FC-23-00000237   Fedchyshak v. Fedchyshak 

Main Page: Steve Fedchyshak  ||  Form 8: Kristina’s Application (pdf)  |   Steve’s Form 10: Answer (pdf)  ||  Steve’s Form 13.1: Financial Statement  ||  Kristina’s Form 13.1: Financial Statement  ||  Steve’s Answer: EO&MO Analysis  ||  Form 14: Notice of Motion  ||  Form 14A: Affidavit #1 – Kristina Fedchyshak  ||  Form 14A: Affidavit #2 – Penny Harvey  ||  Form 14A: Affidavit #3 – Deirdre Moore  ||  Form 22: Request to Admit 

 (draft) Exhibit Book

pdf version



Superior Court of Justice Family Branch

at  59 Church Street, St. Catharines, Ontario  L2R 7N8

Court File Number   FC-23-00000247

Form 14A: Affidavit #1

(general) dated

October 23, 2023




Kristina Lee Fedchyshak

c/o YWCA Shelter at 6135 Culp Street

Niagara Falls, ON   L2G 2B6


Bernadette M. McCartney, Barrister & Solicitor

307-43 Church Street, St. Catharines, ON   L2R 7E1

(905) 682-4990 ph     (905) 682-7755 fx



Steve Fedchyshak

57 Margery Avenue

St. Catharines, ON   L2R 6J9

Paul Bauerle, Protomanni & Associates
303-43 Church Street, St. Catharines, ON   L2R 7E1
(905) 685-1010 ph     (905) 685-1012 fx

My name is (full legal nameKristina Lee Fedchyshak

I live in (municipality & province)  Niagara Falls, Ontario

and I swear/affirm that the following is true:

Set out the statements of fact in consecutively numbered paragraphs. Where possible, each numbered paragraph should consist of one complete sentence and be limited to a particular statement of fact. If you learned a fact from someone else, you must give that person’s name and state that you believe that fact to be true.


  1. On YYYYMMDD, I retained Bernadette McCartney (“McCartney”) to assist with my divorce.
  2. On 20230404, McCartney filed a Form 8 Application that was laden with errors and omissions (see 20231023 e-mail to her outlining deficiences at Exhibit A).
  3. Following several months of runaround, the Respodent’s lawyer (“Bauerle”) produced an Answer that was also laden with errors and omissions, as well as multiple paragraphs of malicious obfuscation (“EO&MO”) (see Answer EO&MO Analysis at Exhibit B). 
  4. I was forwarded a copy of the Answer on 20230919 and the Application on 20230920.


  1. On 202303xx, I retained Bernadette McCartney (“McCartney”) via Legal Aid Ontario (“LAO“) to assist with my divorce.
  2.  On 20230404, McCartney filed a Form 8 Application that was laden with errors and omissions (see 20231023 e-mail to her outlining errors, omissions and general deficiences at Exhibit A).
  3. Following several months of runaround, the Respondent’s lawyer (“Bauerle”) produced an Answer that was also laden with errors and omissions, as well as multiple paragraphs of malicious obfuscation (“EO&MO”) (see Answer EO&MO Analysis at Exhibit B).
  4. I was forwarded a copy of the Answer on 20230919 and the Application on 20230920 (see Exhibit C).


  1. These proceedings have already been delayed, through no fault of my own, for over six months and I am now experiencing severe poverty and homelessness (see 20231023 Financial Statement at Exhibit D vs. that of the Respondent (“Steve”) at Exhibit E.
  2. Steve’s stated income is highly questionable: given his ownership of X rental properties valued at over $3,000,000, it is likely to exceed $200,000.
  3. Married for over 25 years, I should be protected against from financial abuse by Canada’s Divorce Act; however, I am surviving solely on a tiny CPP disability pension of $X and some Ontario Disability Support Program (“ODSP”) for a total of $1,200/month after tax, see Exhibit F) as Steve has refused to pay any amount of support.
  4. Accordingly, I am living at a women’s shelter instead of a home of my own (see Exhibit G).
  5. A simple DivorceMate calculation would reveal that spousal support in the range of $X – $Y is warranted (see sample from another victim of a covert, malignant narcissist at Exhibit H).


  1. x
  2. x
  3. (insert recollection of events re: hit & run, etc.)
  4. x
  5. Accordingly, complete, unredacted records from the following entities is required:
    • Niagara Regional Police Service, Ontario Provincial Police, x, x, 
    • (insert Child Protection Service agencies)
    • (insert school boards)
    • Records related to pharmacies
    • Shelters: Gillian’s Place, CMHA’s Safe Beds, YWCA Niagara Falls
    • Canada Revenue Agency records for me, Steve, numbered company
    • x
    • x
    • x


  1. x
  2. x
  3. x
  4. x
  5. x

F.  (Insert section regarding withdrawal of Form 8 in order to file a Form 8A if consent not provided by EOB 20231024.)


  • The degree of Bad Faith already exhibited by Steve also justifies costs; even at this early stage (see X v. X at Exhibit X). 




Put a line through blank space left on this page



Sworn/Affirmed before me at ……………………………………………………………………….



in ……………………………………………………………………………..



on ………………………………..                  …………………………………………………………….

                         date                                                       Commissioner for taking affidavits




Signature (to be signed in front of commissioner)