Manitoba Ombudsman
Does she actually do anything?
started 20241021
Undated photo of ?Jill Perron?
(20241021) Ifirst contacted the Manitoba Ombudsman on 202410xx regarding the fact that I was being illegally detained by rogue psychiatrists at Winnipeg’s HSC Psychealth since 20240916. Since that time, I have submitted a 3-part complaint that contained xxx pages of evidence which supported my allegations that:
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The perpetrators involved thus far include:
Psychitrists: Jessica Enns, Eisi Mollanji, Matthew Buchok, Jennifer Ruzhynsky while J. Minish (insert allegation) and Amir Shamlou (insert allegation)
Administration: Dr. Tanya Sala
Nursing staff:
– Shenice, Katie, Mike, Winnie and nurse manager Angela Godee
MHRB-appointed Board members:
– Laura Nagy, Aline Nostedt, Dr. Amit Jagdeo,
– to be confirmed >> Nunziata Masi, G. Enrikson, Dr. Michael Eleff
MHRB Office staff: Eileen O’Donnell, Brenda LName
It’s one massive, taxpayer-funded human-trafficking racket.
Complaint (part 1 of 3): page 1
On 20241010 I faxed this 3-page complaint (along with two pages of its ridiculously-short “complaint form” (see s. 13.027-028)) to the MB-O; with 100’s of pages of evidence!
See HSC Chart Submission series 1 to 13 partially uploaded here
Next subtitle
(Insert testimony)
Complaint (part 2 of 3)
The exact same modus operandi is being used to falsely accuse/convict innocent people of crime in Ontario.
I have so much evidence against that racket, that it’s difficult to choose just one page: I’ll just start with Kevin B. Phillips.
Photo 3
All branches of court in Ottawa ignored their own laws, just like HSC Psychealth and the MHRB ignore Manitoba’s MHA.