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pfi.ROCKS the Canadian Government!
Last updated: May 22, 2023 at 12:26 p.m. EST
Justin Trudeau says Canada is “NOT a country that makes vaccination mandatory”. (May 2021) Click to hear statement.
Go to Funny Pages: Canada >> Skits || Memes || Songs
A. Biodigital Convergence
This is a printable flyer that shop-owners (or anyone who cares) can use to raise awareness.
Add material provided by Barely Bruised Books when possible..
- Introduction to taxpayer-funded, Policy Horizons Canada
- Twitter thread on biodigital convergence
- 1-hour 20220122 interview with James Scott McKillop
- 1-hour+ interview with James Scott McKillop
- 20230325 Interview with James: part 1 starts around 20-mintue mark and part 2 starts here.
- Link to Transgenderism
- Link to Transhumanism
B. Forced Injections
(that have been labelled “vaccination” to reduce suspicion of democide)
C. Forced Poverty
(that people won’t care about until it happens to them)
D. Forced Homelessness
(that people won’t care about until it happens to them)
E. Medical Assistance in Dying
(#MAiD because the government is literally “cleaning up”)
- Why is legalizing murder for doctors and lawyers a really bad idea? Simple: too many of them are sociopaths.
- Oh look! Another Canadian not-for-profit scam. Check out that MAiDHouse Board!
- 20230116 True North’s interview by Andrew Lawton with Nicole Scheidl re: Canada’s obsession with euthanasia has gone too far
- ____ Item 4
F. Multi-pronged Poisoning/Democide
- Article “Our Doctors have Forsaken Us“ by David Solway
- Video of Trudeau stating: “We will buy the viruses as they become available”
- Full snippet where he can barely contain his enthusiasm is here
- ____ Item 4
Matt’s videos to be watched, labelled and copied for storage
- yyyymmdd: (insert title) add link
20210805: Trudeau wants to mandate vaccines
20210819: Trudeau campaigning on “Proof of Injection” passports
Insert link is: HERE
Work-in-progress biography: Justin Trudeau
Work-in-progress biography: Maxime Bernier
Work-in-progress biography: Pierre Pwhatever
Work-in-progress biography: Jaghmeet Singh
What is the Canadian Government’s Agenda: “Dystopia, Depopulation & Devolution”
G. Forced Digital ID
NL Digital Government Minister Sarah Stoodley
- 20221018 N.L. government is just as involved in #Gangstalking as Ontario
- 20221229 N.L. planning pilot project for potential shift to digital IDs
- 20230106 How digital ID is used to restrict movement in China
- ____ Item 3
- 4-minute voiced-over introduction to the WEF’s Dystopian Future
H. 15-Minute Reservations
- 202305xx 03:43 Testimony from First Nations re: legalized Child Abduction/Torture/Murder, Poisonous Medicine & “15-minute Cities” (ie. Reservations)
- Link to City of Ottawa’s New Official Plan regarding 15-minute [open-air prisons]
- 20230521 CBC Article “Disposed Federal Buildings could have future for Affordable Housing”
I. Conflicts of Interest &/or Fraud against Taxpayers
J. Fraudulent Reporting
Dr. Theresa Tam
K. Suicide Rates
Credit Photograph