Excellent Resources:
- CBC’s documentary, The Psychopath Next Door, even though I believe it should have been titled “The Sociopath Next Door”
- “The Sociopath Next Door” Audio Book is here.
- Anne Kingston’s article, “We are the Dead“, from Maclean’s magazine contains both disturbing information and excellent resources and suggestions for victims of domestic violence.
- Sam Vaknin’s YouTube Channel on Narcissism is here.
- “The Effects of Gaslighting in Narcissistic Victim Syndrome”, viewable here is an excellent article that describes how this form of abuse impacts mental resilience and fortitude.
- For those dealing with narcissistic mothers, a good summary on overt versus covert narcissism posted on Quora.com by Kybele Kordax.
- Sample of wicked pathological lying is here.
- Excellent overview of Organized Gang Stalking.
- A website devoted to raising awareness of Organized Gang Stalking.
20210227 article “What is Empathy?” a collaborative piece by Peter Augros and Andeé Sea Cae Jak
20200731 work-in-progress review of Psychology Terms
20210116 work-in-progress collection of AJ’s opinions regarding the invention of religion
20200731 work-in-Progress list of common characteristics of sociopaths
20200731 work-in-progress list of New-Age Terrorists
20200705 work-in-progress list of entities that have been infiltrated by New-Age Terrorists