20111218 Photograph of Cate Kiska, “I love Surprises” by Deirdre Moore SAQOTU Inc.






*This was written over a decade ago, before I realized that God existed and that Christmas, Easter and Hallowe’en were all pagan holidays. In retrospect, even if all that weren’t true, I wish I’d never lied to Cate or her brother Sean about the whole thing.

December 21, 2011

Dear Santa*,

Re: Our daughter, Cate

I hope things are going well at the North Pole. We are all very excited here in Ottawa.

I am writing to you today because I am a little bit worried about what could happen on Christmas morning at our house. As your elves may know, Cate has had a lot of trouble co-operating over the past few weeks and there is a chance that the elves my place her name on the Naughty List.

But, Cate has done so many wonderful things this year too. I really hope the elves will not forget about all of her acts of kindness and generosity and love throughout the year. I know it is almost Christmas Eve, but Cate and I were hoping you might still have a chance to talk to the elves and find out Cate’s status.

To help you out, Cate and I have come up with a list of just a few of the great things she has done this past year:

  1. She now puts her shoes on all by herself;
  2. She has learned to eat mummy’s soup and now joins us for lunch every day;
  3. She has been practicing her name and can write it on her own now;
  4. She did a great job going to a new school;
  5. She shared all of the chocolates that she got for her birthday;
  6. She doesn’t scream when it’s time to brush her teeth any more;
  7. She always stays away from fires and hot stoves;
  8. She’s doing a good job learning to skate and can get up all by herself now;
  9. She’s doing a good job learning to swim and can hold her breath and jump in with no hands and
  10. She performed beautifully in the school concert.

If your elves would like more examples, please let me know. I am sure we have left out many, many things that would place Cate on the Nice List.

Thank you, Santa. I hope you have a good night for flying on Christmas Eve. We’ll be sure to leave out some homemade cookies, fresh milk and carrots for you and your reindeer.



♥ You can see her performance in the school concert here
♥ Her brother, Sean, also did a wonderful performance which is viewable here