Ottawa’s Superior Court of Justice
Justice Pamela MacEachern
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In a nutshell:
- This piece of work took over from former CAS-employee & career-criminal judge Tracy Engelking following her final performance 20200828 when, despite having received 12 volumes of evidence of domestic violence from 2013-2020, she scheduled a Summary Judgment Motion to be held against me by her accomplices at the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa.
- Her first crime was to schedule a Civil Matter to be heard in Family court (see para. 77 in Statement of Claim against two more Ottawa shysters: Joe Addelman and Gonen Snir).
- Her second was when she ignored all evidence and law to rule in favour of Kiska’s ongoing defrauding of me and abuse of my children (see details below).
Photograph of Justice Pamela MacEachern, another of Lametti’s taxpayer-funded career criminals.
“Can a woman be a misogynist? Absolutely. Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice is loaded with them. Liberal Cabinet Minister #DavidLametti makes sure of it!”
~ Deirdre Moore, business owner, (former) CFA, BBA & childless mother of two.
- I sought leave to appeal her scandalous decision; but, was DENIED by another panel of crooked judges: Larry, Humpty & Dumpty.
- They converted my valid appeal into a $5,000 cost award for Kiska.
- After waiting for one year, Kiska and his accomplice at Bell Baker chose to have the order issued.
- Accordingly, I reported the event as a crime in progress from somewhere not-in-the-cesspool-that-is-Ontario else: 20230221 Police Complaint.
Feel free to request a copies of any and all court documents by sending to me an e-mail at
So many criminals, so little time.
It will be difficult to itemize the irreparable harm that Pamela MacEachern has caused me and my two children: we are still paying the price today.
SUMMARY: In reverse chronological order:
- 20230802 I am still awaiting a response from James Law, another Syndicate member, regarding the date for my Urgent Motion against Kiska’s demon-possessed lawyer Cheryl Hess.
- 20230222 That Ontario’s Appellant court is involved in organized crime (eg. #TDVCA) was evidenced by the issuance of their scandalous 20220121 cost award in the amount of $5,000 for Kiska. Decision-free, it discounted all of my evidence to a value of zero and apparently assumed Kiska’s testimony was credible.
- 202301xx As of 20231022, Kiska has forwarded only one piddle support payment this year. Good thing I’d already purchased most of the transcripts that evidence this court-enabled crime Syndicate.
- 20220121 Still no relief from SCJ (see The Three Stooges II) as I continue to expose their crimes at pfi.ROCKS. Guess they’re holding a grudge: sociopaths are like that.
- 20210609 Pam lied in her decision in multiple ways including, but not limited to, stating at para. 3 of her endorsement that “… Audet also ordered that any further steps in this case pertaining to financial issues (only) may be brought to the attention of the case management judge, Justice Engelking”. This was entirely false: Audet’s 20210719 endorsement said nothing of the sort … until ?after the phantom second page that I never received? was completed. Once word got out that I was denied bail 20190727 (see J.P. Paul Harris), team Audet–Engelking–MacEachern couldn’t move fast enough to get all of their screw-the-wife ducks lined up. Point of fact: when I mentioned the court-enable fraud to Engelking on 20200828 she specifically stated “… that will be up to Justice MacEachern” (see page 27 para. 3 of the 20200827 transcript). These three wenches couldn’t keep their stories straight if their lives depended on it.
- Pam’s lawless decision resulted in another one from SCJ’s Appellant court’s LEDERER, MATHESON and COPELAND JJ. : denial of leave to appeal and a cost award:
- Matheson was one of the judges who ignored all of my evidence to deny my CAS Appeal:
- 20200807 Among other insanity, Pam illegally scheduled a CJA Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 15.04 Motion as CJA Family Law Rules Motion in Family Court! Twice! That’s two counts of violating S. 126 of the CCC right there. But, it gets better! At para. 7 of her endorsement she correctly states at para. 7 that “On July 29, 2019, Justice Audet stayed the custody and access portions of [FC-15-2446] pending the completion of the CYFSA proceedings.” (Note that I did try to report her from Alaska via Edmonton’s Dan Jones.)
- 20191227 In kahoots with Gonen Snir and (enter CAS accomplices) Pam ordered that Kiska receive ALL of my personal medical files and complete, unredacted OPSB files: see
- 201908xx The Family file was tossed to MacEachern after Tracy Engelking:
- illegally and arbitrarily reduced the interim financial support order for Kiska’s benefit and
- cancelled the long-awaited divorce trial—shortly after I was falsely accused by Kiska and illegally denied bail due to:
- OCJ’s JP Paul Harris, Crown’s Mike Boyce and OPSB’s multiple Syndicate accomplices including:
- Alex Kirady
- Daniel Gervais and
- Jean Benoit
- OCJ’s JP Paul Harris, Crown’s Mike Boyce and OPSB’s multiple Syndicate accomplices including:
- Engelking continued to torture me and my children via the CYFSA file, along with accomplice Julie Audet who shored up the court-enabled abuse while I was in jail by arranging to have the CAS Summary Judgment Motion heard on 20191120 while I was unlawfully held in remand for crimes I didn’t commit and without access to any evidence of the severe domestic violence that Sean, Cate and I had endured (see 20190911 endorsement).
- The court-enabled Fraud from 2018 – 2019 is best viewed at career criminal page for Judge Julie Audet.
- 201711xx I received permission to seek extensive damages for Kiska’s violations of both civil law & the Criminal Code of Canada in a family court setting. While Justice Summers did not permit me to amend the stated facts (which were sorrely deficient as they were prepared by Syndicate participants at Victor Vallance Blais LLP) her Honour did permit me to seek all of the damages that were tenable at law (see endorsement at Kiska v. Moore 2017 ONSC 6872.
Guidance for Law Enforcement
- S. 21(1) > Parties to Offence (link to page that lists each criminal he has assisted to commit a crime)
- S. 23(1) > Accessory after the fact (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
- S. 380(1)(b) Fraud (X counts)
- S. 300/301 Defamatory Libel (X counts)
- S. 366 Forgery (0 counts)
- S. 137 Fabricated Evidence (X counts)
- S. XXX False Affidavit (X counts)
- S. 131 Perjury (X counts)
- S. 126 Disobeying a Statute (X counts)
- S. 264 Criminal Harassment (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
- S. 139(1) > Obstruction of Justice (X counts)
- S. 465(1)(b) Conspiracy to Prosecute
- S. 83.18 > Terrorist Activities || See also S. 83.01 (1) for definition/clarity
Guidance for Other Victims of Taxpayer-funded Domestic Violence & Child Abuse (#TDVCA)
- Negligence: _.
- Defamation: _.
- Breach in fiduciary duty: _.
- Knowing assistance in breach in fiduciary duty: _.
- Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
- Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
- Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.
- Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.
- Malice
- Unjust Enrichment
EVIDENCE OF CRIME/VIOLATIONS: ACTIONS AND/OR INACTIONS OF RYAN BELL, Judge who represents Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice