Ontario Court of Justice
Just-another-crooked-judge … Jonathan Brunet
Oral Testimony #1 (mm:ss): denied third-party records Application in ?2021?
Oral Testimony #2 (04:51): Extorted into the 2022 Probation Order
Accomplices? See Malcolm Savage and Mike Boyce (for starters)
In a nutshell, my so-called criminal matters were returned to the Ontario Court of Justice (“OCJ”) following a well-orchestrated Certiori Application by court actors Cedric Nahum (“Nahum”) and Malcolm Savage (“Savage”).
- yyyymmdd Application
- yyyymmdd Savage’s Reply
The decision, which the judge refused to document, is here.
Accordingly, I was bounced back from the criminal division of Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice (“SCJ”) for more scheduled Trafficking, Torture, Terror and f**king taxpayer-funded nonsense.
“What in the world could have possibly motivated the a defense attorney, a Crown Prosecutor and an OCJ Justice of the Peace to ignore a pre-sentencing package laden with exculpatory evidence?”
Photograph of former-Crown-prosecutor-come-judge Jonathan Brunet who has been promoted to the position of career criminal with immunity; in other words, an Ontario Court of Justice judge.
Here is the complete OCJ 20220524 “sentencing” transcript
2021mmdd: Brunet denied me a full defense (see details below)
220220524: Brunet denied me an absolute discharge and opted for the six-year sentencing of two innocent children.
- Upon advice of defence attorney, Alyssa Jervis, I produced a “pre-sentencing” package for submission to the Crown & the Court (see details below).
- The transcript from the hearing with my request for an absolute discharge.
- The resulting Probation Order (which criminalizes me contacting my 100% gaslit, long-time emotional/psychologically-abused children).
- My efforts to have my unlawful, illegally-obtained, 20220524 non-supervised Probation Order to the jurisdiction of St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador (“NL”, the province to which I fled on 20220731) was meant with nothing but more [insert] [adjective].
- Clearly, the Ottawa-based Syndicate had no interest in having me heard by a non-crooked judge.
- I again began the process of trying to unwind the criminal side of my ongoing demonization by:
- attempting to appeal the “sentence” (insert LAO details) and then
- attempting to schedule a S. 7 Application re: Abuse of Process
The ongoing saga is detailed below.
It will be difficult to itemize the irreparable harm that this “judge” has caused me and my two children: we are still paying the price today.
SUMMARY: In reverse chronological order:
- x
- x
- x
- x
- 202310xx The fun returned when I attempted to schedule a S. 7 Application for abuse of process.
- remainder of 2022: (insert description with evidence & the classic “good luck” kiss off from courthouse staff)
- 20220524 All charges were dropped except for the one used to extort an Probation Order out of me. (See order at Criminal Justice NL-style). Here is the 41-page transcript of this scandalous hearing where my “pre-sentencing” package was discounted by team Jervis-Boyce-Brunet to a value of zero. Its contents were:
- Cover letter written by Catherine Sullivan
- Evidence-laden Factum as detailed below:
Insert scroll boxes with evidence.
20201013 Boyce argued for ?four? hours (here is the $700+, 106-page transcript) that I be denied bail as I was a flight risk: he lost; however, I had to agree to wear and pay for a GPS-monitoring ankle bracelet as evidenced by this 2020113 Release Order … and the picture of my foot.
- 2021mmdd I brought a Third-party Records Application so I could fulfill my right to have a full defence: it was 100% denied by Brunet. Here are the details (ie. evidence) of this judges first round of criminal charges. (This is a draft table that I intend to link to evidence https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/entity/mag/tpr-application)
- Insert Certiori materials, transcript, but not any order as Brunet chose to not evidence his decision. lol.
- Enter stage left: OCJ judge Jonathan Brunet
- 2021mmdd Nahum brings a Certiori Application to have matter returned to OCJ due to “botched” (aka orchestrated) 201908xx “election” (after Crown added bogus charge of B&E, on my own house, where I stole nothing, & had no criminal intent) orchestrated by ?OCJ-positioned Julie Bourgeois and Crown’s John Ramsay.
- File still with Savage
- Enter stage right: criminal and CAS lawyer, Cedric Nahum
- File bounced over to Boyce for the attempted forced detention in 20201013; but, then bounced back to Savage for the orchestrated breach #2 (attempt).
- File started with Boyce but was bounced over to Savage by 2019mmdd.
- S. 21(1) > Parties to Offence (link to page that lists each criminal he has assisted to commit a crime)
- S. 23(1) > Accessory after the fact (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
- S. 380(1)(b) Fraud (X counts)
- S. 300/301 Defamatory Libel (X counts)
- S. 366 Forgery (0 counts)
- S. 137 Fabricated Evidence (X counts)
- S. XXX False Affidavit (X counts)
- S. 131 Perjury (X counts)
- S. 126 Disobeying a Statute (X counts)
- S. 264 Criminal Harassment (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
- S. 139(1) > Obstruction of Justice (X counts)
- S. 465(1)(b) Conspiracy to Prosecute
- S. 83.18 > Terrorist Activities || See also S. 83.01 (1) for definition/clarity
(insert link to my Draft Statement of Claim against the Ministry of the Attorney General.
- Malicious Prosecution
- Negligence: _.
- Defamation: _.
- Breach in fiduciary duty: _.
- Knowing assistance in breach in fiduciary duty: _.
- Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
- Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
- Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.
- Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.
EVIDENCE OF CRIME/VIOLATIONS: ACTIONS AND/OR INACTIONS OF MIKE BOYCE, Crown Prosecutor with Ottawa’s Office of the Crown Attorney: