
pfi.ROCKS Organized Crime!

Tax dollars hard at work in St. John’s Newfoundland? You be the judge.*

(Ontario’s #TDVCA racket grows legs!)

Disclosure disk finally delivered on 20221228: nearly five months after my arrest and one week before our next court appearance.. The Crown Attorney’s Office sat on it: why?

by Andeé Sea Cae Jak (January 5, 2023)

Under duress, following  nearly three years of torture by the criminal complex that is Ottawa’s judicial system, on May 24, 2022 I agreed to a Probation Order so I could flee Ontario and try to seek justice from another jurisdiction.

The most recent Release Order that forced me to live in the worst part of Ottawa with addicts and hookers can be viewed below (left): Crown prosecutors Mike Boyce and Malcolm Savage) refused to permit me to move, even after a murder occurred one morning in the apartment beneath me.

By April 7th, Ottawa’s sick & twisted police force (scroll down to Column F and see evidence under “Police Board Employees“) had accumulated 14 bogus charges against me for the benefit of my ex, John Kiska, and to the demise of my children, Sean and Cate. The charges were:
  1. S. 349(1) Unlawfully in Dwelling, 1 count
  2. S. 430(4) Mischief to Property, 2 counts
  3. S. 127(1) Disobey a Court Order, 1 count*
  4. S. 264(3) Criminal Harassment, 5 counts
  5. S. 145(5)(a) Failure to Comply with Release Order, 4 counts and
  6. S. 348(1)(a) Break and Enter, 1 count**

All charges were dropped with the exception of S. 349(1) Unlawfully in Dwelling

Note that “the dwelling” is the matrimonial home. I paid for half of it, I re-designed it, I still own half of it, it should be worth approximately $2,000,000 by now, I have every right to bring a Motion in Family Court and arrange for its sale and my reason for entering it was to attempt to put an end to Kiska’s ongoing emotional and psychological abuse of my children. In other words, I was there for lawful purposes and committed no crime.

*Once the Savage realized I wanted to go to trial on the first “Disobey an Order” charge so I could generate citable case law for other victims of the sick & twisted Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa (scroll down to Column E and see evidence under “Child Protection Services” (“CPS”)), he dropped the charge. He claimed it could not be pursued under the Criminal Code of Canada as it was a charge covered by the Child, Youth & Family Services Act (“CYFSA”). This was a deliberate lie to the court, corroborated by my Amicus Curiae, another liar, Meaghan McMahon. The CYFSA legislation to which these two bold-faced referred was Section 142(1) which did not apply to me as I, clearly, was not a CPS director, officer or employee.

**Once Savage realized that I could re-elect (due to prosecutor John Ramsay’s botched extortion of a guilty plea in 2019 and a likely successful Certiori Application prepared by Cedric Nahum he offered to drop the Break and Enter charge to prevent me from switching from Superior court to Provincial court (thereby negating the illegally-obtained NCR assessment from crooked psychiatrists Zeynep Selaman and Joel Watts.)

The true purpose of the LSATs and the MCATs? Insurance.

Why do Narcissists Destroy their own Families? by Frank Gallagher

Abuse in Marriage & Divorce: Warning. As Goes the Marriage, so Goes the Divorce by Sharon Zarozny

What is Empathy? It falls somewhere between sympathy and compassion. by Andeé Sea Cae Jak

Can a strong Lack of Empathy be considered a mental disorder? by Andeé Sea Cae Jak

(Link to Anne Kingston’s article “We are the Dead”:

*Tina Moores’ name is being used here only because no one will tell me the name of the lead Crown prosecutor, as evidenced here: _______ (except, there is that pesky S. 21(1)(b) of the CCC that everyone seems to ignore.) Quite the coincidental surname though, eh?

So, on May 24th I was finally free to leave the cesspool that was Mayor Jim Watson and his band of criminal Councillors’ Ottawa*.

Next task? Figure out how I could leave and how much I could bring with me. Given the dystopian that is now Canada, I am no longer permitted to board a plane or a train.

Given the degree of fraud that I’ve endured, my perfect credit rating has been ruined and I can no longer obtain a credit card; accordingly, I can’t rent a car … normally.

Next, where will I live? Given the degree of gang-stalking that I’ve endured, any real friends and family are long gone; accordingly, providing personal references is impossible.

And, how will I be able to afford wherever I land? Given the degree of defamation that I’ve endured, despite my extensive education and experience, my professional reputation has been destroyed so landing $125/hour contracts as I did with my first company AdvisorOnTrack Inc. will be impossible.

Also, I needed to try to find a jurisdiction that wasn’t as infested with sociopaths as is Ottawa. I could only think of one place: Newfoundland!

Even though I felt horrible leaving Sean and Cate in a totally different province, I packed up what I could and headed out east.

Over 30o Celsius and the ferry boarding ?5? hours late, I wasn’t about to be wearing a 3-piece suit, now was I? In line with a bunch of Harley Davidson drivers, it was likely that the ferry employees profiled me as some sort of biker chick … and wanted to exert the power that all [insert pluralized noun of choice] do when they develop some sick&twisted superiority complex. Why do I say this? Only because they chose to file a police complaint for Assault with a Weapon and Assault! (An over-zealous, young, police officer who shall remain unnamed for now added the other two.)

Cate’s unicorn and Sean’s monkey are the only two things I have left from their childhood: everything else was stolen in a 2019 Eviction Scam when I was detained by crooked and/or incompetent psychiatrist Paule Kemgni following a previous episode of malicious prosecution by Quebec prosecutor Patric Cardinal. (Though I paid for the transcript of my Quebec criminal trial, I’ve never received it from the courthouse. I was fully acquitted of the charge “Flight from Peace Officer” and–having never even been given a charge sheet–the only evidence I have of ever being arrested are the formal memos I wrote while imprisoned and the formal complaints that I wrote while trapped in a psych ward for three weeks so my house could be emptied without my knowledge. Oh, & Dr. Kemgni’s scandalous “Not Criminally Responsible” assessment (English translation) based entirely the self-serving hearsay of John Kiska and his now-deceased, companion sister Mary.

(insert pictures while on the ferry)

*They even have complicit media-type companies that will assist them: the Ottawa Citizen, for example.

20230215  S. 699 Application for 3rd-party records

On 20230216, all charges were dropped. Here are:

E-mail me at for a TON of evidence against the Ottawa-based crime syndicate outlined at

20220804-20230104: the four NL Criminal Court Appearances

20230106  Despite having been made aware of my plight (and under a legal obligation to report the Ottawa Syndicate as per S. 21(1) of the CCC , NL Crown Attorney’s assistant Tina Moores attempted to have me arrested for breach of my illegally-obtained, unlawful, 20220524 Probation Order. Officers LName and LName left after I revealed that the allegation was entirely false. I also alerted them that I suspected Ms. Moores was involved in #Gangstalking as can be surmised from the events of Tuesday, October 14, 2022

20230104  My goal?

1. Learn the process for filing and scheduling a Third Party Records Motion. (I’ve come this far: that little monkey better not drop the charges. We need a legit judge to request the arrest of the Ottawa Syndicate.) (success) Note that fill-in prosecutor Burt attempted to convince the court to deny me this right. (insert audio)

2. Ascertain what the Crown is seeking re: sentencing (denied)

3. Obtain their witness list. (denied)

4. See if future hearings can be held via Zoom telephone (success)

5. Alert court re: complications with transfer of Probation Order to NL (not addressed)

(Note: This time, the cost to rent a car was $250.) 

20221228  One week before our next hearing, I finally received the disclosure disk. I attempted to confirm the Lead Prosecutor’s correct contact information: I was somewhat successful.

20221227  I phoned again trying to find out if I would ever receive the Crown’s full disclosure package.

2022xxxx  I phoned the Crown and requesting the audio files … again.

2022xxxx  I e-mailed the Crown and requesting the audio files … again.

2022xxxx  I e-mailed the Crown and requesting the audio files … again.

2022xxxx  This was my third 1st appearance. Some Legal Aid lawyer suggested I accept the Legal Aid assistance for which I had been approved. I answered that I would not retain anyone until I had received the Crown’s full disclosure which had been, thus far, withheld: the recordings of the so-called Victim Impact Statements and witness were missing.

When I explained this to the judge, Crown prosecutor lied (insert audio) by claiming that I had to obtain the audio directly from RCMP in Placentia. Following a long conversation with RCMP Officer Robert Hynes, he assured me that he had sent the disks to the Crown and it was their responsibility to provide them to me. 

(Note: Another $200 to rent a car and drive out to the Harbour Grace courthouse.) 

20221002  This was my second 1st appearance: the Crown still did not have any paperwork and the judge pressured me to retain a lawyer as the charges I was facing were serious [to him].

(Note: $200 to rent a car and drive out to the Harbour Grace courthouse as moving the hearing to nearby St. John’s was not permitted.) 

20220804  After being arrested and detained, I attend my first 1st appearance via “telephone court”. As the Crown hadn’t received any paperwork, they were advised by the judge not to detain me further; accordingly, I was released with an undertaking to re-appear. 


20220804 NL Criminal Charges

Cause a disturbance – S. 175(1)(a)(i)

Assault – S. 266

Assault with a handful of whistle-blowing/advocacy buttons weapon – S. 267(a)

Breach of [unlawful, illegally-obtained] probation – S. 733.1(1)


Available Defenses for S. 267 (a)

Actus Reus

Mens Rea

De Minimus


Other ( Victims vs Gangstalkers, Victims vs Sociopaths)


The “weapon” with which the so-called victims are referring to are a handful of my pfi.ROCKS whistle-blowing advocacy buttons. As detailed in the description section (of this (03:31) YouTube 20221227 voiceover of my voicemail left for the St. John’s Crown Attorney’s Office) no one was injured, other than me … again.  

* Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse that can induce psychosis, especially if combined with emotional abuse, verbal abuse and/or the witnessing of continuous child abuse that cannot be stopped. See excellent article on gaslighting here. ALL sociopaths and #Gangstalkers gaslight … and lie.

Thoughts on the multiple “sub-species” within humanity are summarized here.

Draft article “The Myth labelled Psychiatry” is here.

Meet Deirdre Moore (pen name:  Andeé Sea Cae Jak )