Work-in-progress: last updated 20250101
pfi.ROCKS Exposure! by a family of ?
- Exposing Alphabet Inc.’s wicked long-term plan for the Musical Artists that built its business
Apple’s Photo “Shop”: how to recognize, document and report it
- Amazon: a Monster Company that is Out of Control (a (dated) work-in-progress is viewable at
- (w-i-p) “What are Chemtrails?” by FName LName (or anon)
- (to-do-list) “Public Health Advisor Dr. Theresa Tam: should …” by FName LName (or anon)
- (w-i-p) “What are they up to in Psych-IA-try?” by Andee Jak
- (to-do list) “What is Biodigital Convergence?” by FName LName (or anon)
- Introducing Matt Vickaryous‘ (a self-professed: “shameless promoter of lizards in regenerative biology” as advertised on Twitter at
- (w-i-p) “Why is COV-19 Testimony being Harvested?” by FName LName
- (started 20230813) “Are there any risks associated with 5G wireless technology?” by [collaborative effort]
- (w-i-p) “Not Criminally Responsible Opinions: Can these be purchased from cash-strapped Residents & New Psychiatrists?” (Dr. Paule Kemgni)
- (draft) “Not Criminally Responsible Opinions: Can these be purchased from cash-strapped Residents & New Psychiatrists?” (Drs. Zeynep Selaman & Joel Watts)
- Are they planning to further weaponize the bogus field of psychiatry even more than they already have? What the heck is ODD? link to announcement re ROMHC’s Dr. Gail Yenter Beck as new OPSB Chair.
- Is Poverty in Canada orchestrated by governments?
- Is Canada’s legal/judicial system being completely automated and replaced with AI? (If they provide a Twitter device, will it still be considered “solitary confinement”?
- Canadian Politicians:
- Bernier, Maxime
- Trudeau, Justin
- Trudeau, Pierre
- Poillievre, Pierre
- Singh, Jaghmeet
- Smith, Danielle (Alberta)
- American Politicians:
- Biden, Joe
- Trump, Donald
- x
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Why do they …?