FC-23-00000237 Fedchyshak v. Fedchyshak
Main Page: Steve Fedchyshak || Form 8: Kristina’s Application (pdf) | Steve’s Form 10: Answer (pdf) || Steve’s Form 13.1: Financial Statement (pdf) || Kristina’s Form 13.1: Financial Statement || Steve’s Answer: EO&MO Analysis || Form 14: Notice of Motion || Form 14A: Affidavit #1 – Kristina Fedchyshak || Form 14A: Affidavit #2 – Penny Harvey || Form 14A: Affidavit #3 – Deirdre Moore || Form 22: Request to Admit
(draft) Exhibit Book
pdf version
Superior Court of Justice Family Branch at 59 Church Street, St. Catharines, Ontario L2R 7N8 |
Court File Number FC-23-00000247 Form 14: Notice of Motion (general) dated October 23, 2023 |
Applicant |
Kristina Lee Fedchyshak c/o YWCA Shelter at 6135 Culp Street Niagara Falls, ON L2G 2B6 |
Bernadette M. McCartney, Barrister & Solicitor 307-43 Church Street, St. Catharines, ON L2R 7E1 (905) 682-4990 ph (905) 682-7755 fx mail@mccartneylaw.ca |
Respondent | |
Steve Fedchyshak 57 Margery Avenue St. Catharines, ON L2R 6J9 |
Paul Bauerle, Protomanni & Associates 303-43 Church Street, St. Catharines, ON L2R 7E1 (905) 685-1010 ph (905) 685-1012 fx pbauerle@protomannilaw.com |
The person making this motion or the person’s lawyer must contact the clerk of the court by telephone or otherwise choose a time and date when the court could hear this motion. |
THE COURT WILL HEAR A MOTION ON MONTH DAY, YEAR at 10:00 a.m., or as soon as possible after that time, at 59 Church Street, St. Catharines, Ontario L2R 7N8 |
This motion will be made by Kristina Lee Fedchyshak
who will be asking the court for an order for the item(s) listed on page 2 of this notice.
[ x ] A copy of the affidavit(s) in support of this motion is/are served with this notice.
[ ] A notice of a case conference is served with this notice to change an order.
If this material is missing, you should talk to the court office immediately.
The person making this motion is also relying on the following documents in the continuing record:
- the Application
- the Answer
- the Respondent’s Form 13.1 Financial Statement but
- not the Mandatory Information Program certificate
If you want to oppose this motion or to give our own views, you should talk to your own lawyer and prepare your own affidavit, serve it on all parties not later than 4 days before the date above and file it at the court office not later than ?2? days before that date. Only written and affidavit evidence will be allowed at a motion unless the court fives permission for oral testimony. You may bring your lawyer to the motion (if they’re not a career criminal).
………………………………………………………………………. Date of signature
…………………………………………………………………………….. Signature of person making the motion (or their lawyer)
Typed or printed name of person or of person’s lawyer, address for service, telephone & fax numbers and e-mail address (if any) |
NOTE TO PERSON MAKING THIS MOTION: You MUST file a confirmation (Form 14C) not later that 2:00 p.m. ?2? days before the date set out above.
If this is a motion to change part and future support payments under an order that has been assigned to a government agency, you must also serve this notice on that agency. If you do not, the agency can ask the court to set aside any order that you may get in this motion and can ask for costs against you.
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Form 14 |
Notice of Motion | (page 2) |
Court File Number FC-23-00000247 |
State the order or orders requested this section
The Applicant seeks the following orders:
- an order for interim financial support in the amount of $5,000/month retroactive to May 8, 2022;
- an order that each of the following entities send to both parties by November 15, 2023 complete, unredacted records as they pertain to Kristina Fedchyshak and/or Steve Fedchyshak:
- x
- x
- x
- x and
- x;
- an order that requirements for the Mandatory Information Program be waived;
- an order for costs for Bad Faith in the amount of $25,000 and
- an order for costs of this motion on a full indemnity basis.
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FLR 14 (June 15, 2007)