pfi.ROCKS Archives! 2020 — PLACEHOLDER ONLY

Photograph Heart in Love Wallpaper HD by


I started 2022 forced to continue living in one of the worst parts of Ottawa. On January 22nd, someone was murdered in the apartment beneath me and career criminal Crown prosecutor Malcolm Savage refused to provide consent so that I could move to a safer part of town.

In February, …. .

(insert commentary in due course)

On May 24th, in exchange for a guilty plea to violating S. X “Unlawfully in Dwelling*” (my matrimonial home of which I still own half, following FIVE MONTHS of John Kiska and the CAS being in contempt of a CYFSA court order) in exchange for the Crown’s withdrawal of all the other bogus charges … just so they could keep me from Sean & Cate learning the truth for ANOTHER three years. I cannot even contact their teachers to see how they are? (insert probation order once scanned)


“In Ottawa, kids from broken homes that are raised by the abusive (neglectful? grooming?) parent are BIG Business!!”


On June 6th, the Syndicate’s motion to attempt to shut down my Civil Action regarding their theft of ~$500,000 in my & my children’s property (while I was illegally detained in Quebec for other bogus charges) was heard and illegally dismissed. Details will be linked to crooked judge Ryan Bell

In order to be in a position to flee Ontario, on July Xth, …. 

With the kind assistance of [insert name of organization], I was finally in a position to flee Ottawa with most of my remaining possessions on August 1st and landed in [insert town]!) My arrival didn’t quite go as planned; however, it could all be for the best. 

“Porch With A View” by Andeé Jak of SAQOTU Inc. on Saturday, August 6th 2022.


A very cool thesaurus is viewable here

Placeholder Only: need to copy material from after some evidence against CAS, OPSB, Crown, OJC & SCJ is redacted so I can avoid re-arrest.

May 2020

August 2020

September 2020

November 2020   (Readership stats)

2019   < || >  2021

On MMMM DD , … to be continued..