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Jean Doyle
Ontario Works “Co-ordinator”
Page begun on 20250125 || page not yet started as of 20250214 11:40 e.s.t.
Link to the 22-page document that I provided to Ottawa’s Ontario Works Office on December 12, 2024? Here: https://twb.rocks/202501-list-of-tabs
In a nutshell, ..
(enter testimony)
Insert photograph of Jean Doyle, another government-funded sociopath with zero conscience who should be removed from any position of power or influence.
See article outline “Make them Pay: a suggestion worth considering for prison reform” here: https://twb.rocks/blank-00/living/opinion/00000007_make-them-pay_a-suggestion-for-prison-reform_saqotu_andee-jak-002
His/her hope?
I am not convinced that he/she has one. Are sociopaths capable of experiencing “fear of consequences”; or, merely the “fight-flight-freeze response” that all wild animals possess? This is a question I have asked for years; but, I have yet to see the topic addressed by anyone.
It will be difficult to itemize the irreparable harm that this individual, through commission and/or omission (as defined in section 21(1) of Canada’s Criminal Code (“CCC”) viewable here: https://criminalnotebook.ca/index.php/Parties_to_an_Offence), has caused me and my two children: we are still paying the price today.
SUMMARY: In reverse chronological order:
20250214 Good grief. Jean Doyle is back in action, this time trying to get me to sign some bizarre form that I am pretty sure is:
- illegal and
- designed to enable the “City of Ottawa people” to steal from me and/or the Province of Ontario.
My e-mail to ODSP attempting to verify the validity of this form is stored at https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/20250214-1019-Email-to-ODSP-re-Jean-Doyles-new-requirement_form-re-house-1244-Lampman.pdf; and, the bonkers form is stored at https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/20250214-Agreement-to-Reimburse-form-preesnted-by-OWs-Jean-Doyle.jpg.
ODSP must be paid by the hour as now as now their responses are pure nonsense too (see https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/20250214-1051-Response-to-ODSPs-stupid-response-ignoring-concerns-with-OWs-Reimbursement-Agreement.pdf).
11:15 Update: I am approached by Jean Doyle: “if you are refusing to sign the form then ….[?]” I interjected with my request for February’s Employment Expense amount and the reimbursement of my “over-payment deductions” …. retroactively (as requested by e-mail stored at https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/20250214-1046-Email-to-OW-for-202502-Employment-Expenses-and-reimbursment-of-overpayment-deductions-retroactively.pdf.
20250211 The ball was tossed from Yolaine Cetoute to Vicki Brazil: documenting all of the games that these individuals play would require significant staff but I managed to publish some of it:
- on Brasil’s draft exposure page (see https://twb.rocks/domestic-terrorism/perpetrators/individuals/vicki-Brasíl/) and
- on Twitter at https://x.com/caejak/status/1890125626323218541?s=46&t=-BzWUiLwoAo-Ax7CbzxxxA; and,
- in my raw February ‘25 journal notes.
On 2025012x, Doyle’s response was (insert response unless she turns herself in first and my file is simply transferred to ODSP as they requested).
On 20250127, I e-mailed to Doyle a 3-page letter with four additional documents: https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/20250127-Letter-to-Ontario-Works-Jean-Doyle-re-TDVCA-Appointment.pdf. Here is what I wrote to them this morning:
Comment 1
Comment 2
Comment 3
Of course, I posted it on Twitter first (see https://x.com/CaeJak/status/1883913880495374790) in order to raise awareness of their [insert phrase of choice] as soon as possible so that others could be aware that their targeting was nothing personal: these things thrive on harming others for pleasure and/or profit. For more on characteristics of sociopathy, see work-in-progress resources at https://twb.rocks/understanding-predators.
- On 20250124, Doyle:
- refused to assign a case worker,
- refused to schedule an appointment for me with anyone,
- refused to send to me an e-mail that described her “requirements” (ie. what she needed in order to transfer my file to ODSP): she did hand to me a note (see below),
- ordered me to leave from ~14:30 on (while I was exposing JNJ* on Twitter (see below),
- called the police &
- accused me of violating Ontario’s Provincial Offences Act (“POA”) s. 2(1)(A)(I) (see below)
- said I would no longer be permitted to enter their building
- I was approved for ODSP 20241126: the letter is viewable at (insert link)
*Fun fact: Doyle’s accomplice, Mathieu Regimbald (https://twb.rocks/domestic-terrorism/perpetrators/individuals/mathieu-regimbald), is from Boucherville, Quebec … where manufacturer of so-called anti-psychotic drug Risperidone (ie. Sandoz Inc.) is situated. (see below). Quel surprise!
This 22-page document was discussed (and left) with OW Case Worker Rachelle Lapensee 20241212: the complete document is at https://twb.rocks/202501-list-of-tabs. It was also presented to Doyle on 20250124: she refused to take a copy.
Above are Doyle’s hand-written instructions handed to me about ?three hours? after I had detailed exactly how the fraudulent 2018 court order was illegally-obtained (see https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/vis/julie-audet); and, how I legally withdrew the fraudulent order from the MCCSS’s Financial Responsibility Office (“FRO”) with Ministerial sign-off in 2020/21.
Doyle: complicit much?
This thread is viewable here: https://x.com/caejak/status/1882872826400763940?s=46&t=-BzWUiLwoAo-Ax7CbzxxxA. As evidenced by previous image, Doyle and friends had me thrown out for alleged “trespassing” within five minutes of posting the link to my INVEGA analysis.
An Ottawa Works-positioned, “corporate goalie”? Or, perhaps it’s simply one of many, many, many coincidences in my life as a whistleblower on government corruption, organized crime and taxpayer fraud.
The work-in-progress exposure article on similar antipsychotic “agent” INVEGA is viewable at https://x.com/CaeJak/status/1883913880495374790. What .. A .. Racket.
LIST OF COMMON CRIMES: numerical listing at https://www.criminal-code.ca/criminal-code-of-canada-numerical-1-to-99.html
- s. 21(1) Parties to offence (link to page that lists each criminal who has been assisted via commission and/or omission) (x counts)
- s. 22.1 Organizational negligence (x counts)
- s. 22.2 Other offences organizations (x counts)
- s. 23(1) Accessory after the fact (x counts: link to page that lists each criminal who has been assisted as an accessory) (x counts)
- s. 83.18 Participation in activity of terrorist group || See also S. 83.01 for definition/clarity (x counts)
- s. 126 Disobeying a statute (x counts)
- s. 127 Disobeying am order (x counts)
- s. 131 Perjury (x counts)
- s. 134 Giving a false sworn statement (x counts)
- s. 137 Fabricating evidence (x counts)
- s. 139(1) Obstructing justice (x counts)
- s. 264 Criminal harassment (x counts)
- s. 264.1 Uttering threats (x counts)
- s. 322(1) Theft (x counts)
- s. 380(1)(b) Fraud (x counts)
- s. 300/301 Defamatory libel (x counts)
- s. 346(1) Extortion (x counts)
- s. 366 Forgery (x counts)
- s. 429 Wilfully causing event to occur (x counts)
- s. 430 Mischief (x counts)
- s. 465(1)(b) Conspiracy to prosecute (x counts)
(insert link to our evidence-laden, online (draft) Statement of Claim against (insert organization harbouring this individual))
- Malicious Prosecution
- Negligence: _.
- Defamation: _.
- Breach in fiduciary duty: _.
- Knowing assistance in breach in fiduciary duty: _.
- Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
- Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
- Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.
- Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.