FC-23-00000237 Fedchyshak v. Fedchyshak
Main Page: Steve Fedchyshak || Form 8: Kristina’s Application (pdf) | Steve’s Form 10: Answer (pdf) || Steve’s Form 13.1: Financial Statement || Kristina’s Form 13.1: Financial Statement || Steve’s Answer: EO&MO Analysis || Form 14: Notice of Motion || Form 14A: Affidavit #1 – Kristina Fedchyshak || Form 14A: Affidavit #2 – Penny Harvey || Form 14A: Affidavit #3 – Deirdre Moore || Form 22: Request to Admit
(draft) Exhibit Book
pdf version
Superior Court of Justice Family Branch at 59 Church Street, St. Catharines, Ontario L2R 7N8 |
Court File Number FC-23-00000247 Form 14A: Affidavit #1 (general) dated October 23, 2023 |
Applicant |
Kristina Lee Fedchyshak c/o YWCA Shelter at 6135 Culp Street Niagara Falls, ON L2G 2B6 |
Bernadette M. McCartney, Barrister & Solicitor 307-43 Church Street, St. Catharines, ON L2R 7E1 (905) 682-4990 ph (905) 682-7755 fx mail@mccartneylaw.ca |
Respondent | |
Steve Fedchyshak 57 Margery Avenue St. Catharines, ON L2R 6J9 |
Paul Bauerle, Protomanni & Associates 303-43 Church Street, St. Catharines, ON L2R 7E1 (905) 685-1010 ph (905) 685-1012 fx pbauerle@protomannilaw.com |
My name is (full legal name) Kristina Lee Fedchyshak
I live in (municipality & province) Niagara Falls, Ontario
and I swear/affirm that the following is true:
Set out the statements of fact in consecutively numbered paragraphs. Where possible, each numbered paragraph should consist of one complete sentence and be limited to a particular statement of fact. If you learned a fact from someone else, you must give that person’s name and state that you believe that fact to be true.
- On YYYYMMDD, I retained Bernadette McCartney (“McCartney”) to assist with my divorce.
- On 20230404, McCartney filed a Form 8 Application that was laden with errors and omissions (see 20231023 e-mail to her outlining deficiences at Exhibit A).
- Following several months of runaround, the Respodent’s lawyer (“Bauerle”) produced an Answer that was also laden with errors and omissions, as well as multiple paragraphs of malicious obfuscation (“EO&MO”) (see Answer EO&MO Analysis at Exhibit B).
- I was forwarded a copy of the Answer on 20230919 and the Application on 20230920.
- On 202303xx, I retained Bernadette McCartney (“McCartney”) via Legal Aid Ontario (“LAO“) to assist with my divorce.
- On 20230404, McCartney filed a Form 8 Application that was laden with errors and omissions (see 20231023 e-mail to her outlining errors, omissions and general deficiences at Exhibit A).
- Following several months of runaround, the Respondent’s lawyer (“Bauerle”) produced an Answer that was also laden with errors and omissions, as well as multiple paragraphs of malicious obfuscation (“EO&MO”) (see Answer EO&MO Analysis at Exhibit B).
- I was forwarded a copy of the Answer on 20230919 and the Application on 20230920 (see Exhibit C).
- These proceedings have already been delayed, through no fault of my own, for over six months and I am now experiencing severe poverty and homelessness (see 20231023 Financial Statement at Exhibit D vs. that of the Respondent (“Steve”) at Exhibit E.
- Steve’s stated income is highly questionable: given his ownership of X rental properties valued at over $3,000,000, it is likely to exceed $200,000.
- Married for over 25 years, I should be protected against from financial abuse by Canada’s Divorce Act; however, I am surviving solely on a tiny CPP disability pension of $X and some Ontario Disability Support Program (“ODSP”) for a total of $1,200/month after tax, see Exhibit F) as Steve has refused to pay any amount of support.
- Accordingly, I am living at a women’s shelter instead of a home of my own (see Exhibit G).
- A simple DivorceMate calculation would reveal that spousal support in the range of $X – $Y is warranted (see sample from another victim of a covert, malignant narcissist at Exhibit H).
- x
- x
- (insert recollection of events re: hit & run, etc.)
- x
- Accordingly, complete, unredacted records from the following entities is required:
- Niagara Regional Police Service, Ontario Provincial Police, x, x,
- (insert Child Protection Service agencies)
- (insert school boards)
- Records related to pharmacies
- Shelters: Gillian’s Place, CMHA’s Safe Beds, YWCA Niagara Falls
- Canada Revenue Agency records for me, Steve, numbered company
- x
- x
- x
- x
- x
- x
- x
- x
F. (Insert section regarding withdrawal of Form 8 in order to file a Form 8A if consent not provided by EOB 20231024.)
- The degree of Bad Faith already exhibited by Steve also justifies costs; even at this early stage (see X v. X at Exhibit X).
Put a line through blank space left on this page
Sworn/Affirmed before me at ………………………………………………………………………. town/city/municipality
in …………………………………………………………………………….. province
on ……………………………….. ……………………………………………………………. date Commissioner for taking affidavits |
………………………………………………………………. Signature (to be signed in front of commissioner) |