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pfi.ROCKS the Canadian Government!

Last updated: May 22, 2023 at 12:26 p.m. EST 

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Justin Trudeau says Canada is “NOT a country that makes vaccination mandatory”. (May 2021) Click to hear statement.

Go to Funny Pages: Canada >>  Skits ||  Memes  ||   Songs  

A. Biodigital Convergence


This is a printable flyer that shop-owners (or anyone who cares) can use to raise awareness.

Add material provided by Barely Bruised Books when possible..

  1. Introduction to taxpayer-funded, Policy Horizons Canada 
  2. Twitter thread on biodigital convergence
  3. 1-hour 20220122 interview with James Scott McKillop 
  4. 1-hour+ interview with James Scott McKillop 
  5. 20230325 Interview with James: part 1 starts around 20-mintue mark and part 2 starts here.
  6. Link to Transgenderism
  7. Link to Transhumanism



B. Forced Injections

(that have been labelled “vaccination” to reduce suspicion of democide)

  1. ____ Item 1
  2. ____ Item 2
  3. ____ Item 3
  4. ____ Item 4

C. Forced Poverty

(that people won’t care about until it happens to them)

  1. ____ Item 1
  2. ____ Item 2
  3. ____ Item 3
  4. ____ Item 4

D. Forced Homelessness

(that people won’t care about until it happens to them)

  1. ____ Item 1
  2. ____ Item 2
  3. ____ Item 3
  4. ____ Item 4

E. Medical Assistance in Dying

(#MAiD because the government is literally “cleaning up”)

  1. Why is legalizing murder for doctors and lawyers a really bad idea? Simple: too many of them are sociopaths.
  2. Oh look! Another Canadian not-for-profit scam. Check out that MAiDHouse Board!
  3. 20230116 True North’s interview by Andrew Lawton with Nicole Scheidl re: Canada’s obsession with euthanasia has gone too far
  4. ____ Item 4


F. Multi-pronged Poisoning/Democide

  1. Article Our Doctors have Forsaken Us by David Solway
  2. Video of Trudeau stating: “We will buy the viruses as they become available”
  3. Full snippet where he can barely contain his enthusiasm is here
  4. ____ Item 4


Matt’s videos to be watched, labelled and copied for storage

  1. yyyymmdd: (insert title) add link

20210805: Trudeau wants to mandate vaccines

20210819: Trudeau campaigning on “Proof of Injection” passports

Insert link is: HERE

Work-in-progress biography: Justin Trudeau

Work-in-progress biography: Maxime Bernier

Work-in-progress biography: Pierre Pwhatever

Work-in-progress biography: Jaghmeet Singh

What is the Canadian Government’s Agenda: “Dystopia, Depopulation & Devolution”

G. Forced Digital ID

NL Digital Government Minister Sarah Stoodley

  1. 20221018  N.L. government is just as involved in #Gangstalking as Ontario
  2. 20221229  N.L. planning pilot project for potential shift to digital IDs
  3. 20230106  How digital ID is used to restrict movement in China
  4. ____ Item 3
  5. 4-minute voiced-over introduction to the WEF’s Dystopian Future

H. 15-Minute Reservations

  1. 202305xx  03:43 Testimony from First Nations re: legalized Child Abduction/Torture/Murder, Poisonous Medicine & “15-minute Cities” (ie. Reservations)
  2. Link to City of Ottawa’s New Official Plan regarding 15-minute [open-air prisons]
  3. 20230521 CBC Article “Disposed Federal Buildings could have future for Affordable Housing”

I. Conflicts of Interest &/or Fraud against Taxpayers

  1. 20221229  Did Trudeau’s Minister Of Defence Get Rich From The Covid Pandemic?
  2. ____ Item 2
  3. ____ Item 3
  4. ____ Item 4

J. Fraudulent Reporting

Dr. Theresa Tam

  1. ____ Item 1
  2. ____ Item 2
  3. ____ Item 3
  4. ____ Item 4

K. Suicide Rates

  1. ____ Item 1
  2. ____ Item 2
  3. ____ Item 3
  4. ____ Item 4

Credit Photograph

Understanding the parasitic, predator class

My thoughts on the multiple “sub-species” within humanity are summarized here.

My draft article “The Myth labelled Psychiatry” is here.

Meet Deirdre Moore (pen name:  Andeé Sea Cae Jak )