
pfi.ROCKS Exposure!

What is The Crown Corporation?

Just another “conspiracy theory” or obvious, demonstrable ownership?

King Charles Coat of Arms as of 20230615

(20230615 Re-produced draft article by Jack Pendergrass based on original Twitter thread with source documents from and additional content as credited.

A work-in-progress last updated 20230615 20:362 NL

I get really tired of people who are supposed to be “top” corruption whistle-blowers, journalists and/or influencers claiming that the Rothschilds are the richest family. This is by far one of the biggest lies in the whole community of exposing the parasitic-predator class: the Rothschilds are only the shield and they do exactly what they are paid to do.

The word Rothschild means RED SHIELD: they are positioned to shield the TRUE power behind the money and the papal bloodlines. They didn’t just all of a sudden pop up with millions of dollars worth of gold to start their so-called “dynasty”. Their money came from the crusades and the money that the black nobility/papal bloodlines have been hoarding since the crusades and before.

Three Tiers of Bloodlines

(Click image to enlarge)

The knights templar, Jesuits and other orders were controlling most of the money, supplies and banking until they decided to have one central banking agency, or “dynasty”, to use as their figurehead.

“There is only ONE corporation: the Crown Corporation”

                         ~ Jack Pendergrass

All other corporations fall under the Crown Corporation (“Crown”) as sub-corporations. This is why American churches “must” sign up as a non-profit 501 corporation because a percentage of revenues is sent back to Rome; just like every other corporation including the HUMAN bodies that are corporations via birth certificates! (“Reclaiming your Sovereignty” by Johnny Liberty”).

Every village, city, county, state, province, country etc. is a sub-corporation reporting to the Crown that rules them all.


The top three sub-corporations are the three city states that control:

  • the banking industry (City of London),
  • the military industrial complex (Washington, DC) and
  • the head of the religious realm (Vatican City).

This is the HOLY SEE, the ALL SEEING EYE, THE ORACLES OF DELPHI and they control every intelligence agency in the world. They control the KGB, the CIA, FBI, DEA, MI5, MI6, Mossad, etc., etc. They also control the other intelligence-gathering, sub-corporations like:

  • the psychiatric industry (and its weapons masquerading as psychotropic medication),
  • social media sites (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc.)
  • search engines (Google, etc.)
  • Industry dominators (Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Tesla, etc.)

link to:  2019 draft “Is Amazon a Monster Company that’s Out of Control?” by Andeé Sea Cae Jak 

This is the HOLY SEE, the ALL SEEING EYE, THE ORACLES OF DELPHI and they control every intelligence agency in the world. They control the KGB, the CIA, FBI, DEA, MI5, MI6, Mossad, etc., etc. They also control the other intelligence-gathering, sub-corporations/industries such as:

  • the psychiatric industry (and its weapons masquerading as psychotropic medication),
  • social media sites (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc.)
  • search engines (Google, etc.)
  • Industry dominators (Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Tesla, etc.)

Want more information on who’s in which bloodline? Dive into the details on Twitter at  @doubleDutchquak (while you can.)

Meet Your Enemy


Taxes, tithes, fines and all other sources of income of all sub-corporations go back to the “God Father”. It is for this reason that the Italian MAFIA runs the way it does and why they kiss the ring of the Head; or, “God Body”.

The three Popes of power:

  • The Grey Pope: Pepe Orsini—the most powerful man in the world who controls the the other two.
  • The Black Pope: Arturo Sosa—the Superior General of the Society of Jesus (or, Jesuits) who answers to the Grey Pope.
  • The White Pope: Jorge Mario Bergoglio—Figure Head of Catholic Church which we see in the Vatican is just another figurehead and has no real power himself and answers to the Black Pope.


  • 4th level: various Presidents, Prime Ministers and leaders of the world in high-level positions of various higher-level secret societies and occult groups.
  • 5th level: Freemasons, members of Eastern Stars and various other secret societies that are comprised of our judges, lawyers, doctors, teachers, mayors, police, wardens, businessmen, land owners and others that aren’t that rich. (link to work-in-progress Ottawa Swimlanes)


  • Lower levels include the initiates recruited via fraternities, sororities and other secret oath groups that don’t know anything; but, want to gain power, control, wealth and prestige.

And Finally, the bottom-feeders:

  • The lowest level: gang-stalkers, snitches, groupies and blind sheep that create idols out of the rich, powerful and influential Satanic people. (link to work-in-progress gang-stalking materials)


Pay close attention parents!!! The very first level of initiation is getting children into Hitler Youth-type groups:

  • boy* and girl scouts,
  • FEMA youth,
  • Orders of demolay,
  • Rainbow girls, Brownies, etc.
  • x, y, z
  • so-called “Community Policing” and
  • (covertly) youth-oriented gang-stalking syndicates.

These days they don’t need to shop any further than the local elementary school.  School teachers (operatives) are glorified recruiting agents for secret societies.

*no longer exists; however, scout leaders may have re-surfaced in new entities such as Alaska Campfires


Citations, Sources & Additional Resources

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Other draft, living & complete articles

  1. Understanding Chinese influence on Canadian policy: AIIB, the United Nations & “Sustainable Development Goals” in Canada by Greg Scott
  2. Meet Maximus Inc. #HumanTrafficking #DomesticTerrorism #OrganizedCrime #Torture”
  3. Meet Policy Horizons Canada #BiodigitalConvergence #Biosurveillance #15-minuteCities and more
  4. x
  5. x
  6. x
  7. x
  8. x
  9. x

Link to draft outline: “Descending into Sociopathy”.

Link to draft article “The Myth labelled Psychiatry” here.

This issue is dedicated to Kurt Cobain, one of our artists lost.

Meet  Andeé Sea Cae Jak