
pfi.ROCKS the Globe Hoax!

Why do we call them Not A Space Agency?

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20230522 Meme provided by Twitter user @BrockRiddickIFB

(Re-print of post by Peter Augros, Meditation Teacher | edited, formatted and published February 27, 2021)


How do you engender a basic sense of human empathy in a child without softening their defense against the harsh rigors of the world? 

Arguably, empaths and “compaths” are screened into fire departments; whereas sociopaths appear to be being screened into far too many police forces. This is a problem and more awareness on the primal difference between a sociopath and sympaths, empaths and “compaths” is urgently required.


202ymmdd Photograph “—-” provided by Twitter user @—-, location.

202ymmdd Photograph “—-” provided by Twitter user @—-, location.

202ymmdd Photograph “—-” provided by Twitter user @—-, location.

202ymmdd Photograph “—-” provided by Twitter user @—-, location.

202ymmdd Photograph “—-” provided by Twitter user @—-, location.

202ymmdd Photograph “—-” provided by Twitter user @—-, location.

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How do you engender a basic sense of human empathy in a child without softening their defense against the harsh rigors of the world? 


Link to my article outline: “Descending into Sociopathy”.

Link to my draft article “The Myth labelled Psychiatry” is here.

This issue is dedicated to Kurt Cobain, one of our artists lost.

Meet  Andeé Sea Cae Jak