest during 2020 designed to separate me from all of my possessions.



(insert comment)

Regarding Ottawa City Hall and Ottawa Police Services (“OPSB”)? They are complicit AF (and have been from the get-go) as will soon be evidenced here:

The date was set yesterday for OPSB’s scandalous Application to have me denied justice in Civil court as well! 

  • 20230308 Endorsement of SCJ’s Mastier Fortier
  • OPSB can commit as much crime as they like and then leverages SCJ judges to shut down legitimate civil actions: my  20220301 Fresh Statement of Claim

20230615 – present

For some bizarre reason (or due to a call from someone higher up in Ontario), NL CSSD ceased providing any financial support; thus, forcing me to return to Ontario… risking my safety and the safety of Sean and Cate as Kiska and OPSB would frame me for anything and Ottawa’s Crown and Judges would convict me of anything. Then, the Cahir of OPSB would have me declared NCR and sent for “treatment“… in order to cover up the organized crime evidenced by #Mummygate.


As I enter my ELEVENTH YEAR attempting to divorce this covert, malignant narcissist (aka high-functioning sociopath), I have learned how infiltrated with organized crime, the capital of Canada (and the rest of the country) truly is.


Want to see my mountain of evidence against all of the perpetrators listed at E-mail me at and I’ll send to you the link to my DropBox account!



So many crooks, so little time. ~AJ


It will be difficult to itemize the irreparable harm that John Kiska has caused me and my two children: we are still paying the price today (and the fool likely consented to have them injected too).

SUMMARY: In reverse chronological order:


  • 20230307  I began the process to apply for welfare and they’ve requested the following items:
      1. Birth Certificate >> 
      2. MCP card >> 
      3. Explanation re: BMO joint account >> Request is in progress and viewable here.
      4. Verification of $234 refund from criminal defense attorney >> Following extortion by Ottawa’s Office of the Crown Attorney’s Malcolm Savage and Mike Boyce, Alyssa Jervis convinced me to accept a Probation Order instead of going to trial. She claimed that I would be able to transfer it to another jurisdiction for relief. This has proven impossible due to continued malicious behaviour from Ottawa and Ms. Jervis no longer returns my calls/texts/e-mails. A copy of her “wrap-up letter” is here and the bizarre $234.96 refund cheque is here. To my knowledge, despite her possession of an abundance of evidence, Ms. Jervis did not report any of the crimes being committed against me to anyone.
      5. Comments regarding police complaint about ex husband >> See details included at 20230221 below.
      6. Verification of monthly spousal support >> See details included at 20230221 below under item #18 exhibit P.
      7. SIN card >> 
      8. Note regarding requirement to live alone >> Request is in progress and viewable here.
      9. Detailed lease with 6-months of receipts >> 
      10. Bank statements for Jan 1-Feb 28, 2023 >> 
      11. Letter re: termination of spousal support  >> One of Kiska’s many career-criminal accomplices at Bell Baker LLP, Cheryl Hess, refuses to respond: my most recent attempts to confirm the scallywag had again stopped sending his piddly, fraudulently-obtained, support amounts were made on:
        1. 20230220 and
        2. 20230309
      12. Direct deposit information >> 
  • 20230307  Still no response from Kiska’s accomplice at Bell Baker, Cheryl Hess, regarding the two months of missing $1,230, today I noticed a bizarre deposit into my chequing account.

  • 20230221  As I realized that Kiska and his accomplices would continue to commit Fraud at this morning’s hearing, I made sure to file a police complaint in the manner so advised in advance of the hearing so I could report it as a crime in progress. Here are:

    I followed up 20230307, was informed that they were a bit behind and advised to wait for a call (hopefully) next week.

  • 2023xxxx  Kiska wanted to have the fraudulently-obtained, $5,000 cost award issued via court order so “it could be enforced“; so, they arranged for another taxpayer-funded hearing. As expected, the court ignored my written and oral testimony regarding ongoing, court-enabled fraud and issued the order (viewable here:  ) This order is the result of yet another set of crooked SCJ judges ignoring both my evidence and multiple pieces of legislation. Details of the scandalous Family court hearing will be available at:


pre-2022 evidence of domestic violence? See work-in-progress page at (with ten years and counting, it takes a while)


  1. Parties to Offence (link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
  2. Accessory after the fact (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
  3. Fraud (X counts)
  4. Defamatory Libel (X counts)
  5. Forgery (0 counts)
  6. Fabricated Evidence (X counts)
  7. False Affidavit (X counts)
  8. Perjury (X counts)
  9. Disobeying a Statute (X counts)
  10. Criminal Harassment (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)


(link to Statement of Claim: in the interim two samples are viewable here and here)

  1. Negligence: _.
  2. Defamation: _.
  3. Breach in fiduciary duty: _.
  4. Knowing assistance in breach in fiduciary duty: _.
  5. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
  6. Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
  7. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.
  8. Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.

EVIDENCE OF CRIME/VIOLATIONS: ACTIONS AND/OR INACTIONS OF (INSERT NAME), domestic terrorist employed by the (insert employer).

    1. ________:
    2. ________:

(link to Private Information form: in the interim, here are links to two samples. The first one (.pdf) is against crooked psychiatrist, Dr. Paule Kemgni and the second one (an editable MS Word document) is against pathological lying “child protection” worker (of which there are an abundance), Mohammed Said whom has committed MANY more crimes since I prepared this form last year.)