Ontario Court of Justice

Just-another-crooked-judge … Jonathan Brunet

Oral Testimony #1 (mm:ss): denied third-party records Application in ?2021?

Oral Testimony #2 (04:51): Extorted into the 2022 Probation Order

Accomplices? See Malcolm Savage and Mike Boyce (for starters)


In a nutshell, my so-called criminal matters were returned to the Ontario Court of Justice (“OCJ”) following a well-orchestrated Certiori Application by court actors Cedric Nahum (“Nahum”) and Malcolm Savage (“Savage”).

  • yyyymmdd Application
  • yyyymmdd Savage’s Reply

The decision, which the judge refused to document, is here.

Accordingly, I was bounced back from the criminal division of Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice (“SCJ”) for more scheduled Trafficking, Torture, Terror and f**king taxpayer-funded nonsense.

“What in the world could have possibly motivated the a defense attorney, a Crown Prosecutor and an OCJ Justice of the Peace to ignore a pre-sentencing package laden with exculpatory evidence?”


Photograph of former-Crown-prosecutor-come-judge Jonathan Brunet who has been promoted to the position of career criminal with immunity; in other words, an Ontario Court of Justice judge.


Here is the complete OCJ 20220524 “sentencing” transcript

Interested in meeting more crooked judges? There’s a whack of ’em mentioned in The Three Stooges



2021mmdd: Brunet denied me a full defense (see details below)

220220524: Brunet denied me an absolute discharge and opted for the six-year sentencing of two innocent children.

  • Upon advice of defence attorney, Alyssa Jervis, I produced a “pre-sentencing” package for submission to the Crown & the Court (see details below).
  • The transcript from the hearing with my request for an absolute discharge.
  • The resulting Probation Order  (which criminalizes me contacting my 100% gaslit, long-time emotional/psychologically-abused children).


  • My efforts to have my unlawful, illegally-obtained, 20220524 non-supervised Probation Order to the jurisdiction of St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador (“NL”, the province to which I fled on 20220731) was meant  with nothing but more [insert] [adjective].
  • Clearly, the Ottawa-based Syndicate had no interest in having me heard by a non-crooked judge.


  • I again began the process of trying to unwind the criminal side of my ongoing demonization by:
    • attempting to appeal the “sentence” (insert LAO details) and then
    • attempting to schedule a S. 7 Application re: Abuse of Process

The ongoing saga is detailed below.


It will be difficult to itemize the irreparable harm that this “judge” has caused me and my two children: we are still paying the price today.

SUMMARY: In reverse chronological order:



  • x
  • x
  • x
  • x
  • 202310xx  The fun returned when I attempted to schedule a S. 7 Application for abuse of process.


  • remainder of 2022: (insert description with evidence & the classic “good luck” kiss off from courthouse staff)
  • 20220524  All charges were dropped except for the one used to extort an Probation Order out of me. (See order at Criminal Justice NL-style). Here is the 41-page transcript of this scandalous hearing where my “pre-sentencing” package was discounted by team Jervis-Boyce-Brunet to a value of zero. Its contents were:
    • Cover letter written by Catherine Sullivan
    • Evidence-laden Factum as detailed below:

Insert scroll boxes with evidence.

20201013  Boyce argued for ?four? hours (here is the $700+, 106-page transcript) that I be denied bail as I was a flight risk: he lost; however, I had to agree to wear and pay for a GPS-monitoring ankle bracelet as evidenced by this 2020113 Release Order … and the picture of my foot.

  • File was removed from Savage and bounced back to Boyce for “sentencing”.


  • 2021mmdd  I brought a Third-party Records Application so I could fulfill my right to have a full defence: it was 100% denied by Brunet. Here are the details (ie. evidence) of this judges first round of criminal charges. (This is a draft table that I intend to link to evidence https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/entity/mag/tpr-application)
  • Insert Certiori materials, transcript, but not any order as Brunet chose to not evidence his decision. lol.
  • Enter stage left: OCJ judge Jonathan Brunet
  • 2021mmdd  Nahum brings a Certiori Application to have matter returned to OCJ due to “botched” (aka orchestrated) 201908xx “election” (after Crown added bogus charge of B&E, on my own house, where I stole nothing, & had no criminal intent) orchestrated by ?OCJ-positioned Julie Bourgeois and Crown’s John Ramsay.
  • File still with Savage


  • Enter stage right: criminal and CAS lawyer, Cedric Nahum
  • File bounced over to Boyce for the attempted forced detention in 20201013; but, then bounced back to Savage for the orchestrated breach #2 (attempt). 


  • File started with Boyce but was bounced over to Savage by 2019mmdd.


  1. S. 21(1) > Parties to Offence (link to page that lists each criminal he has assisted to commit a crime)
  2. S. 23(1) > Accessory after the fact (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
  3. S. 380(1)(b) Fraud (X counts)
  4. S. 300/301 Defamatory Libel (X counts)
  5. S. 366 Forgery (0 counts)
  6. S. 137 Fabricated Evidence (X counts)
  7. S. XXX False Affidavit (X counts)
  8. S. 131 Perjury (X counts)
  9. S. 126 Disobeying a Statute (X counts)
  10. S. 264 Criminal Harassment (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
  11. S. 139(1) > Obstruction of Justice (X counts)
  12. S. 465(1)(b) Conspiracy to Prosecute
  13. S. 83.18 > Terrorist Activities || See also S. 83.01 (1) for definition/clarity


(insert link to my Draft Statement of Claim against the Ministry of the Attorney General.

  1. Malicious Prosecution
  2. Negligence: _.
  3. Defamation: _.
  4. Breach in fiduciary duty: _.
  5. Knowing assistance in breach in fiduciary duty: _.
  6. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
  7. Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
  8. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.
  9. Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.

EVIDENCE OF CRIME/VIOLATIONS: ACTIONS AND/OR INACTIONS OF MIKE BOYCE, Crown Prosecutor with Ottawa’s Office of the Crown Attorney:

    1. ________:
    2. ________: