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twb.ROCKS Safety!
Do Gangs and Mafias rule the Capital of Canada?
If so, is the apathy surrounding the situation [pathetic/self-condemning] or [understandable/forgivable]?
(work-in-progress commenced 20250204) by Andee Sea Cae Jak last updated 20240211 08:30
I first became aware of the possibility that shelters were not a legitimate, social service in 2023 when I returned from a year in Newfoundland and was forced to use an Ontario-based shelter, Niagara Falls’ YWCA. (Insert brief summary of experience and link to https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/entity/ywca.)
Then, I endured that which is called Montfort Renaissance (“MRI”)in Ottawa for two weeks. (Insert brief summary of experience and link to https://twb.rocks/domestic-terrorism/perpetrators/entities/montfort-renaissance.)
Once released from jail, my only option was Ottawa’s Shepherds of Good Hope (“SGH”) shelter “of last resort” where my altruistic efforts were met with two, gang-stalking/petty-thievery roommates, a very angry, bolt-cutter wielding, staff member (aptly named “Nick”) and some gang dude “running” security. (Insert brief summary of experience and link draft civil action at https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/entity/shepherds-of-good-hope/cv-24-000xxxxy.)
Once released from jail (again) on 20240627, I returned to SGH only to be forced to deal with (insert and link), be stalked to the soup kitchen, harassed and punched in the head.
Following several days exposing [….], […] and Senator Kim Pate (insert link), I fled from Ottawa 202407xx and briefly met Pauline’s Place in Sault Ste. Marie. I refused to stay and spent one night on the bench outside their front door. (Describe experience and insert link.)
Section I: Evidence
Insert testimony
(Insert footnotes that links to evidence of experience at all shelters as testimony grows.)
Section II: Introduction to gang-stalking
Blessed to have married a sociopath in 2000, I been privileged to experience multiple aspects of the under-belly of Ontario including, but not limited to Organized Stalking & Harassment (aka, “Community Policing” or “gang-stalking”)
Section III: Possible causes of “apathy”
It is quite possible that most people simply are unaware that Ottawa has been completely infiltrated by gangs and mafias. Certainly, not a single media outlet has revealed this fact.
There are, however, several other possible explanations:
- a “YOLO” (ie. “you only live once”) frame of mind: after all, that’s what Canadian television and media promotes 24/7
- fear: certainly, choosing to expose the gang/mafia infiltration comes with a loss of career, reputation, wardrobe, home, children and pets. How many are willing to risk all of that?
- 100% indoctrination due complicity of The Church Industry & Its Obvious [Ignorance] of Important Eschatological Discussion (see draft debate outline that contains information that supports a “post-Millennial Reign” view at https://twb.rocks/blank-00/living/spirit/000001_how-important-are-views-on-eschatology_saqotu_andee-jak)
- sociopathy, or the “serpent seed” noted in Genesis 3:15: these “tares” simply enjoy the torturing of His children (or the “wheat”). What else could explain the likes of Shelene Crawley https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/vis/shelene-crawley?
- niäveté; or, the belief that “the system” would never be weaponized against those who maintain it (when it’s actually being fine-tuned for that (& more) very purpose as partially evidenced in links at https://twb.rocks/domestic-terrorism/perpetrators/entities/romhc)
Section IV: Risks to remaining willfully blind
An ouroboros depicts that which is currently Ottawa, Ontario whether its citizens (or perpetrators) realize it or not. It has been permitted to reach its current levels of viciousness because the resulting state is exactly what the parasitic-predator class is relying upon. (Footnote various WEF, SDG, international initiatives)
Not trying to be part of solution could prevent one from being “tapped” by our Father (insert John 6:44); and, consequently, not:
- provided the opportunity to choose to follow His Son,
- realizing the importance of, among other teachings, the importance of the Book of St. Matthew’s Chapter 5, Verse 22
- considering the possibility that we are in “Satan’s Little Season” (introduce link to Rev 20:7-10 & fn with Theron’s paper re: post-Millennial Reign fn with YTers like John Levi re questioning architecture/history/etc.) and/or
- taking Luke 17:2 seriously (fn KaraokeCover “Just a Pharisee”
Not trying to be part of the solution could enable demons to view one as a “suitable host”. No expert in this matter, it certainly seemed to me that something thought Meg White was a “suitable host” during Jack White’s (coincidentally, aptly titled) “From the Basement” performance: see details at https://twb.rocks/blank-00/artists/00000002_jack-white-002/from-the-basement.
Not trying to be part of the solution could [insert argument].
Conclusion: [wheats & tares], etc.
Links to other twb.ROCKS initiatives?
- #UPIG1 Series (exposing taxpayer-funded Industry is being pre-published at https://twb.rocks/upig)
- #UPIG2 Series (exposing publicly-traded Industry is being pre-published at https://twb.rocks/upig-2)
- (draft) Investigative Journalism Contest is linked to https://twb.rocks/upig/contest
- (draft) #KaraokeCover material is available at https://twb.rocks/mummygate/rolling-credits
- Puzzles & Fun are being RE-uploaded at https://twb.rocks/blank-00/living/puzzles-fun
- twb.ROCKS Living! Magazine is being uploaded at https://twb.rocks/blank-00/living