Photograph Heart in Love Wallpaper HD by

May 8, 2023

My son, Sean, turns 17 today, 100% gaslit by his dad and the massive Ottawa-based Syndicate who’s only focus is #Torture #HumanTrafficking #OrganHarvesting & #Domestic Terrorism. I had no choice but to try to expose these monsters: they were simply lining up you & Cate. I miss you both so much. Happy Birthday Beauty. To be completed ….

  • 20230508 tweet to Dr. Gail Yenta Beck regarding the irreparable harm caused by ripping a devoted, loving parent from the lives of their children.
  • 20230508 screenshot of my FIFTH request seeking consent from Cheryl Hess (one of the legal accomplices of John Kiska) to send to my son, Sean, an Edible Fruit basket (in lieu of a birthday cake). The fully ignored 20230426-20230508 thread is here.
  • Sean’s first song in 2012: “Oh, Piggy Pigs”
  • 20190714 LinkedIn Article: What is the true meaning of the question: “Would you like to terminate YOUR pregnancy?” by Deirdre Moore (Within two weeks–20190726–I was falsely accused of Criminal Harassment by Kiska, arrested, denied bail and slapped with a torturous non-Communication Ordre by OCJ J.P. Paul Harris. Then, both my Facebook (4,000+ friends) and my LinkedIn (500+ followers) accounts were suspended. Then, the long-awaited divorce trial where Kiska would have lost everything (for his years of multiple forms of abuse) was cancelled by Justice Tracy Engelking (.jpg of page 1 is here.)
  • 20130301 Message for Sean: “I Love Love” (46 seconds)
  • My 20201130 birthday present for my daughter, Cate; re-posed in 2022 as I know that neither she nor Sean ever saw the first one.


There is ZERO real oversight of the beasts that operate the CAS, the Office of the Children’s Lawyer, the OPSB, the Crown Attorney’s Office, the Ontario Court of Justice or the Superior Court of Justice. MPPS are not useless: they’re COMPLICIT.


  • (03:13) After reading that MPP Jill Dunlop requested a third-party investigation of the York Region Children’s Aid Society, I wrote to her requesting that she order a third-party investigation of the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa whose activity actually meets the definition of terrorist activities in the Criminal Code of Canada. I supplied her office with an abundance of evidence of its torts and crimes …
  • (03:30) … and most of my correspondence was ignored. I received this “we could care less, now go away” letter from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. I may be new to this; however, by virtue of S. 21(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada, if this Ministry has knowledge, or ought to have knowledge, of crimes and torts being committed against children and chooses to do nothing, are they not accomplices/accessories after the fact? It is challenging to understand why the word “children” is actually in this Ministry’s name. It is my view that we should have a new Ministry called the Ministry of Children … and I would like to apply for the job as its Minister because I actually CARE about them. (Mr. Trudeau, would you please remove the number of sociopaths that have infested many of your ministries?)

(12:00) Just another evidence-laden e-mail

(12:30) My 2021 plea for help to the MPPs across Ontario (& note the internal file number assigned to this “inspired” e-mail! 😇 )

April 6, 2021 (prior to another malicious re-arrest)  < || >  September 2023

Today’s minutes—of pfi.ROCKS Archives!—are dedicated to my beautiful children, Sean & Cate Kiska, who have been denied my love and protection for four years, three months and 1 week as I enter my TENTH year attempting to divorce their dad … an undiagnosed malignant narcissist/sociopath who is connected to a massive white-, blue-, thug-collar crime syndicate with ties to every crime going.