PLACEHOLDER FOR just-another-crooked-lawyer Susan Galarneau and OCL-positioned terrorist, Patric Senson


20211014 Factum used to remove loving mum from lives of abused children, Sean & Cate.

20211014 Compendium used remove loving mum from lives of abused children, Sean & Cate.

Evidence of severe domestic violence of which Galarneau had, or ought to have had, knowledge:

Insert scroll box with copies of e-mails on which Galarneau was cc’d














Excerpt from Galarneau’s 20211014 Factum: “The original protection concerns related to the mother’s mental health. She
presented as paranoid, with a belief that the father was part of a conspiracy to hurt her and the children. Unfortunately, these concerns were never addressed by the mother and she continues to believe that there is a giant conspiracy against her, including by the judiciary and the Society”  (emphasis added)