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pfi.ROCKS (insert title)!
How does one celebrate Passover?
Work-in-progress article started 20230405 at 11:20 e.s.t. am
Are some practices Holy while others (insert opposite)?
“The Biblical Chronology of Jesus Christ’s Burial and Resurrection” from BTMagazine.org.
by Andeé Sea Cae Jak (April 05, 2023)
Relatively new to being a follower of Christ, I had no idea was passover was, let alone how to “celebrate” it. So, I hopped onto Twitter and asked …. this was their answer: (re-type for clarity)
This didn’t pose a problem until this Tuesday when a relatively new Twitter friend described homemade gourmet meal paired with some yummy beverage. (He didn’t say which one.) The following day, I broke my new rule: I wanted a homemade gourmet meal with some yummy beverage too! (It was, afterall, my beautiful daughter Cate Kiska’s 15th birthday–the fourth one in a row that I’ve missed since her wicked father, John Kiska, arranged for the abduction of her and her brother Sean following the unfavourable-for-him 20180711 OCL report from Katherine Bobula (Timmins, Ontario).
(Insert fun comment for top Ottawa lawyers Michael Spratt and Paul Champ)!!
“Why do Narcissists Destroy their own Families?” by Frank Gallagher
“Abuse in Marriage & Divorce: Warning. As Goes the Marriage, so Goes the Divorce” by Sharon Zarozny
What is Empathy? It falls somewhere between sympathy and compassion.” by Andeé Sea Cae Jak
(Link to Anne Kingston’s article “We are the Dead”: https://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/we-are-the-dead/)
Regarding romance and/or intimacy, narcissists want their victim to believe that they have finally met “the one”: someone with whom they can now build a beautiful life, grow old together and maintain a healthy, loving relationship.
(Insert comment re: Crown’s Malcolm Savage & Mike Boyce are Level 2 sociopaths whereas many of Ottawa’s Gang-stalkers are only Level 1 (First-in/Best-assigned)
I seriously do believe that these clowns are laughing as they manipulate their victims during the relationship and they laugh watching them suffer as the relationship or “loving family” is sabotaged. Narcissists are excellent illusionists and can create the illusion of having a functional family when in reality the family was probably dysfunctional as hell. They even have media-type companies that will assist them: the Ottawa Citizen, for example.
When does a Bible Day begin?
This is a 20-minute video of explanation provided by Timothy Jay Schwab and Anna Zamoranos-Schwab at The God Culture.
(insert question that will upset the fewest number of people)
Image from article “Easter is Pagan and Not Holy” posted by The Truth Unveiled.
- a
- b
- c
(insert scrollbox with opposing scripture)
(insert question that will upset the fewest number of people)
This is a 20-minute video of explanation provided by Timothy Jay Schwab and Anna Zamoranos-Schwab at The God Culture.
- a
- b
- c
(insert scrollbox with opposing views)
* Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse that can induce psychosis, especially if combined with emotional abuse, verbal abuse and/or the witnessing of continuous child abuse that cannot be stopped. See excellent article on gaslighting here.