Queen v. Deirdre Moore

Bail Review Application to be heard on September 22, 2020 at 10:00 – 12:00

Outcome: Hopefully my bail conditions are removed, Savage and Karimjee are removed from Office, the Amicus Application is cancelled, six federal charges (and one provincial charge) are dropped and a half-day trial is scheduled so that I can defend myself against the initial “breach” (i.e. disobey court order) of the 20190408 illegally-obtained, CAS-constructed, child-abusing court order, receive a full acquittal and provide case law for other victims of terrorists currently unwittingly funded by the Province of Ontario,

Ideally, Kiska and many others are arrested, charged and denied bail; my children and I are safely reunited so that we can begin the healing process by holidaying somewhere far away from Ottawa.

AUDIO RECORDING OF THE HEARING (xx:xx:xx) with evidence that Crown prosecutor FirstName LastName continues his/her usual course of perjury, criminal defamation and unwarranted persecution, etcetera with ZERO acknowledgement that he/she is doing anything wrong. NEVER HAPPENED AS I  WAS RE-ARRESTED BY NRPS’s CASEY TENNANT BASED ON JOHN HOWARD SOCIETY SORAYA LENOBLE’s DEFAMATORY LIBEL + HIS OWN NEGLIGENT INVESTIGATION aka violation of S. 465 (1) (b) of the Criminal Code: Conspiracy to Prosecute.

My court submission:

  1. My Bail Review Application is: (here) (4 pages)  >> Note that all of the links within these documents are to alternate site twb.rocks as I was forced to remove pfi.rocks from public view following OPSB’s malicious re-arrest and Savage’s 20210407-09 malicious prosecution to protect the crooked judges I was exposing online. To access twb.rocks use: username MooresTeam and password #SlashTheirBudget!
  2. Exhibits: 
    • A – H
      • exhibit A: my 20151001 e-mail to Kiska alerting him to the fact that I would expose him for the wickedly abusive individual that he was.   (1 page)
      • exhibit B: multiple 201902 illegally-obtained, CAS-constructed court orders that completely removed me from my children’s lives within one month of former CAS employee and now SCJ “judge” Tracy Engelking scheduling the divorce trial for September 2019. (15 pages)
      • exhibit C: the results from the 2018 Office of the Children’s Lawyer Report that states, on page 21, that sole custody be awarded to me, the loving mother (44 pages)
      • exhibit D: evidence of my intentions to violate the 20190408 illegally-obtained, CAS-constructed court order which entirely refutes Crown Prosecutor Malcolm Savage’s (or anyone else’s) claim that I was “not criminally responsible” for my actions due to some mental illness.  (5 pages)
      • exhibit E: one of my anti-CAS articles posted to my LinkedIn and Facebook accounts evidence of my intentions to violate the 20190408 illegally-obtained, CAS-constructed court order which entirely refutes Crown Prosecutor Malcolm Savage’s (or anyone else’s) claim that I was “not criminally responsible” for my actions due to some mental illness.  (7 pages, though the links are no longer valid)
      • exhibit F: partial evidence against OPS Detective Alex Kirady, Detective Jean Benoit and Prosecutor Michael Boyce regarding conspiracy to persecute, false affidavits and false documents (7 pages)
      • exhibit G: partial evidence against OPS Detective Alex Kirady, Detective Jean Benoit and Prosecutor Michael Boyce regarding conspiracy to persecute, false affidavits and false documents (3 pages)
      • exhibit H: the table of contents of the 2-inch thick document that contained evidence against complainant (Kiska) and the CAS and was fully ignored by the OPS and the Crown which was ordered to obtain a second copy from provincial Crown Prosecutor Yvonne Goebel (1 page)
    • I  exhibit I is transcript from my Bail Hearing where Prosecutor Michael Boyce committed multiple crimes in Justice of the Peace P. Harris’s court on 20190727 to ensure that I was denied bail. (63 pages)
    • J-L & O-W
      • exhibit J: the 20190727 illegally-obtained, non-communication order that was granted by Justice of the Peace P. Harris (1 page)
      • exhibit K: 20190814 fax cover page evidencing that 54 pages of testimony was sent to the Crown Attorney’s Office and the CAS (1 page)
      • exhibit L: 20190815 charge sheet evidencing that Crown had now racked up seven ridiculous charges (3 pages)
      • exhibit M: Cover and table of contents of 20181231 Submission to Engelking that was scanned into OPS’s COPLOGIC database in 201901 and handed to Moiz Karimjee on 20191028 prior to his scandalous 20191030 character assassination during my 90-day Bail Review  (3 pages, with content available below at M.1 to M.7)
      • exhibit N: the cover of the transcript of Karimjee’s commissions of multiple counts of multiple crimes against me in from of Justice C. T. Hackland during my 20191030 Bail Review  (1 page, with the content provided below at N.1a to N.1d)
      • exhibit O: the 20191030 Release Order that stated I must live at Elizabeth Fry’s Lotus House … before I saw any “house rules” agreement or knew anything about its location or inhabitants. (2 pages)
      • exhibit P: evidence of my community involvement, fitness regime and professional endeavours (15 pages)
      • exhibit Q: my corporate Mission Statement as of 20200226 (1 page)
      • exhibit R: evidence of my futile attempts to receive any meaningful representation from either defence attorney Joseph Addelman or his associate family lawyer Gonen Snir. To my demise, the former assisted the Crown and the latter assisted the CAS (19 pages)
      • exhibit S: evidence of frustration with Addelman to the point of his pending release on 20190128 … when suddenly I was re-arrested!   (5 pages)
      • exhibit T: omitted due to publication ban that I requested out of respect for Elizabeth Fry and its reliance on donations (4 page)
      • exhibit U: omitted due to publication ban that I requested out of respect for Elizabeth Fry and its reliance on donations (1 page)
      • exhibit V: omitted due to publication ban that I requested out of respect for Elizabeth Fry and its reliance on donations (3 page)
      • exhibit W: evidence of my self-requested psychiatric assessment, my attendance at the 20200109 hearing and the disaster that was the resulting, incredibly misleading court order that stated “there were reasonable grounds …” for a psychiatric assessment which was illegally endorsed by Catherine Aitken (9 pages)
      • exhibit X: 20200916 e-mail to Family court attempting to bring a Motion for Contempt
      • exhibit Y: The CAS did not file any request for a Summary Judgment Motion: Tracy Engelking simply scheduled one for them; so, I didn’t realize (at the time) that it was a final hearing as the entire formal process was circumvented.
      • exhibit Z: Attempt to bring an Urgent Motion to change an (illegally-obtained, fraudulent, below-poverty-level) temporary financial support order and notice to the social services serving St. Catharines, Ontario
    • AA  exhibit AA is the 20200219 endorsement (1 page) regarding my civil action against Victor Vallance Blais (16 pages)
    • AB  exhibit AB is my 20200922 e-mail to Ontario Works re: evidence of my financial demise due to crooked judges and corrupt law enforcement (3 pages)
    • AC  exhibit AC is my 20200922 e-mail to Ottawa Works re: participation by BMO (bank-assisted fraud) to enable my being locked out of my own corporate savings (1 page)
    • AD  exhibit AD in my 20200922 e-mail to Wendy Robinson of Citizens Commission on Human Rights Ottawa regarding her new initiative to expose and Child Protection Agencies (2 pages)
    • AE  exhibit AE is the 20161213 Interim Shared Parenting Agreement which provided to Kiska interim sole possession of the matrimonial home and ended the moment Moore’s children were illegally apprehended from her home in February 2019. (3 pages)
    • AF  exhibit AF is the 20200102 e-mail from CAS lawyer Tara MacDougall evidencing her (a) attempt at extortion (that I agree sole custody goes to Kiska even though he is an abusive monster and the 2018 OCL recommendation stated sole custody should be granted to me … or else she would cherry-pick medical/police files to get a Summary Judgement against me) and (b) admission that the CAS has zero concerns about my “access” and they would agree to whatever Kiska wanted  (1 page)
    • AG  exhibit AG is a minute sample of Kiska pathological lying to the court  (3 pages)
    • AH  exhibit AH is a SAQOTU Inc. overview of motive regarding a sociopath and its modus operandi regarding emotional, psychological and financial abuse (1 page)
    • AI  exhibit AI is The Honourable Darlene L. Summers’  20171116 decision that permits me to seek extensive damages against Kiska for violations of both civil law and the Criminal Code of Canada in a Family Court setting: my materials were rife with evidence (11 pages)
  3. Appendices I and II: the truth behind the living arrangements at Lotus House and the “supervision” provided by John Howard Society where minimum wage employees are permitted to, essentially, create their own Criminal Code of Canada via agreements that are signed under duress with the massive loophole that we call Section 127 “Disobeying a Court Order”
    1.  The Elizabeth Fry Society
    2. John Howard Society
  4. A draft Court Order
    • Option #1: Original Order requested 
    • Option #2: Revised Order requested 20200922

Savage’s Court submission: there wasn’t one, he simply arranged for my re-arrest

*The 40-minute audio recording of the interview between OPS “Detective” Alex Kirady and me, which is far more accurate and revealing than the transcribed and practically incoherent notes is available: here) .

**The 2016 Interim Shared Parenting Agreement (https://twb.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/000131KJ_20200918_Materials_20200922_Bail-Review-Application_ex-AE-Interim-Shared-Parenting-Agreement.pdf) is the only document that provided to John Kiska interim sole possession of the matrimonial home and this agreement was effectively terminated the moment that Sean and Cate were illegally removed from my well-appointed rental property.