Draft Hockey Pool #0005A Contest

Introduction to Hockey Pool 5A

Legal Aid-funded Defense Attorney Joe Addelman, Craig O’Brien of Nelligan Law & Court-enabled Organized Crime

Accomplices at Nelligan Law || “Hockey Pool” Contest #5A ||  Nelligan client: sociopath John Kiska   Moore’s Request for Summary Judgment  ||  Nelligan Notice of Motion EO&MO Analysis


Introduction: After 10 years of attempting to divorce sociopath John Kiska (and having everything including my kids, my cat and my dog stolen), OPSB is now attempting to lock me out of receiving any justice in the civil courts too! OPSB facilitated the (1) unwarranted, unlawful apprehension of Sean and Cate Kiska in February 2019; (2) the unwarranted, unlawful charging and detention of me in July 2019; (3) the theft of $500,000 in property via an orchestrated eviction scam and (4) the ongoing torture of me and my children that continues to this day.

OPSB is also guilty of (5) enabling sexual assault via negligent investigation, (6) defamatory libel, (7) accessory to fraud, (8) extortion, (9) obstruction of justice and (10) terrorist activities. This contest is designed to be a fun way to evidence all of this before our court appearance of October 5, 2023 (draft details available here.) 

Taxpayer-funded, organized crime!

Bell Baker LLP accomplice Marta Siemiarczuk works here too!

This is what your tax dollars are funding: #TDVCA #HumanTrafficking #HumanTargeting #OrganizedCrime #Domestic Terrorism & #Torture

How many statements will this career-criminal entity produce? How many statements will contain errors, omissions and malicious obfuscation in order to protect  #TDVCA?

Contest Rules || Bets received as of [insert date, time & time zone] [insert hourly tally during 8-hour period]

    1. The pool organizer may only place one initial bet: then, they may place bets on any empty squares remaining after the pool has closed.
    2. Half of the pool’s net* proceeds are to be distributed to those whom are currently homeless [or insert your cause of choice] wherever the pool organizer is situated: the other half of the pool is to be e-transferred to the winner within 24 hours. If nobody bet on the winning square, then organizer can use those winnings to start another pool or send them to the cause of choice.
    3. Only bets received after [insert date, time & time zone] will be accepted.
    4. The maximum bet is [insert amount] per square**
    5. Bets will be accepted and logged on a first-received-first-accepted basis; anyone who has bet on a square that has already been made will be notified as soon as the duplicate is noticed. In those instances, they may submit a new bet which will be accepted/logged as soon as it is received. (This means that we must simultaneously administer the pool’s inbox. The pool’s inbox is: ([insert e-mail, Instagram OR Twitter address that will be used]) (It would be ideal if betters could view the bets as they are being placed.)
    6. Only one bet per person is permitted between hh:mm and hh:mm [time zone]; after hh:mm, there is no limit to the number of bets that can be made per person/team. (We are assuming that people will respect the nature of this pool and only place bets under ONE e-mail/Instagram/Twitter account. If you are a team, please submit your bet under ONE account. (Note: you may need a team to be in a position to place an intelligent bet; otherwise, you are simply gambling.)
    7. The intention of this pool is to raise awareness of how easily the Criminal Code, the Courts of Justice Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is violated by law enforcement, lawyers, Crown prosecutors and judges; as well as the degrees to which OPSB will go to in order to protect criminals and bury a whistleblower [or, insert intention].
    8. Should we inadvertently make a mistake as we develop this new form of “gaming”, we will not feel responsible. Accordingly, participate in this pool at your own risk and if you have any positive and/or negative feedback that could lead to an improvement of this pool, please let us know by e-mailing to the pool’s e-mail address.

Enjoy Pool #0005A!

*I will absorb the banking fees on my pool; however, please investigate what your bank might charge and adjust your maximum bet/”odds”/winnings accordingly. Or, if possible, run a cash pool and avoid the banking fees altogether!
**Gift cards are another fun alternative to cash.