
twb.ROCKS Exposure!

The Morgan Stanley Capital Index

Is there a Link between Market Performance and Torture, Trafficking & Terrorism?

Epiphany for this article was received on 20230910 – thoughts & evidence to be added as time permits

GICS® is an industry analysis framework that helps investors understand the key business activities for companies around the world. MSCI and S&P Dow Jones Indices developed this classification standard to provide investors with consistent and exhaustive industry definitions.

(20230910 12:28) draft article by Andeé Sea Cae Jake (last updated 20230910 12:38)

I have been attempting to divorce what I have been informed is a covert, malignant narcissist, or narcopath, John Kiska (“Kiska“) since 2013; however, he was connected to a massive crime syndicate (“Syndicate”) of which I was previously unaware (see Ottawa Swimlanes draft for Syndicate’s Business Model (reverse-engineered by SAQOTU Inc.) and Mummygate for hard evidence which identifies the types of characters that are positioned for Syndicate’s “guaranteed” success (i.e. rate of return).

The ooo sector captures equity returns from the following sub-sectors …


The ooo sector captures equity returns from the following sub-sectors … .

Introduce how divorcing a narcopath increases many expenses including, but not limited to, additional housing, additional energy consumption, additional etc., etc., etc.,  

“There is only ONE corporation: the Crown Corporation”

                                 ~ Jack Pendergrass

To do: Extract files and organize by MSCI sector and by date; link to documentary page. Describe how each sector profits for #TDVCA etc.


Every village, city, county, state, province, country etc. is a sub-corporation reporting to the Crown that rules them all (see The Crown Corporation).


Meet Your Enemy


(Insert details regarding the mutual fund industry, insurance company requirements, pension fund management and … the banking industry. (link to videos re: US Federal Reserve simply being part of a private banking cartel and zero to do with the U.S. Government other than its lender/printer of paper.)

The Mutual Fund Industry

  • x
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Insert accounts who are aware of this topic

Insurance Company Requirements

  • x
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  • z

Insert accounts who are aware of this topic

Pension Fund Management

  • x
  • y
  • z

Insert accounts who are aware of this topic

The Banking Industry

  • x
  • y
  • z

Insert accounts who are aware of this topic


Morgan Stanley Capital Index (“MSCI”) Major Sectors

insert link

insert link

insert link

insert link

insert link

insert link

insert link

insert link

insert link

insert link

Commodities List

insert link

Other draft, living & complete articles

  1. Understanding Chinese influence on Canadian policy: AIIB, the United Nations & “Sustainable Development Goals” in Canada by Greg Scott
  2. Meet Maximus Inc. #HumanTrafficking #DomesticTerrorism #OrganizedCrime #Torture”
  3. Meet Policy Horizons Canada #BiodigitalConvergence #Biosurveillance #15-minuteCities and more
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Link to draft outline: “Descending into Sociopathy“.

Link to draft article “The Myth labelled Psychiatry” here.

This issue is dedicated to Kurt Cobain, one of our artists lost.

Meet  Andee Sea Cae Jak