Fedchyshak v. Fedchyshak

Another case of lawyer-enabled fraud, torture & other crime, by Kristina Fedchyshak

202310xx partial verbal testimony  via interview on YouTube

Main Page: Steve Fedchyshak  ||  Form 8: Kristina’s Application (pdf)  |   Steve’s Form 10: Answer (pdf)  ||  Steve’s Form 13.1: Financial Statement (pdf)  ||  Kristina’s Form 13.1: Financial Statement  ||  Steve’s Answer: EO&MO Analysis  ||  Form 14: Notice of Motion  ||  Form 14A: Affidavit #1 – Kristina Fedchyshak  ||  Form 14A: Affidavit #2 – Penny Harvey  ||  Form 14A: Affidavit #3 – Deirdre Moore  ||  Form 22: Request to Admit 


(A Work-in-Progress Biography (for entertainment purposes only) started  20231021 >> last updated 20231022 14:15

In a nutshell,

There isn’t a “non-violent” crime that this psychological version of Paul Bernardo won’t commit in his ongoing attempt to drive me to suicide.

I actually witnessed physical changes as he descended further and further into deeper levels of sociopathy. The more he succeeded in system-enabled torture, the more sick and twisted he became.

On YYYYMMDD, I signed this Prenumptial Agreement (“Prenumpt”)

His decade-long enjoyment of torturing me and my children will take a while to evidence: this is merely a skeleton page which will eventually contain both oral and written testimony … and as well as links to the evidence that I am “permitted” to publish.

Ottawa has been totally infiltrated by sociopaths and there is no legitimate law enforcement, child protection or legal/judicial services. My advice to any non-sociopaths currently living there?

This is Steve’s third and current lawyer, Paul Bauerle of Protomanni Law. It would seem that, at a minimum, he knows not how to use a calculator or MS Excel.

Well, THIS is awkward.

This one is Steve.

He remains, among other things, a slum landlord with properties in Ontario:

  • 55 and 57 Margarey Avenue, St. Catharines, ON (matrimonial home) ~$600,000
  • 26 Chalmers Street, St. Catharines, ON ~$550,000
  • 141 Pelham Road, St. Catharines, ON ~$550,000 (owned by 2733790 Ontario Inc.*)
  • 184 Pelham Road, St. Catharines, ON ~$500,000 (owned by 2733790 Ontario Inc.*)
  • 16 Ambrose Street, St. Catharines, ON ~$550,000 (owned by 2733790 Ontario Inc.*)
  • 4140 and 4152 Chippawa Parkway, Niagara Falls, ON ~$650,000 (owned by 2733790 Ontario Inc.*)
  • 141 Pelham Road, St. Catharines, ON ~$550,000 (owned by 2733790 Ontario Inc.*)

* Dollars to donuts, Steve is just like Kiska and sliding through a TON of disallowable expenses in his corporate tax returns.

(Plus, Steve says his rental income is only $3,400/month. On $3,000,000 worth of real estate?? In today’s market?? A 1.36% annual rate of return on a risky asset class like residential real estate?? Not bloody likely.)

Mr. Fedchyshak seems to believe that his Prenump can circumvent the protections that are afforded by Canada’s Divorce Act. Apparently, he is not familiar with the term “federal paramountcy”.

Similarly, an exploitative prenumptial agreement should not be a “green light” for domestic violence that is prohibited by Canada’s Divorce Act, common law and the Criminal Code of Canada. Accordingly, I intend to seek damages for his torts and crimes … in a family court setting as is permitted (see Kiska v. Moore, 2017 ONSC 6872).

Interestingly, a search in CanLii.org for the word “prenumptial” produces zero results. How unsurprising is that. 🙄 

See over-simplified illustration here: https://twitter.com/CaeJak/status/1582834292194873344?s=20

Ms. McCartney,

Thank you for forwarding to me the Application that you served. I was surprised to see that you used a Form 8 instead of a Form 8A and think we should correct this error immediately. Clearly, mine is a case of severe domestic violence and divorce with grounds (ie. cruelty) is more appropriate than the Form 8 which you prepared and served. Kindly:

  1. withdraw that 20230922 Application (pursuant to Rule 12(1)),
  2. seek consent from opposing counsel that neither party will seek costs for this error and
  3. re-commence the process with a Form 8A Application-Divorce with grounds.

Also, please ensure that you request a divorce: I notice that this box wasn’t checked on page 5! Accordingly, I am seeking support under Canada’s federal Divorce Act … not Ontario’s provincial Family Law Act.

In addition, kindly prepare to bring a Motion for the following:

  1. an Order that Rules 8.1(4)-(7) do not apply because of urgency or my hardship and the fact that I was never informed of the Mandatory Information Session and the 45-day deadline prescribed at Rule 8.1(4) is long overdue,
  2. an Order for Interim Financial Support retroactive to date of separation 20220508 and
  3. an Order for Document Disclosure.

Finally, along with the Notice of Motion and the three Affidavits served after re-commencement of this proceeding, kindly serve on opposing counsel a Form 22 Request to Admit. To assist you, I began drafting of some of these documents and they’ve been published here: https://twb.rocks/organized-crime/vis/steve-fedchyshak



  Kristina Fedchyshak


It will be difficult to itemize the irreparable harm that John Kiska has caused me and my two children: we are still paying the price today and the fool likely consented to have them injected. The Continuing Record for this scandalous divorce file #FC-15-2446 is being uploaded as time permits and police complaints require.



  • 20231023  Errors, Omissions and Malicious Obfuscation Analysis (“EO&MO”) of Steve’s Form 1: Answer is a work-in-progress here.
  • 20231018  I received his 20230922 Form 10 Answer and Form 13.1 Financial Statement and was asked to draft a Reply for our upcoming meeting scheduled for 20231025 at 10:00.
  • 202303xx  I retained Bernadette M. McCartney via Legal Aid Ontario and she prepared a 20230404 Form 8 Application. I didn’t receive a copy until I asked for one on 20231019 and that’s when I learned she did not file my Application until 20230427; and, she didn’t use a Form 8A Application for divorce with grounds … cruelty. (Why the delay??) 


  • 202303xx  I retained Bernadette M. McCartney via Legal Aid Ontario and she prepared a 20230404 Form 8 Application. I didn’t receive a copy until I asked for one on 20231019 and that’s when I learned she did not file my Application until 20230427. (ummmm, Form 8A for cruelty?? and, why the delay??) 


  • 202210dd  I retained Ms. McCartney via Legal Aid Ontario.
  • 20220508  I separated from Steve by asking the police to escort me from the matrimonial home and bringing me to Gillian’s Place where I had previously made arrangements for shelter and support.


  1. Parties to Offence (link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
  2. Accessory after the fact (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)
  3. Fraud (X counts)
  4. Defamatory Libel (X counts)
  5. Forgery (0 counts)
  6. Fabricated Evidence (X counts)
  7. False Affidavit (X counts)
  8. Perjury (X counts)
  9. Disobeying a Statute (X counts)
  10. Criminal Harassment (X counts: link to page that lists each criminal she has assisted to commit a crime)


(link to Statement of Claim: in the interim two samples are viewable here and here)

  1. Negligence: _.
  2. Defamation: _.
  3. Breach in fiduciary duty: _.
  4. Knowing assistance in breach in fiduciary duty: _.
  5. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
  6. Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against me: _.
  7. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.
  8. Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress against Sean and/or Cate: _.

EVIDENCE OF CRIME/VIOLATIONS: ACTIONS AND/OR INACTIONS OF (INSERT NAME), domestic terrorist employed by the (insert employer).

    1. ________:
    2. ________:

(link to Private Information form: in the interim, here are links to two samples. The first one (.pdf) is against crooked psychiatrist, Dr. Paule Kemgni and the second one (an editable MS Word document) is against pathological lying “child protection” worker (of which there are an abundance), Mohammed Said whom has committed MANY more crimes since I prepared this form last year.)