Image by “The Sociopath Next Door”







 Excellent Resources:

  1. CBC’s documentary, The Psychopath Next Door, even though I believe it should have been titled “The Sociopath Next Door”
  2. “The Sociopath Next Door” Audio Book is here.
  3. Anne Kingston’s article, “We are the Dead“, from Maclean’s magazine contains both disturbing information and excellent resources and suggestions for victims of domestic violence.
  4. Sam Vaknin’s YouTube Channel on Narcissism is here.
  5. “The Effects of Gaslighting in Narcissistic Victim Syndrome”, viewable here is an excellent article that describes how this form of abuse impacts mental resilience and fortitude.
  6. For those dealing with narcissistic mothers, a good summary on overt versus covert narcissism posted on by Kybele Kordax.
  7. Sample of wicked pathological lying is here.
  8. Excellent overview of Organized Gang Stalking.
  9. A website devoted to raising awareness of Organized Gang Stalking.

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