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In how many ways is Andeé trying to expose this crime syndicate?

As many as she can, while she can.



 Andeé Jak / Deirdre Moore


Twitter:  @CaeJak   ||  Instagram: @ascjak  ||  Deirdre-Moore-27

YouTube: @Saqotu2097   ||   Bitchute:  Andeé Jak  ||  Dropbox:  Vault  ||  (613) 848-6832

Voiced-over explanations of how the Syndicate operates

  1. 20230120: “Naming Names 1” Judges and Justices of the Peace (00:30:14)
  2. 202301xx: Naming Names 2 Crown Prosecutors
  3. 202301xx: Naming Names 3 Ottawa Police
  4. 202301xx: Naming Names 4 Children’s Aid Society
  5. 202301xx: Naming Names 5 Office of the Children’s Lawyer
  6. 202301xx: Naming Names 6 Bell Baker, Victor Vallance Blais, Addelman Gilbert Baum Robertson, Snir Law & other lawyers 
  7. 202301xx: Naming Names 7
  8. 202301xx: Naming Names 8
  9. 202301xx: Naming Names 9
  10. 202301xx: Naming Names 10
  11. 202301xx: Naming Names 11
  12. 202301xx: Naming Names 12 So-called Friends & Family
  13. x
  14. x
  15. x
  16. x

Interviews by Andeé


202302xx 2nd interview

202302xx 1st ever interview “Fully Informed Consent” w Matt  (pending)


Interviews by Others

>> …

>> …

20230718Now, it’s also a Hate Crime” w FName LName (01:24:38) (linking of evidence is ongoing as of 20230720)

20230117 2nd interview* “Everything but Swimlanes” w Ronnie York & Steve Harloha (02:36:46) >> DELETED FROM YOUTUBE IN UNDER ONE WEEK

20230110 1st ever interview “Rocking Swimlanes” w Holly Baglio (02:40:00)

*Shortly after receiving second creepy torture/death threat in under two weeks (following public exposure of crooked lawyer Joe Addelman and OPS Francois D’Aoust) &, therefore, somewhat impaired. (sorry Ronnie)