Writing Karaoke Covers … backwards comme Dave Chappelle!

Tune: So far we have  …. Shaggy’s “Wasn’t Me“, Justin Beiber’s “I’m the One“,  Serebor’s Mi Mi Mi

Work into screenplay intertwining $50M civil action against Downey

Pierre: where, hair, share, care, lair, flair, snare, tear, “wheat from the tare”

Max: stacks, lacks, attacks, quacks, backs, hacks, shacks, …. “injections not vax”

[insert name]: lame, fame, blame, came, dame, claim, maim, name, same, tame, “incapacity to experience shame”

J’essaye, j’essaye, j’essaye 

Ma personnalité n’est pas parfaite

Ce n’est pas ma faute si ……

mieux, … vieux …


Singh: ring, fling, thing, …… sting