Kerry Lee McVey

page started 20250127: last updated 20250128 10:30

There is no bar too low that Ottawa-based judges and lawyers won’t slither under.

After being kidnapped for six weeks last year, arrested seven times by OPS for no valid charge between 20231216-20241205,, serving six months in jail with zero convictions and chased out of multiple towns for exposing Ottawa’s crime syndicate, this judge declares me a “vexatious litigant” during a procedure of which:

  • I was totally unaware
  • while I was forced to remain in a hospital by Kiska’s Ontario Works-positioned accomplices.

Ontario. Yours to discover!

Of course, the OPS lawyer Michelle Doody is a pathological liar; so, the judge wouldn’t have any real details. Here’s the demon-managed carcass’s 20250127 decision with an $18,000 (see para [41]) cost award for the OPSB:

(Note that at para. 8, McVey stated that I “did not respond”, as if that was some sort of justification for her crime: for the record, I was in the hospital … dealing with another taxpayer-funded career criminal, Dr. Victor Uwaifo (see wwork-in-progress evidence page at


Anyhow, I’ll try to bang out an appeal tomorrow. It shouldn’t be difficult as her “errors in fact” are …. nearly infinite.

(That means nothing though: Divisional Court is just as criminal.)

20250127 18:18