Larry, Curly & Moe … aka

FName LName, FName LName & FName LName

aka the three crooked ON SCJ Divisional Court judges protecting SCJ Family court judge …

Pamela MacEachern

Following MacEachern’s scandalous YYYYMMDD Family court decision, I appealed it: the result? An unsigned, decision-free $10,00 cost award for abusive spouse and fraudster, John Kiska, and his second (of three) crooked, conscience-free Bell Baker LLP lawyers, Cheryl Hess (and her accomplice assistant, Katherine Gh[….]). Because of MacEachern’s:

  • forced, sick&twisted conference (vs. typical Motion as was requested) and
  • her multi-faceted, torturous decision,

I was not permitted to follow the “normal” appeal process: I was forced to seek leave (ie. permission) to appeal. The appeal documents and related correspondence (ie. irrefutable evidence against the four judges, the crooked lawyer and her assistant) is published below: