Ottawa Police Services Board

Cheryl Cross

20220822 Oral Testimony on YouTube

This Taxpayer-funded Domestic Violence & Child Abuse (#TDVCA) participant charged me with three counts of criminal harassment after I attempted to see pictures of my perfect children, Sean and Cate Kiska, who were “court-napped” by their biological father with the assistance of career criminals who operate via child protection services, law enforcement and Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice.

OPS Detective Cheryl Cross (insert actual photo and summary) … and enjoys torturing women and children for pleasure and/or profit. 

During April 2021, the final day for me to issue multiple Civil Actions against (see below), I was picked up by OPS without a warrant and informed that I was to discuss a matter with Constable Cheryl Cross.

There was no discussion. I was simply charged and denied release unless I agreed to remove my evidence-laden whistle-blowing site from public view. I had 48-hours to move it to my back-up site ( and password protect it.


Want to see what it looked like just before they arrested me? E-mail me at and I’ll send to you the password!


It will be difficult to itemize the irreparable harm that Detective Cheryl Cross has caused me and my two children: we are still paying the price today.

SUMMARY: In reverse chronological order:


  • 20221221 After our conversation, I submitted the following question to Passport Canada on-line through their portal:

Would you please tell me how to replace my stolen-by-police passport? A copy is viewable here:

…as well as on OPS Det. Cheryl Cross’s Victim Impact Statement page here:

Thank you.”

  • 20221221 I had a lovely 13:10 minute conversation with Passport Canada:
    • First, they told me that they would not be able to provide any written response.
    • Then, they told me that I needed to speak to a lawyer.
    • Finally, they told me that I would need to put my request in writing.
  • 20220830 Interestingly, Michelle Doody chose to provide beyond-a-reasonable-doubt evidence of extortion by OPSB via an e-mail which consented to my (temporary) discontinuance of my Civil Action against them IF I gave up right to seek damages from them … forever. The conscience-free woman’s e-mail is here and the two attachments were:
  • 20220822 As she did not answer, I left for her a voicemail (same as video pinned at the top)
  • 20220815  After a TON of run-around (including driving out to their property room on Swansea), I was told by OPS that Cheryl Cross had not yet released my passport; so, I sent to her this e-mail.
  • 20220524 Following the advice of my defense attorney, I agreed to the extorted offer by Ottawa’s Crown Attorney’s Office and accepted a whack of illegal conditions as part of a Probation agreement (aka more abuse of my mother-less-for-nearly-four-years children Sean Kiska and Cate Kiska) so I could flee the organized crime cesspool that is Ottawa Ontario. (see pinned Tweet: There is no condition that anyone should have my passport and I was told I would be getting in back.
  • 20220519 Shortly before my “sentencing” hearing, OPSB threatened to remove my right to seek damages from ANY member of Ottawa’s Crime Syndicate with this draft Notice of Motion to Strike
  • 20220301 I decided to add “Detective” Cheryl Cross’s name to my $13M+ civil action against her employer (see pfi.ROCKS/organized-crime/vis/michelle-doody for extortion currently being employed by the Ottawa Police Services Board.)


  • 20210409 I was released from OCDC with the following new conditions:
    • x
    • y
    • z
  • x
  • 20210407 Just before my Civil Actions against:
    • Dr. Paule Kemgni/John Kiska (false NCR opinion dated 20190408),
    • Lamah El-Rayes/Diego Fernandez-Stolls/Khaldoon Habib-Allah/OPSB (Eviction Scam finalized 20190408) and
    • SCJ Judge Calum MacLeod (legalized kidnapping dated 20190408)

Cross arranged for my arrest. The crime? Trying to see pictures of my children on their Instagram accounts as I have no idea what they look any more.    ||   See how bold they are? 2019  0408 >> 12  12 >>  3  3  >>  6    … three times. God help on judgment day.  

The only new condition required for my release from jail this time? Condition #x: remove from public view. (Yes, another gag order. See Kevin B. Phillips for the first illegal gag requested by John Kiska and facilitated by Malcolm Savage in 2019.)


  • After Mike Boyce lost his FOUR-HOUR attempt* to have me re-imprisoned prior to my criminal trial (and, coincidentally, merely weeks prior to a Summary Judgment Motion illegally scheduled against me by crooked SCJ Judge Tracy Engelking and heard by crooked SCJ Judge Mary Fraser), he insisted that his accomplices at the Ottawa Police Service steal my passport. This was listed as condition #x in my 202010xx release order.
  • x
  • x

*Most expensive transcript obtained to date. (see item #x)












  1. Parties to Offence (link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
  2. Accessory after the fact (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
  3. Fraud (X counts)
  4. Defamatory Libel (X counts)
  5. Forgery (0 counts)
  6. Fabricated Evidence (X counts)
  7. False Affidavit (X counts)
  8. Perjury (X counts)
  9. Disobeying a Statute (X counts)
  10. Criminal Harassment (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)


(link to Statement of Claim: in the interim two samples are viewable here and here)

  1. Negligence: _.
  2. Defamation: _.
  3. Breach in fiduciary duty: _.
  4. Knowing assistance in breach in fiduciary duty: _.
  5. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
  6. Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
  7. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.
  8. Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.

EVIDENCE OF CRIME/VIOLATIONS: ACTIONS AND/OR INACTIONS OF CHERYL CROSS, domestic terrorist employed by the Ottawa Police Services Board.

    1. ________:
    2. ________:

(link to Private Information form: in the interim, here are links to two samples. The first one (.pdf) is against crooked psychiatrist, Dr. Paule Kemgni and the second one (an editable MS Word document) is against pathological lying “child protection” worker (of which there are an abundance), Mohammed Said whom has committed MANY more crimes since I prepared this form last year.)