
pfi.ROCKS Dear Andeé!

Will there be a pre-Tribulation Rapture?

Are there any risks to followers of Christ expecting one or, alternatively, denying it?

Dear Andeé,

Is there going to be a pre-Tribulation rapture?


Concerned Follower of Christ

Dear Concerned Follower of Christ,

Pre-Tribulation rapture refers to the belief that (insert definition/description to place question in context and link to source.)

Sadly, I am not Biblically literate enough to present a solid, Scripturally-supported position for you. Ryan Mills & FName LNAme are though: here are their positions.


Yes, 100%!


No way, not a chance!

Ryan:  There is a Pre-Trib rapture, and I can prove it.
A Christian cannot lose their salvation, the Mark of the beast would suggest otherwise, so Christians cannot live during the tribulation. Tweet 1

Ed:  And that’s a big no on the pre trib, since we’re in the midst of Tribulations. Pre-Trib is a deception. Tweet 2

Ryan:  The tribulation is literally seven years, Before the tribulation begins, the antichrist will show up, and will be literally be ruling the world openly and all the world will adore him, The tribulation is the time of Jacob’s trouble given to the Jews for their repentance. Tweet 3

Ed:  The Antichrist sits in the Vatican buddy, most prophecy that folks are expecting have already been fulfilled by Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. The 70th Week was done at the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. You should read The Israel Deception by Steve Wohlberg. Tweet 4

Ryan:  Indeed, the antichrist is in the Vatican, the pope will reign openly over the world, and the time to come, the 70th week is not yet, for the pope hasn’t walked into the third temple in Jerusalem, and proclaimed himself “God”. Tweet 5

Ed:  The restrainer were the Roman Emperors. The one we were being warned about, were the Popes. There are many Antichrists. When the Emperor’s of Rome were done away with, then the snake that is the Vatican took hold of the world, and has deceived many. (You should see it top down). Tweet 6

NameX ClaimY, biblically sourced with a link to ….. Link Z

NameX ClaimY, biblically sourced with a link to ….. Link Z


Ryan’s material

(Insert label) Link X

(Insert label) Link X


Ed’s material

The Israel Deception by Steve Wohlberg


In conclusion, ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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                     I hope that helps.


                             Andeé Jak ❤