Daniela Volochniouk

of the Kingston Health Sciences Centre (“HSC-kng”)

link to ||| Perpetrators |||

page started 20250208: last updated 20250208 05:04


This woman appears to have the emotional maturity of a child: she was completely unable to suppress her adult tantrums (when she was challenged) and belongs no where near anyone in healthcare.

Volochniouk also fancies herself to be a fiction writer as noted 20241224 at 09:00 on Twitter

Due to the volume of students, resident physicians and attending physicians that “interviewed” me prior to meeting Volochniouk, I will simply referred to them all within this page using my raw journal notes. The entire experience was truly surreal as their questions, collectively, had zero correlation to any of my testimony/responses. I cannot wait to read my medical files from HSC-kng as I suspect they will contain some of the most spectacular fiction that has been written about me thus far.

HSC-long-positioned individuals (in reverse order of appearance) included:

  • Dr. Pettes, Volochniouk’s “second opinion” provider (who realized (as I was being escorted from the unit by security) that I did not have a valid OHIP card.
  • x
  • x

These are the raw journal notes from the 3+ day experience (for which Ontario taxpayers would have been billed (insert amount billed for the gaslighting).

20251220 I arrive at HSC-kng ER seeking a prescription (prn) and meet Social Worker Garrett (who was very impressed by my handwriting (re: 771 Bannatyne Avenue article) and ER Dr. XXX; transferred to Psych ER and interviewed by ?six? individuals 20241220-21.

Page 2 of 20241220-22

Summary of past two weeks (in preparation for meetings with HSC-kng’s Psych Ward team).

20241223 with Nurse Katie, resident Dr. Jogarajah and attending Dr. Volochniouk 

20241223 page 2 (PCA Ursula, Nurse Avalon)

20241224 with HSC-king’s Nurse Lee and (second-opinion-providing) Dr. Pettes.

20241224 page 2: tossed out without any safety plan as I wouldn’t ingest antipsychotics on demand. (This group is simply another group of conscience-free, irresponsible, drug pushers for “Big Pharma”: see exposure piece re: palioeridone beginning at and

Link to the disasters that were the Kingston Police Service, MSERT and Kingston Victim Services.