Evidence of Complete Lawlessness at Ottawa’s
Superior Court of Justice FIX LINKS
WHAT: Motions to have Gonen Snir removed from the Record of Divorce File FC-15-2446 and Child Abduction/Abuse File FC-19-CP08
WHEN: Scheduled to occur by tele-conference on Thursday August 27, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting https://ca01web.zoom.us/j/67620887567?pwd=TnFGUXl0OWdhTkEreERhSnViZDduUT09
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HOW: Blatant disregard for the Courts of Justice Act. For unbelievable exchanges between $300+/hour lawyers and SCJ-Staffer James Law, here are a few incredibly self-incriminating e-mail threads.
Justice Pamela MacEachern
One of her illegal endorsements by which these unlawful Motions were scheduled is viewable here and the Affidavit that I will present to support her arrest and detention is being finalized here.
Justice Marc Smith
The 20200827 decision: The court has ordered that Gonen Snir be removed from the Record of both of my family matters … and not because of any mental incapacity on my part. The court sees no need for OPGT to be appointed to represent me. No damages were awarded to me today; however, in all fairness to Justice Smith (and me), it would have been impossible to establish quantum given the limitation that was unjustly placed on my affidavit by MacEachern. That I was not awarded damages today was not a surprise; however, seeking damages in my Affidavit served its useful purpose—Snir went on full-throttle character assassination to avoid liability … while defending my mental capacity so that Team Smith-Souder-Scholey would lose. (Sadly, I was told that I was not permitted to record anything and I dutifully stated that I did not record anything.) So, likely the best outcome possible for me (my compensatory damages requested were too low) plus, I collected more evidence of more counts of perjury, defamation, collusion, fraud, false document, false affidavit, accessory after the fact, etcetera against Group.
Gonen Snir
His illegal Motions materials upon which (insert next judge’s name) decision will be made are inadmissable:
- Divorce file FC-15-2446:
- 20200522 Notice of Motion
- 20200522 52-page Form 14A Affidavit (used when one is seeking a change in a temporary order)
- 20200821 39-page Form 14A Affidavit (used when one is seeking a change in a temporary order)
- Child Abduction/Abuse file FC-19-CP08:
- 20200522 Notice of Motion
- 20200522 53-page Form 14A Affidavit (used when one is seeking a change in a temporary order)
- 20200821 39-page Form 14A Affidavit (used when one is seeking a change in a temporary order)
My work-in-progress Affidavit to be used for my civil action/criminal allegations against Snir is viewable here.
Deborah Souder
This woman did not serve or file any admissable materials. (My work-in-progress Affidavit against her is here.)
Debora Scholey
This woman did not serve or file any admissable materials. (My work-in-progress Affidavit against her is here.)
Wade Smith
This man did not serve or file any admissable materials. (My work-in-progress Affidavit against him is here.)
At some point, team Snir-Smith-Kiska-Souder-Scholey decided that they had better recruit Kim and I ended up with another self-incriminating e-mail (20200825 11:31) These things just keep digging themselves further and further into a deep, dark hole—which is fine by me. This e-mail had four attachments:
- A piece of “case law” from 2007, sent in MS Word format, that was modified by crooked OPGT lawyer, Walter Kim, in 2015: C.C. v. the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto*.”
*This is the reason for my question which I posted on Reddit last night: https://www.reddit.com/r/Gangstalking/comments/ihaoaq/responses_received_in_another_part_of_this_forum/
Walter Kim
Why this man is even permitted to be involved in the Motions is anyone’s guess. (My work-in-progress Affidavit against him is here.)
The only thing that he has done so far (of which I am aware) is:
- fail to act on any of the evidence of which he has been provided for over two months (liability pursuant to Section 21(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada)
- allege that I am “mentally incapable” which is a negligent, defamatory statement either intentionally or negligently made to inflict emotional harm on me and facilitate the continued defrauding/defamtion of me and abuse of my children.
- provide to Snir, Smith, Souder and Scholey legal advice on how to “work-the-system” (evidenced here )
- Violate section 366(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada, Making false document (see details under Wade Smith for now: the Motions are scheduled to commence in 22 minutes)
My follow-up e-mail to Souder, Scholey and Smith-where I asked Superior Court of Justice Staffer, James Law, if anyone but me would be permitted to be heard since I was the only person to serve and file “admissable”* materials is here. (Keep in mind that it took these four lawyers days to discuss their availability in order to attend this unlawful Motion; which means that … they each have other victims!)
Deirdre Moore
- My 20200821, 2-page Affidavit with eight pages of exhibits labelled A-E were the same for both files: Divorce File and Child Abduction/Abuse File
- Exhibit A provides evidence of, among other things, financial abuse
- Exhibit B states some of the ways in which Snir’s Motion materials were illegal
- Exhibit C demonstrates the incriminating page of Snir’s retainer agreement
- Exhibit D proves that Snir asked me to release him (and trigger his scandalous $60,000 fee); stating that I could do a better job than he
- Exhibit E lists the orders that I will be requesting next Thursday
As always, I ensure to check for delivery receipts so that Group could not claim that I did not send/file any materials. (Here is the Divorce File e-mail to Group and corresponding Delivery Receipt and here is the Child Abduction/Abuse File e-mail to Group and corresponding Delivery Receipt.
*If MacEachern had not violated the Courts of Justice Act by limiting the materials to 10 pages, I would have served and filed a Reply Affidavit, in response to Snir’s scandalous 20200821 materials, with the following exhibits:
- Exhibit A
- Exhibit B
- Exhibit C
- Exhibit D
- Exhibit E.1 and Exhibit E.2
- Exhibit F
- Exhibit G
- Exhibit H
- Exhibit I
- Exhibit J
One has to ask, can Pamela MacEachern or Gonen Snir even read?
- Rule 15.04(1.2) of the Rules of Civil Procedure in the Courts of Justice Act clearly states that evidence is NOT to be served or filed as it could jeopardize the client.
(1.2) The lawyer making the motion shall ensure that any information contained in the notice of motion or in the motion
record that is subject to solicitor-client privilege or that could, if it were disclosed to another person, be prejudicial to
the client, including the grounds for the motion, is redacted or omitted from the notice of motion and from the motion
record before,
(a) serving the notice of motion or, if applicable, motion record on a party other than the client; or
(b) filing the notice of motion or motion record. O. Reg. 537/18, s. 3 (1). 3
(1.3) The lawyer shall provide to the presiding judge or officer at the hearing the complete and unredacted versions of
the notice of motion and motion record, which shall be returned by the judge or officer to the lawyer after the hearing
and shall not form part of the court file. O. Reg. 537/18, s. 3 (1). - At paragraph 15 of MacEachern’s illegal endorsement, she clearly stated that materials were limited to 10 pages or they would be considered (unlawfully) inadmissable!