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pfi.ROCKS #Mummygate, the screenplay!
The Smoking Gun (of ’21)
A work-in-progress as I await my return call from NRPS’ Detective Mac Brown re: 23-104046. Last updated 20231112 15:00 e.s.t.
#Mummygate, the Darkumentary || Soundtrack || Rolling Credits || Outtakes || Cast || Producers || Directors
Screenshot of cover of Additional Information provided to the Crown/court one year prior to the extortion hearing of 20220524.
How many pieces of evidence did Ottawa’s Crown Attorney’s Office and its accomplices on the bench bury, ignore and/or discount-to-a-value-of-zero in order to keep a devoted mum from her two vulnerable children? Seventy-two. 72 pieces of evidence ignored before dropping most of the bogus charges and extorting her into an unlawful Probation Order; abusing Sean and Cate for an additional three years.
Proving conspiracy to prosecute under s. 465 of the CCC? One should include:[1]
- ☐ identity of accused as culprit
- ☐ date and time of the incident
- ☐ jurisdiction (incl. region and province)
- ☐ the words communicated in the conspiracy
- ☐ there was an agreement made between the parties
- ☐ the parties had an intention to agree to put a “common design into effect” and did in fact agree
- ☐ the parties did not change their minds or intention to put common design into effect
Good luck proving any of 👆 that 👆 nonsense
“What is the Crown Corporation?” by Greg Scott
“What’s up with all the Unicorns?” a multi-contributor, work-in-progress exposé
“How much did KC enjoy the 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony and why?” (Could it be …. ?)
“Why did KC’s mummy knight Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates? (coming soon)
To anyone who still believes that Canada’s criminal justice system is anything but a system designed to mock those who’ve realized:
- what a racket its entire legal-judicial system is and
- that they don’t actually need any of your tax dollars
hopefully this scene, “The Smoking Gun”, will help.
Please move, while you still can.
Andeé Sea Cae Jak
5-page introductory submission to Crown and court re: 21-DV6967 & 19-RD18130 (body)
#1 5-page testimony re: “Parental alienation of accused” which referenced 15 pieces of evidence:
Tab 003-01-01 FC-15-2446 Notice of Motion, 20210503 Affidavit w Ex A-D; Exhibits E-L & M (to receive transcript from MacEachern’s illegal Family “Case Conference”)
Tab 003-01-02 Evidence of 2013’s forced, six-week TOH hospitalization due to Kiska’s cruelty and TOH’s belief that he was providing truthful information about his wife
Tab 003-01-03 Moore’s 20210222 Case Conference Brief for Family court FCC-15-2446 against Kiska (without exhibits A-Z)
Tab 003-01-04 Justice Engelking’s 20190809 endorsement from a Family Trial Management Conference at which Moore was not in attendance because Kiska had falsely accused her of criminal harassment and, following her 20190726 arrest, she was denied bail even though she bad no criminal record.
Tab 003-01-05 Excerpts from 11-volume divorce file #FC-15-2446 evidencing legal bullying
Tab 003-01-06 Excerpt from CAS file evidencing the sadness of Moore’s children following their unlawful apprehension
Tab 003-01-07 Excerpt from CAS Mohammed Said’s 20190405 Affidavit: “he lost his best friend“
Tab 003-01-08 Kiska-Moore 2019 text thread: gloating re: theft of property and children, fraud; evidence of contempt of 20190408 court order and parental alienation
Tab 003-01-09 Excerpt from Kiska’s 2019 OPS interview: “[Mum moved to Texas]“
Tab 003-01-10 Civil Action CV-21-86203 re: 2019 Eviction Scam and Kiska’s theft of $500,000 in property from Moore
Tab 003-01-11 Small Claim SC-21-158279 re: unpaid spousal support and Kiska’s attempted FRO scam
Tab 003-01-12 Excerpt from Kiska’s 2019 OPS interview: instilling fear in Sean and Cate
Tab 003-01-13 Denial of access to medical records or proof of care for children
Tab 003-01-14 Excerpt from 2013 CAS file: Moore is the “perfect parent” and Kiska may be a bully
Tab 003-01-15 Excerpt from 2017 CAS file: Moore reports domestic violence; no concerns re: mental health
#2 5-page testimony re: “Malicious prosecution of accused” which referenced 19 pieces of evidence
Tab 003-02-0 I 20210325 VideoPlus $707.15 invoice for 20201013 Bail Hearing transcript
Tab 003-02-02 Affidavit of Moore’s psycho-therapist, Catherine Sullivan, MSW, RSW
Tab 003-02-03 💥 Transcript of Moore’s 20190726 interview with OPS Detective Alex Kirady💥 (aka Crown disclosure)
Tab 003-02-04 20190727 OPS Charge Sheet
Tab 003-02-05 20190727 Non-communication Order
Tab 003-02-06 20190730 E-mail from CAS to Kiska re: obtaining Final Order now that Moore detained
Tab 003-02-07 Transcript of Moore’s 20190815 Judicial Pre-trial w/ Crown’s John Ramsay and OCJ’s Justice Julie Bourgeois
Tab 003-02-08 2021004 Decision of Justice Charles T. Hackland re: re-election in OCJ
Tab 003-02-09 Excerpt from transcript of Moore’s 20191030 Bail Hearing w/ Crown’s Moiz Karimjee
Tab 003-02-10 Moore’s Reply to Savage’s 20191106 Application for an anti-Charter Gag Order with evidence tabs 1-14 and 15-31
Tab 003-02-11 20191108 Gag Order granted by Justice Kevin B. Phillips (without jurisdiction)
Tab 003-02-12 20200820 Release from Quarantine Facility
Tab 003-02-13 Moore’s FC-19-CP08 Brief for 20200828 “Assignment Court”
Tab 003-02-14 Transcript of 20200828 Assignment Court heard by (former CAS employee and crooked judge extraordinaire) Justice Engelking
Tab 003-02-15 Social assistance cheque (Sep 2020) from Niagara Region Community Services
Tab 003-02-16 Pages 1-50 of 104-page transcript of 20201013’s 3½ hour Bail Hearing during CONVID-19 (pages 51-103)
Tab 003-02-17 20201013 Release Order with ankle bracelet requirement
Tab 003-02-18 20210129 Revised Release Order without ankle bracelet requirement after failed “Certiori deal” by Crown’s Malcolm Savage.
Tab 003-02-19 Statement made to Savage by former attorney: ” … you are doing this on purpose.”
#3 3-page testimony re: “Credibility of Kiska” which referenced 12 pieces of evidence
Tab 003-03-0 I 20180514 Civil Action against Kiska’s lawyer: Affidavit of Documents
Tab 003-03-02 20180514 Civil Action against .Kiska’s lawyer: Additional Documents
Tab 003-03-03 20180514 Civil Action against Kiska’s lawyer: Consent and amended Statement of Claim
Tab 003-03-04 20180116 CRA Letter rejecting 20170905 Notice of Objection
Tab 003-03-05 20180125 E-mail from Moore to Kiska’s accountant to terminate his representation
Tab 003-03-06 20180209 Letter to CRA from Moore requesting an extension and CRA’s extension
Tab 003-03-07 20180515 Letter to CRA from Moore explaining expenses and nature of business
Tab 003-03-08 20180704 Letter from CRA vacating gross negligence penalties
Tab 003-03-09 Excerpt from Kiska’s 2019 OPS interview: “[Moore is schizophrenic.]”
Tab 003-03-10 2015 I227 e-mail thread of Kiska’s: “[Moore is schizophrenic]“
Tab 003-01-11 Excerpt from Kiska’s 2019 OPS interview: “[Moore could not communicate with anyone.]“
Tab 003-01-12 Transcript from 20190408 CYFSA hearing for final-not-final order from Justice MacLeod where Kiska states to the court “[I communicate with Moore fairly consistently.]“
#4 15-page testimony re: EO&MO of Kiska Affidavit which referenced 19 pieces of evidence
Tab 003-04-01 Excerpt from 20140710 TOH file: “Husband’s Collateral lnformation“
Tab 003-04-02 Excerpt from 2014 CC&B vs. evidence of false collateral information and CTO
Tab 003-04-03 20150926 separation by Moore
Tab 003-04-04 Excerpt from 201510 OPS report evidencing Moore was seeking a shelter and lawyer
Tab 003-04-05 Over $25.000 spent in four months to accomplish nothing
Tab 003-04-06 20161124 Moore re-initiates divorce
Tab 003-04-07 20170207-12 Over $5,000 in legal fees for terrible advice to seek a dividend
Tab 003-04-08 20191114 Exploitative Retainer Agreement of Gonen Snir
Tab 003-04-09 20200311 E-mail from Gonen Snir asking to be released
Tab 003-04-10 20210504 Letter re: payment of half of the 10 months’ overdue spousal support
Tab 003-04-11 20210407 Statement of Claim against Kiska and Kemgni
Tab 003-04-12 20210521 Endorsements from Justice Sally Gomery denying dismissal of claims
Tab 003-04-13 Excerpt from Moore’s 2018 Amended Answer: orders and damages sought
Tab 003-04-14 20170718 Affidavit of Moore re: seeking leave to amend Answer for FC-15-2446 (with exhibits A-S)
Tab 003-04-15 20170822 Factum of Moore re: seeking leave to amend Answer for FC-15-2446 with exhibits A-E and exhibits F-I
Tab 003-04-16 201302 E-mails: evidence of Kiska’s first big lie-there was never any two weeks of bizarre behaviour; merely marital breakdown
Tab 003-04-17 20130303 Excerpt from TOH file: evidence of Kiska’s first big lie-there was never any two weeks of bizarre behaviour and there was a specific trigger
Tab 003-04-18 lnvoice from Delaney’s Law Finn: Moore’s Powers of Attorney and Will
Tab 003-04-19 Sample of Technology-assisted Stalking & Harassment
#5 2-page testimony re: CAS remains Willfully Blind which referenced 3 pieces of evidence
Tab 003-05-01 Signed Consent Forms: Catherine Sullivan, Asmae Lamzouri and Dr. Iris Jackson
Tab 003-05-02 20181231 Submission to Engelking:
- Initial e-mail prior to personal service (1-3/10 only)
- Cover, Table of Contents, Executive Summary
- (for remainder see VIS page for Engelking)
Tab 003-04-03 2019 e-mail threads between Kiska and CAS Executive Director Kelly Raymond; or, view link in para. 80 of Moore v. CAS.
#6 1-page testimony re: CAS violates CYFSA which referred to 4 pieces of evidence (Additional testimony and evidence against the CAS is viewable in the current $10M Civil Action.
Tab 003-06-01 20180223 – Kiska bullies Moore’s parents into “flying monkey” status
Tab 003-06-02 20210513 Affidavit of Catherine Sullivan* re violation of CYFSA
Tab 003-06-03 20201016 e-mail from Nahum to CAS re: obfuscation of access
Tab 003-06-04 20201101 Refusal to permit mum to treat daughter to a birthday gift at a hair salon
*Sullivan’s second letter of support that was also submitted to the Crown/court for consideration dated 20220509 is viewable here.
Karaoke Cover for Rolling Credits: “(insert text)“
Other Karaoke ideas? 🎶 “Apple’s Got Safari“, “If you’re not on a Govvy Watchlist, by now“, “Say a Prayer for a Sharon“, “Girl named Dee“, “338 who Applaud and that’s All“, “50 Ways to [***] You Over“, … 🎶