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pfi.ROCKS Organized Crime!
Internet Provider (“IP”) Addresses
Does the International Syndicate use them to Organize its Terrorist Cells & Communicate?
“Who Alerted Russia & Poland”
“Who alerted Russia & Poland?” Screenshot from pfi.ROCKS Visitor Analysis! on October 4, 2022. SAQOTU Inc.
If you are new to this whistle-blowing/advocacy site, this 48-minute explanation will bring you up to speed. (Apologies for the poor quality, it was a last-minute thought with an intentional posting date.)
Just want to skip to the highlights? Use this guide:
“Sociopaths are Sick & Twisted“, a photograph of John Kiska (as he phoned his friends (the Ottawa Police), stuck out his tongue and gave his ex-wife the finger) when he thought he would get away with multiple crimes against her & completely removing her from the lives of Sean and Cate Kiska who he’s deceived for their entire lives. June 27, 2022.
“Why do Narcissists Destroy their own Family? Is there a service now available to help them [at Kiska.com]?” by Andeé Sea Cae Jak
Andeé’s views on empathy: “What is Empathy? It falls somewhere between sympathy and compassion.”
(Link to Anne Kingston’s article “We are the Dead”: https://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/we-are-the-dead/)
“Abuse in Marriage & Divorce: Warning. As Goes the Marriage, so Goes the Divorce” by Sharon Zarozny
See excellent description of the narcissistic cycle of abuse (idealization, devaluation, discard) here .
>> Page under development 20221004 11:30 a.m. E.S.T. <<
Evidence against the local branch of this International Syndicate is being posted at pfi.ROCKS/organized-crime/swimlanes
Who Alerted Libya?
“Who alerted Libya?” Screenshot from pfi.ROCKS Visitor Analysis! on October 3, 2022.
Link to a draft, one-page summary of Andeé’s pre-Christian views on the multiple sub-species within humanity is here.
Link to draft article “The Myth labelled Psychiatry” is here.
This issue is dedicated to Kurt Cobain, one of our artists lost.
Meet Andeé Sea Cae Jak