February 5, 2025 16:55
Mr. Rodgers,
To be clear[i], for the following events:
- My 20231216 attempt to report1 Ottawa’s Domestic Terrorism to Ottawa Police as forced by Niagara’s Regional Police Service2 and/or
- My 20240216 attempt to keep the evidence (that would be required to convict those involved in Domestic Terrorism) secure—following the 20240216, notice-free eviction from Ottawa3-funded shelter Montfort Renaissance4,
the Crown intends to seek, ideally, a simple “Not Criminally Responsible” Opinion (“NCR”) [from the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre5 or equivalent] [as was illegally-obtained from:
- Quebec-based Dr. Paule Kemgni in 20196 for bogus charge “Flight from Peace Officer” that was dropped7 and
- Ontario-based Drs. Zeynep Selaman and Joel Watts in 20208for another bogus charge that was dropped: Disobey an [illegally-obtained, unlawful, CYFSA] Order];
likely, due to its confidence in the ability to easily secure one from the likes of Jiyoung Hwang, Floyd Wood and/or other similarly-positioned sociopaths9. It is the Crown’s position that:
IF either OCJ’s Judge Maria Sirivar10 (“Sirivar”) or Judge Annik Sonia Wills11 (“Wills”) fail to acquiesce to the Crown’s demands for an NCR declaration,
THEN the Crown would like:
- an additional 60 days12(for a total of over five months, for the single-event pair of breach charges (the duplicitous 733.113 and s. 145 noted at 2. above) and
- a one-year extension to the illegally-obtained, illegal, unlawful 20220524 Probation Order14 which simply denies me bothmy right to love and protect my children15 and enjoy my home16 for seven years in-a-row.
ELSE the “treatment” 17 of me (for some mysterious mental illness for which I remain symptom free according to the DSM-518) would be sufficient19.
To re-iterate, if Sirivar acquiesces to the NCR declaration then the Crown is agreeable to the incarceration component being reduced to a “time-served sentence”; else, I will be required to serve the additional time [which will not be included in the additional twelve-months-without-my-children-or-my-home requirement].
Do I have that right, Mr. Rodgers? Kindly confirm by noon tomorrow20.
Deirdre Moore / Andee Sea Cae Jak
[1] Previous attempts were thwarted by both civilian “gatekeepers” at 474 Elgin Street and numerous “beat cops” (as evidenced by my recordings stored through my corporate YouTube channel; including, but not limited to, part one of the fiasco that was 20211031 stored at
[2] See evidence of NRPS’s refusal to open the file (as required for RCMP investigation) at
[3] Ottawa Mayor Mark Sutcliffe is on the Ottawa Police Services Board (“OPSB”) against which I launched a $10,000,000 Civil Action in 2021 (given its clear involvement in organized crime as evidenced by:
- my seven affidavits published at and
- the more recent evidence being accumulated at
[4] Montfort Renaissance Inc. (“MRI”) is the taxpayer/donor-funded shelter to which The Ottawa Hospital (“TOH”) referred me by 20240128 (following my discharge from psychiatrist Andrea Bardell’s so-called “care”). MRI’s 20240216 eviction of me was a violation of, at a minimum, s. 429 of the CCC: Wilfully causing event to occur. Details of the event are evidenced in Civil Action CV-24-00096488 linked to which has now been stayed following SCJ Judge Kerry Lee McVey’s scandalous vexatious declaration linked to
[5] The conflict-of-interest situation that was created when someone decided to appoint Gail Yenta Beck to be CHAIR of the OPSB cannot be overstated: this woman had a senior role at the ROMHC at the time of appointment (see; and, although she “stepped down” in under a year, she had already implicated herself as a perpetuator of domestic violence, child abuse and organized crime by pursuing me—a domestic violence “poster child”—as a vexatious litigant (see
[6] See evidence linked to and
[7] The entire 6-week event was designed to illegally-obtain three court orders; however, they only obtained two. SCJ’s Calum MacLeod provided the first one—the unlawful custody order—and someone at the LTB provided the second one—the emptying of my 3-bedroom townhouse and theft of ~$500,000 in personal possessions/valuables (see incriminating evidence at and
[8] See partial evidence against these two psychiatrists published at
[9] See explanation ROMHC’s recklessness/organizational negligence summarized in AJ.029, my 20240118 letter to the ROMC’s Legal Department linked to
[10] Some, but not all, evidence against Sirivar has been published at
[11] Evidence against Wills has not yet been uploaded because it still needs to be transcribed, scanned, ordered (ie. the audio) and uploaded. My raw notes summarizing her scandalous, “broad judicial powers” performance will be linked to (which also highlights the criminality of other OCJ-positioned terrorists during the month of January).
[12] Over 100 days were already served for the 20240216 allegation as evidenced by my OTIS Trust Report stored as item I 8 of my 202501 “List of Tabs” collection viewable at
[13] Again, I am being charged with going to my own property which was criminalized by a series of crooked judges including, but not limited to, OCJ’s Jonathan Brunet (see Evidence of my ownership is available in V 24-28 of This tactic used to remove me from my house equates to removal of my house from me, also known as theft.
[14] Note that the 20220524 Probation Order (“THE ORDER”, see the third image in the left-hand column of into which I was extorted into signing) is both:
- illegal (pursuant to the GRID section of Canada’s Criminal Code (“CCC”)) and
- unlawful pursuant to:
- Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms and
- the CCC (given my responsibilities pursuant to s. 21(1).
THE ORDER is also laughable: the “dwelling” into which I entered was MINE and I entered it to protect my children from their abusive dad—an excuse which was both lawful and reasonable … and OPSB’s Alex Kirady knew it (see Fortunately, I have managed to embrace my inner dark humour to include this particular aspect of Ottawa’s criminal network in a #KaraokeCover entitled “Proud Boys with Nerve” (viewable here:
[15] The custody and access of children from a marriage falls under the jurisdiction of the federal Divorce Act, not the provincial Child, Youth and Family Services Act (“CYFSA”). The Doctrine of Federal Paramountcy has been completely ignored by all legal-judicial practitioners involved (ie. a violation of s. 126 of the CCC, Disobey a Statute). The protections from domestic violence recently codified in Canada’s Divorce Act (eg. psychological abuse and financial abuse) were fully circumvented via Ontario’s Courts of Justice Act, Ontario’s CYFSA and the CCC.
[16] Again, evidence of my ownership is available in V 24-28 of My husband likes to tell people that the things that are mine, are his. See how far Jonathan Kiska’s pathological lying goes back by:
- viewing his 2003 article on (see and
- realizing that it’s MY company (see
[17] See the level of junk science upon which psychiatric medications are prescribed by absorbing the materials published at:
- and
[18] That is, the Diagnostic Statistical Manual. A book that contains diagnostic criteria that NO psychiatrist listed at has ever followed due to their industry-wide practice to rely entirely on “Collateral Information” and/or previous “diagnoses”. Their industry has had five chances: I hope to be involved in draft DSM-VI (see draft material at
[19] NCRs being simply another way in which the INDUSTRY of psychiatry has been weaponized. Of course, the chances of NCRs not also being utilized to help “friends” evade incarceration while receiving placebo is more than likely.
[20] That is, February 6, 2025 12:00 Eastern Standard Time
Note: My question is stored at and the Crown’s 20250205 09:14 response is stored at
[i] I’m not remotely interested in a plea deal, thanks.
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Proud boys with nerve
False-Positive Conviction